Race/Class: Male Halfling Grandmaster Class IV Guardian. Str: 18, Int: 15, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 19, Lev: 39, Exp: 4,354,907,301, HP: 452, MP: 498, Stm: 6.
Spells: Heal, Cleanse, Grasping Vines, Jolt, Camouflage, Nourish, Thornshield, Stoneform, Gaea's Blessing, Nature's Fury, Stormwrath.
This druid can morph into a Puma.
This character has been a level 39 Druid, with 452 HP, and 498 MP.
Jaded is a Male Halfling Grandmaster Class IV Guardian. He looks extremely strong, wise, extremely fast, and very sexy. In one hand he holds a Bone Hammer, which glows with a magical aura, the other a Liveoak Aegis. He is wearing a Werewolf Hide, and a Stalker's Mask protects his head. Around his neck sits a Veridian Charm. He has a Spyglass and a Band of Endurance around his wrists. He is wearing a Twisted Mithril Band, a Twisted Mithril Band, a Twisted Mithril Band, a Twisted Mithril Band, and Boned Gauntlets on his hands. His feet are protected by Boots of Time. He is the Chairman (Warning: Marijuana causes short term memory loss!) of La Pureza De Mal and he is in a healthy condition.
Only need 505,092,699 for level 40. Slowly but surely.