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#31 Y-DOC

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Posted 16 June 2004 - 04:36 AM

fred looks into Anna's eyes as she says this. it obvous an adult sent her over to calm her down and give her something to do. he sighs and asks whether or not everything is all right. he then looks blankly waiting for a response.

#32 Maximas

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Posted 16 June 2004 - 04:27 PM

Axel says "thank you" to Anna and turns around and stares at Candice for a few seconds slightly remembering her from before the accident on the airplane. Axel looks down to the ground and walks away noticing that he could not get a word out to Candice such as a thank you but he was not sure why. He walks back over to where he was sitting before and finally tries to grasp what has really happened here. He looks around at all the wounded, dead, or not have awoken yet. He's very confused and decides to sit down and continue thinking.


#33 alone

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Posted 16 June 2004 - 04:30 PM

Seeing someone obviously distressed, Hope went over to try help..
"Are you alright..? Here, take one of these, they'll help you." Hope passed the Technician one of the pills he'd been prescribed, "They're supposed help me clear my head when things get too much for me..." The Technician didn't really move or respond any more than to continue rocking back and forth and whisper something inaudible, Jeremy decided it may be best to leave him alone for abit.

Looking over the various people dazed and confused, Jeremy tried his hand to cheer some up. To no avail, his antics just got him back looks and a disgusted grunt. Hope remembered the First Aid Kit he'd taken with him on the trip.. He ran back into the main fuselage and grabbed his bag as quick as he could, almost breaking the zip in anticipation.

Hope slumped back into the seat he'd been in before - His bag had been checked before the flight - The security guard had removed the kit along with a few other things. Jeremy held his head, racking his mind as to what he could do now.. Slowly he sank back into his sorrowful state and banished himself to the floor beside his seat.
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#34 Charon

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 02:11 PM


"All right?" Anna repeats somewhat numbly as she looks at Fred, looks around, looks at Fred... her lip quivers and tears threaten to form as she squashes her eyes closed. Shaking silently, she finds her fists clenched... and before she knows it she's shaking her head uncontrollably.


Candice and Renee

Candice can't help but chuckle bitterly as Axel wanders away speachless. Her eyes harden by the moment as she looks around... this isn't her world anymore, but she can surely regain control of it, can make herself useful somehow

"Is there.... anything I can do?" she asks of Renee without actually looking at the woman.

he saw one somebody helping one of the passengers with their injuries, and said to him "Hey, one of the pilots is still alive up there, but he's fading fast

Renee had been about to answer Candice when she heard the call of the reporter... Brian? Had he been brian? She was certain she'd spoken with him at some point but now her memory was failing her

"Paulo!" she yelled loudly waving in the mans direction... but there was no immediate movement and that slowly came to your attention

"You go" Candice drawled "I'll take over here, I've had basic training, it'll do"

"Are you..."

"Just go" Candice forced the old distaste into her voice... but her weak smile gave her away

"Thankyou" Renee murmered softly, handing over some of her supplies but grabbing some and running after Brian



Andrew turned the cold silver rectangle over and over in his hand as he stared around blankly. Mikey was looking for his family... when he should be, yet Andrew himself couldn't make himself want... to do anything.

He was numb, not just to the cold and not just because of it... but to his own mind. The shock was setting in, and the despair, and... he flicked the lighter without hope a few times before the spark finally caught and held, sheltered it as he raised it to the cigarette in his lips and took a long drag.
For a moment he smothered a cough, but the moment passed quickly. Looking around he can see he's not the only one in this state, but that doesn't serve to make things any better. It doesn't make them any worse either but...

"Axel" he calls hoarsely, noticing the man wandering away after getting his injury tended to. If enough of them could get together, could decide to do something, they might stand a chance. Who else was around..? There, a man wandering away from the Technician towards to plane "Hope"

Wait... technician? Rage. Blinding rage, hazy vision, thought gone... his thoughts that he had to do something... all gone, swallowed by pain and anger and anguish before he could help it.

"You" he roared approaching the rocking, mumbling man "You... why didn't you... why did you let this happen?"



"Brian" she yelled, dashing after the man, into the cockpit where the pilot lay "Wait up, I'm coming to hel- Oh god" she stumbled back in shock and disgust as she saw the copilots head dashed open, turned to the pilot Brian was trying to feed with snow...

Her face went pale. She wasn't a squeamish person, wasn't afraid of injury, wasn't afraid of blood but this... ill, she felt sickeningly ill and then she couldn't take the sight anymore, turned away and retched into the snow, shaking.

Edited by Charon, 05 August 2004 - 02:12 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#35 Squee



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Posted 28 August 2004 - 04:08 AM

Hungrily, the pilot ate from Brian's hand. The cool water slid down his throat and he sighed.

"...Th-There's a radio... B-Back of the plane are..." he said, interrupting himself with a bloody cough.

"F-Find..." Another cough. "Find..." Another agonizing cough.

There was a long pause. The pilot's eyes fluttered as they began to roll into the back of his head. He lay perfectly still in his seat. Frost had begun to form on his body. He never opened his eyes again.


Mike sighed as he dragged more bodies out of the turnip-pit. He had no problem with these corpses. They were just like people...only stiffer and less talkative.

Two, four, six, eight... A dozen already. How many more would they find?

All the bodies were dragged out by various people to a marked off patch in the snow where they would be buried, to forever rest in their icey coffins. There was so much sobbing and so much crying. It could be heard everywhere. Sobs bounced off the mountains and echoed throughout. It was almost defeaning.

Elizabeth... Where is she? Mike thought to himself. I don't see her body...is that a good sign? Where was she sitting on the plane ride? Was it near the back? Oh, sweet Mary, mother of God, say she wasn't in the back.

A dozen and two. And three. And four. Would the bodies begin to out number the survivors?

Elizabeth? Please, God, say she's alive. I want to see her again. I need to see her again. I need to tell her. I need to tell her!! Please, God... Please.


"Hahaha... The radio. The radio is how we'll get rescued! But...where's the radio?" the Technician jested as he stood to his feet, looking to Andrew.

"I'll tell you where the radio is! It's right here! See!" he continued with an unnatural grin on his face. He reached into his coat and pulled out, without a doubt, the plane's wireless radio.

"See! We're gonna be saved! ...Oh...but what's this? Uh oh! Lookie! No batteries!" The Technician flipped the radio around, popping out the back of it. Where two batteries should firmly sit, there was nothing. This radio was useless.

"This radio's useless! Oh...but all's not lost! Know why? I'll tell you why! I know where the batteries are!

I know where the batteries are, I know where the batteries are," he said, soon breaking out into a bittersweet song.

"I know where the batteries are...they're...right...THERE!"

Finishing his little jig, the Technician pointed to the peaks of one of the innumerable mountains.

"The batteries are in the baaaack! The batteries are in the baaaaack!"

Again, his horrid dance continued.
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