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Ring Of Regen

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#1 Xien Pk

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Posted 25 July 2004 - 03:49 AM

All that I think it should do is increase the speed that you regen HP (maybe MP too). But anyways, I hope that this idea goes through, because I'd like to own one somday, though they'd be bad atfirst, and cost far too much, the price would eventually lower...

#2 Zeppelin

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Posted 25 July 2004 - 05:28 PM

What's regen?

#3 Sneaky

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Posted 26 July 2004 - 11:22 PM

What's regen?

regen is a typo, either they mean former president Reagan or regain.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#4 Schizo

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Posted 26 July 2004 - 11:54 PM


Edited by Schizo, 26 July 2004 - 11:54 PM.

#5 Aidon

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 12:04 AM

Regen is a Final Fantasy term which refers to the name of a spell which lets you slowly regain HP while battling.

#6 Terence

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 04:21 AM

If this game gets big in the next 100 years, Sony's Final Fantasy will probably sue JLH for this Ring of Regen thing...So probably wouldn't happen...We are not trying to copy other games, we are suppose to suggest creative ideas.
Hi-2 letters
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#7 Da_J_Mooney

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 09:10 AM

its not copying them to add a ring of regen into the game, ive played many games that have regen in it and they are not all Sqauresoft.

I like the idea
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#8 Gaddy

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 09:49 AM

Well, this isn't nearly as detailed as Shane's ideas about rings that regain mana and hp faster. They're posted in the Nightmist development section.
Some people should start posting stuff like this there, it is too under-used with how many 'suggestions' belong in development or boss drops.

There also needs to be a new area called "Classes and such that will never be added." for all new class suggestions. (not because there will never be a new class, simply because no player is going to give info for a class that will be used to a tee)
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#9 green_mantis

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 06:30 PM

Don't say that Gaddy, if there are no players with ideas for classes and such, then how are the staff going to think up a class that players want?
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#10 Gaddy

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 09:41 PM

Don't say that Gaddy, if there are no players with ideas for classes and such, then how are the staff going to think up a class that players want?

You seem to be under the impression that staff can't think or don't know just as much and some as for what fits in nightmist as any player.

Almost none of the class suggestions I've seen posted on forums are even decent. They're, for the most part, just noobs suggesting some class from another game.

Not a single person in Nightmist could completely come up with a class anyway. Just a direction for a class to swing towards...

Either way, items, classes, races, and all of that sort of stuff should go in the developement section in my opinion. Suggestions are more like suggesting that /load alt could work for multiple alts. These are more like additions to the actual game rather than commands or rules, more like developement.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#11 Issy

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Posted 28 July 2004 - 08:00 AM

Don't say that Gaddy, if there are no players with ideas for classes and such, then how are the staff going to think up a class that players want?

I've seen more suggestions for 'necro' or 'vampire' classes then I have the right mind to think about.

I do have to admit though, some people do spend a little time, come up with some decent details, and come up with what would seem to be a decent class. But inevitably, the answer is still going to be NO And the sad thing is, no-one gets it through their head, and they continue to post, and they continue to get razzed at until their motivation to play NM is shot down.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

#12 Xien Pk

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Posted 28 July 2004 - 01:33 PM

Schizo, thank you for knowing what I'm talking about.

Aidon, you're a moron, it's not a FF term, it's just a shorter way of saying regeneration.

Gaddy, you're also in the short bus, because nomatter who the staff are, they can't think of the same amount & quality of classes/races that 'they and we' can (the staff, and the players... two heads are better than one!)

(Of offence, but a lot of you seem to like to pretend like you know 'wtf' you're talking about! When realy, you're 'gaming newbies', and think that Ring of Regens are from Final Fantasy! HELL, they were first in DND! LEARN MORE BEFORE YOU TALK LIKE YOU KNOW MORE!!!)

#13 Aidon

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Posted 28 July 2004 - 08:37 PM

I wasn't going to post a reply until I seen what an utter idiot you are. Not once did I say FF had Ring of Regen. Nor did I say it was the first game to use the term or the idea. I DID say that it was spell in the game, but thank you very much for resorting to offensive tactics when someone makes a statement, since it is the in thing, heres my shot,

"2 heads are better than one only when the second head isnt a shurnken shriveled piece of crap with no reading comprehension nor ability to piece together an intelligible thought without clouds of smoke nor drool. (not meaning all players, more or less just you and those which react like you)."

#14 Xien Pk

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Posted 29 July 2004 - 01:06 AM

Regen is a Final Fantasy term which refers to the name of a spell which lets you slowly regain HP while battling.

I could only assume thats what you ment..

#15 Aidon

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Posted 29 July 2004 - 03:51 AM

What thats a name of a spell in Final Fantasy. Didnt say it was never coined anywhere, just that it is in Final Fantasy, which it is. I was always told, when you assume you make and ASS out of U and ME

#16 ice_cold

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Posted 29 July 2004 - 05:26 AM

Don't say that Gaddy, if there are no players with ideas for classes and such, then how are the staff going to think up a class that players want?

You seem to be under the impression that staff can't think or don't know just as much and some as for what fits in nightmist as any player.

Almost none of the class suggestions I've seen posted on forums are even decent. They're, for the most part, just noobs suggesting some class from another game.

Not a single person in Nightmist could completely come up with a class anyway. Just a direction for a class to swing towards...

Either way, items, classes, races, and all of that sort of stuff should go in the developement section in my opinion. Suggestions are more like suggesting that /load alt could work for multiple alts. These are more like additions to the actual game rather than commands or rules, more like developement.

Posted: Mar 31 2004, 10:20 AM
Races: Human, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Half-Orc

Hp gains:
starting hp = con+4
17- con = 13-17
18 con = 14-18
19/20 con = 14-19
21 con = 15-20
22 con = 16-20

mp gains:
starting mp= wis-1
17 wis = 6-10
18 wis = 7-11
19 wis = 7-12
20 wis = 8-12


armor: Pelts, cloaks (lower then mages armor)

useable weapons: staff's

Deals damage equal to an unspelled druid


Insight, lvl 3, 15 mana, 1 stamina, 3 minute duration: Whenever target is attacked, an ammount of damage is subracted from the total damage. formula would be wis/5 rounded down. example: you cast on yourself in an arena, a thief attacks you for 6 damage, but you had forseen the attack and was able to block 4 damage (20 wis).

Singe, lvl 9, 8 mana, 1 stamina: Deals damage to target equal to intel. You You slightly Singe a Tattered Thief for 19 damage.

Culling the Spirits, lvl 11, 10 mana, 2 stamina, 30 second duration: Can only be casted on the Shamen. The shamen won't be attacked by any animals while the spells casted on them (animals, not monters or undead)

Meditation, lvl 13, 35 mana, all stamina, lasts as long as you dont take an action/action isnt taken against you (means no moving, attacking, changing spells or inventory around, talking, being attacked; this spell takes the uttmost concentration): You gain extra life and magic back every round equal to Con/5 Wis/10 rounded down.

Levitate, lvl 16, 10 mana, 1 stamina: instead of having to use ropes, climbing gear, or being blocked by certain walls, the shaman can just levitate his body up and over the obsticle (sp?). i.e. you can go up the mountains of sentent without climbing gear.
NOTE: You cannot be in a party and use this spell. You cannot move North, West, East, or South while using this spell, only up or down

Furious Winds, lvl 16, 18 mana, 1 stamina: deals damage to target equal to int * 2 - 5. You summon the elements to your aid, and furious winds blister *name* for 35 points of damage.

Foresight, lvl 18, 45 mana, 1 stamina, 5 minute duration: Whenever target is attacked an ammount of damage is subracted from the total damage. formula would be (wis/2)+(lvl/3) rounded down. example: you cast on yourself, and you get attacked by someone, Blah attacked you for 57 points of damage from thier halberd, but you had seen the attack a split second early and was able to block 20 points.

Engulf, lvl 21, 25 mana, 1 stamina: deals damage to target equal to int + lvl - 5. You summon the elements to your aid and *name* is engulfed in fire for 46 points of damage.

Enlighten, lvl 21, 20 mana, full stamina, 5 minute duration: Casted like enhance on a crit, you endowe the target player with given intelligence equal to int/7. The lower the wisdom on the target player, the more of the chance the spell will fizzle. When casted succesfully, the shamen loses int equal to what it gave to the other player for the same duration of time. The shamens int can't go below 1.

Icicle Shards, lvl 24, 75 mana, all stamina: The shaman clicks on a target and 6 icicle shards are thrown at the opponent, damage is equal to the shamans level.

note: Would act like a rapid fire. 6 shards are casted no matter the ammount of stamina you have. must have full stamina though to use.

Spiratual Journey, lvl 27, 100 mana, all stamina needed, lasts until you recast: this is different from everything in nightmnist currently. When casted, you would be taken away from your current position, and places somewhere else where no other class can go. you cant be in a party to cast, but when there, you can party with other shamans you might meet up with.

*revised for a 3rd time*

Basis fot the revision is this: I decided that they would be better as a stand alone class like Pacifists. For those people who want to be able to play just 1 crit at a time, here's another crit to be able to do that, something that could outlast multiple crits attacking it. Reason hp is so high, is because shamans are basically rugged people who live in the wilderness for years on end, on this basis they are more rugged. At arch they could possibly have 626 hp and maybe 60 armor, but this is a stand alone class and would be training alone, would be attacked by multiple crits with only itself to reley on. i think its what this class would need to stay around as a stand alone class.

This post has been edited by ice_cold on Mar 31 2004, 07:18 PM

Edited by ice_cold, 29 July 2004 - 05:31 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

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#17 green_mantis

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Posted 29 July 2004 - 06:16 AM

What thats a name of a spell in Final Fantasy. Didnt say it was never coined anywhere, just that it is in Final Fantasy, which it is. I was always told, when you assume you make and ASS out of U and ME

See, this is exactly what I mean. Even the staff are jaded enough to not be able to have new and original ideas all the time, hence, Aidon's use of foul language instead of creative, interesting conversation, usually comprehendable by more intelligent people.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#18 Ryuku


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Posted 29 July 2004 - 08:12 PM

What thats a name of a spell in Final Fantasy. Didnt say it was never coined anywhere, just that it is in Final Fantasy, which it is. I was always told, when you assume you make and ASS out of U and ME

O.o FF7...

#19 Mec

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Posted 30 July 2004 - 04:34 AM

This post makes me mad. People should play NIGHTMIST and ONLY NIGHTMIST. NOTHING ELSE!!!

So what if another game has a ring of regeneration or whatever. Other games have an item called a 'quarterstaff' too!

Don't insult moderators. Here's the logic behind the statement.

FACT 1: Pandilex, JLH, and Oracle (the head honcho's, I believe) are very smart, cool and neat people.

FACT 2: They would not pick someone to be an admin or moderator if someone could truly say "Aidon, you're a moron,"

FACT 3: Cookies are yummy.

#20 The Matrix

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Posted 03 August 2004 - 09:46 PM

I agree completely with the post above me, Aidon is not a moron and just becuase he referred to something in final fantasy u think he is trying to put it in the game.

As Aidon said You are assuming what he meant you dont know what goes on in other people minds. No matter how much you try

I also disagree with mec heres the quote

This post makes me mad. People should play NIGHTMIST and ONLY NIGHTMIST. NOTHING ELSE!!!

THIS IS COMPLETE BS!!!!!!! Just because you play nightmist dosent mean you arnt allowed to play other games, maybe your really a load of BS at other games and you have been practasing for 10 years and are nearly half decent.

Referring back to what i said about you cant see what goes on in other peoples minds and you cant change it either. So other people can play other games if they want!

PS:Getting back to the original topic i agree with having these rings and maybe even the spell regen. It dosent matter if we copy other games as long as it makes this game better who are you to argue.

#21 Angelus

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Posted 04 August 2004 - 12:01 AM

This one time, at band ca...erm i mean i was up in my room playing GTA...ten this JLH dude called me..and told me like..."hey you should be playing Nightmist" and stuff...and i was like, no i wanne play GTA..and he was like..."Im about to delete Angelus for being inactive for 2 min" And i was like...oh nuts..and i played Nightmist again.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#22 Satterlee

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 08:44 PM

This one time, at band ca...erm i mean i was up in my room playing GTA...ten this JLH dude called me..and told me like..."hey you should be playing Nightmist" and stuff...and i was like, no i wanne play GTA..and he was like..."Im about to delete Angelus for being inactive for 2 min" And i was like...oh nuts..and i played Nightmist again.

I love you.


FACT 3: Cookies are yummy.

You're a genius.

Change your underwear weekly.

My Hero!

Edited by Satterlee, 07 August 2004 - 08:47 PM.

I've seen more meds in my left nostril than you've seen in your life.

Poker in-game.

#23 Xien Pk

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 05:38 PM

Okay... we're all a bunch of freaks... hows that sound? good?.. good.

now.. Regen (Regeneration): (From Dictionary.com)

"The act or process of regenerating or the state of being regenerated."
(Biology-)"Regrowth of lost or destroyed parts or organs."

It meas to heal yourself, or sombody/somthing else.. A ring of Regen would heal the wearer (much as the cirts already do, but at a faster rate)..

(At anyrate, this idea is already scraped here..)

#24 Mec

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 06:13 PM



NONONONONONO! ONLY NIGHTMIST!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111


Ring of regen = bleh.

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