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New Class: Gaurd

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#1 Xien Pk

Xien Pk
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Posted 09 August 2004 - 05:44 AM

Yea, make it a city Gaurd!

*They can get the same armor as a fighter..
*Their a bit stronger. (because they have some pervious training..)
*Can't use a hally, or Rose Blade. (Blade of Time is okay though..)
*A few new weapons created for them, due to the fact that they lose out on the Hally, and RB. (The new weapons would sound & look cool, but realy be just a bit weaker than 25 attack.. like 23 & 24.. then another one for lvl 26 that does 27 damage (to counter
*Can't attack, unless attacked first (unless attacking monsters), for they are ordered not to by their king (they hail from a new town.. whatever one has a king is reliced after the class comes out.)
*A big weekeness is that a Pk'er can just look at them, not attack them, then take out their healer first, as they 'do crap' about it. :P
*(can't remember whatelse I was gonna say, if sombody wants to pick this class-shell up, feel free..)

(This is just an idea that I came up with on the spot (like that big vault idea.. I'm on a roll tonigth! a bad roll prolly, but I can't tell this late if I'm babbleing or not..))

#2 Mec

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 12:11 PM

Why can't they use a hally or a rose blade? It doesn't make sense.

#3 Prophet

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 01:30 PM

Too similiar to fighters.
Si Senior!

#4 Cule

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 02:36 PM


#5 alone

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 02:40 PM

"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#6 Crane


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Posted 09 August 2004 - 03:03 PM

Xien PK, please drop the class suggestions; you will only make yourself infamous. They are too similar to Fighters and has several flaws. If a gaurd is in a party, PKers will kill off everyone else and leave him for dead in the monster-infested grounds because he cannot be a "Guard" as such and protect their group, as they are not attacking him. And what happens if two rival guards run into each other? Deadlock! They cannot attack each other because the other person has not attacked them yet.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#7 Xien Pk

Xien Pk
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Posted 09 August 2004 - 05:25 PM

First off, what so bad about being Infamous.. it's better than not being known at all!

Second, if nobody ever suggested any of these (half-as$ed classes) then the people that make the good ones wouldn't have a few ideas to work with.. meaning that sombody may take my ideas, and input them into a new version of the Gaurd class..

Third, I don't care if I'm infamous, I'd be imfamous for being anoying if it helped make this game better! (Thus, why I suggesed a splurge of things lastnight.. and it gave me somthing to do..)

#8 Mec

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 06:17 PM

Here's a suggestion for you Xien. Don't get ANY more lobotomies.

Not being known at all is better than being infamous.

I quote (not directly) from a book I once read.

Instead of saying 'I'm second class good', they'd rather say 'I'm first class evil'

#9 Ryuku


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Posted 09 August 2004 - 06:36 PM

OMG again.

#10 Mec

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 07:04 PM

Oh, what is a 'gaurd'?

#11 Aidon

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 01:25 AM

I refuse to look at any class where the person cant spell check the name of the class.

#12 green_mantis

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 10:01 PM

Xien, If you have anyone else where you live, ask them to proofread what you have typed, If they don't want to read it, then neither do we. Secondly, if they feel dumber after having read it, we probably do not want to read it then either.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

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