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Old Times

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#1 Slushie

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Posted 18 March 2008 - 06:04 AM

So it seems everytime I log in, sometime throughout the night we get to talking about the years from 02-05. So I figure we can all share our favorite times of Nightmists past.

I remember when I first started playing Nightmist, it took this girl forever and a day to get me to play, but she got me to within the first 6 months Nightmist started. So I was playing by myself, running around, getting lost, and someone offered to help me out, LordofDarkness. So I party up with him, and we go to the sewers, and I'm cnfused as to how I ended up in the pub so quick...lol. I quickly learned my lesson. I was lvl 8 and he was lvl 25.

Another memorable time was watching Old_Fart playing around right after he got AoP, all amazed at how much armor he had. To say the least he became, what I would say was easily the most notorious mage in Nightmist's history.

And the last for now, I was with the girl who got me started Princess_Nevermind was her main crit, we were coming out of the orc caves, since that was obviously the coolest place in game at the time, and low and behold theres jen (kalypso) and chris (tadpole) with vines set up and 8 rangers. Between the 2 of us, we easy lost 25-30k

#2 ketchup

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Posted 18 March 2008 - 11:38 AM

well as far as i can remember, the very first clan i joined was Renditions of Reality (hope i got that right)... i still remember rolling an Elf 10 21 19 18 20 21 stats and thought it was useless, cause i wanted to have a crit with max strength & dex for fighter. then i rolled a fling with like 18 x 21 16 x x stats, got it to pert then started rolling / buying decent statted crits.

lmfao, i got it to pert level 1alt style lol. have no freakin idea what multi-alt means. I always go "Sup guys" when like 16 crits pop in the square. Supreme (Jurian) was like one of the dudes who told me how to handle multi alts with one strong advice "stay away from the desert". ofcourse ol Jer came along, invited me to DB where we use to harass Mia aka Makin_Dead (she sent me some of her Goth pict). Dave aka Isolation (orig.) was one of the dudes who took me around trainin and pking. Hope the dude still alive.

Other things i remember is that CRs, Hally, Sgs, Boots of Time, in multi-alt was a huge deal. 5 Stats Crits p x p p p p was seling up to 800k+

Edited by ketchup, 18 March 2008 - 11:38 AM.

1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#3 Sausage


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Posted 18 March 2008 - 02:31 PM

Ya, I started out in Astral Warriors. I was running around killing rats when Noname popped up and she started helping me out. Ended up giving me 2000 gold and I 'bout wet myself. Hally's went for about 100k. And 187 owned. Actually he was a pos fighter but still <3. Orc Caves owned and people would train up druids, just for vines. I didn't even have a cleric when I started. A pally, 2 fighters, and a thief. Clayton, Jebizo, 187, and Mongol.

My fondest memory in all of NM was SDG pre-nostealexp. I might have lost hundreds of thousands of gold in there, but it was by far the most fun I've ever had on Nightmist.

Staff were active and you didn't want to miss a minute...

My how times have changed.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#4 PureMourning

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 12:04 AM

Random Thoughts:

My first clan was "fires of the night". I think the guy's name was Deadly_Knight who first helped me. He took me and his GF to the Ancient Caves, then to the desert and I was like "wtf?! where are we?" "How did we get here so fast?".

I remember me and Sniffles (original, when he was human arch ranger) getting the first hand on TR in the meadows and pwning their party like 6v2. Then, all of TR came and we got pwnz0red.

I remember Mike (Dank) taking me to old Jahanna so I could buy my Justice Blade for original Yavimaya. Then years later he became a d-bag. ;)

I remember the old days when everyone would crowd around the sewer entrance in Airlin (it was like today's SGH/NGH). Me and a friend traded our shiz to buy a 25 mage with beam (at the time crazy pwnz0r) and we'd PK constantly in the sewers.

I remember logging on and the clan I was in at the time (can't remember the exact name, was in it temporarily) were getting a group together to hit the GSW. I asked if I could go and they said "No". So I was like wtf, so me and another good friend showed up with only 2 crits, and my first round got the KS. Then we logged. Re-logged. Disbanded. Wewt.

I remember the first time getting banned for making a crit that was derrogatory to Jen's "ninjakittie" (won't post the crit's name I rolled).

I remember when Matt (old Chakra; Halor) was NM's true pawnshopper and when he got the Rune Blade he pked everyone. ezpkggbai thx muxh?

I remember Jon (Old_Fart) taking a party out 8v1 in the dessy.

I remember when Savino tped to MD's old CH after I yelled for him cause someone had just jacked the clan.

That's all for now! :ph34r:
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#5 joanna

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 02:52 AM

hehe nice whatever happened to Mia?

I always remember getting 'Tadpoled' (every top level player ran around on 3 rangers at the time, and chris, jen and snoopi were the ones to watch out for) several times, and will never forget getting my first L23 (rapidfire) ranger and rounding jen with it south of nm while she was tryin to kill chris to collect a bounty off him;)

#6 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:51 AM

Hm i remember my first crit (Evilcloud) was crap.... lvled it to 24
First clan was.... Fallen Angels if i remember right
I remember Brady takin me to dessy for the firt time and i was like "what if someone kills u?" and he was like "nah no one messes with pert fighters"
I remember THC rounded him shortly after that statement haha (first time id seen beam)
I remember gettin raped at lvl 13 by devastate (long b4 the 10 lvl rule)
and remember when people played on only 1 alt with the occasional person on 2/3

Edited by XxDarkAlliancexX, 19 March 2008 - 07:51 AM.

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#7 Peacemaker

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 08:48 AM

Anyone remember clan wars being settled south of nm? Good ol days. Too bad they dont exist anymore. One server is completely dominated by one clan and the other, well lets just say you might as well have a party of pacifists with different skills for different monsters. :ph34r:
Peacemaker both servers.

#8 Shera

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 04:12 PM

-I remember when Jen got a party together to go kill the Lag Monster (for the first time). It was me, her, cris, holly (I think), and a couple other ppl I dont remember who lol, but anyways and a chick on this fighter. A fighter who would have been dead except that we kept healing her, and she got the kill from the Lag Monster so was the first person to have an AoLP.

-I remember when Jen and I decided to go kill the SK by ourselves since the guys (tadpole chris, dennis, jer and them) told us that wouldnt be able to do it just the two of us and like 3 or 4 crits each. But we totally owned the SK!

-Clan moshes in the TR clan house's maze arena.

-John got Devestate on Old_fart and he owned everyone, even tho Old_fart did NOT have the stats!

-When you at lvl 5 had to watch out that a lvl 30 didnt pk you! Then after they made the lvl 10 rule, certain morons would log on a lvl you couldnt pk and talk crap and steal mana/pots when fighting s of nm was goin on.

-I remember when no one had a 5 stat crit. It was actually impressive when someone had a 4 stat!

-I remember when Supreme got enough exp to be lvl 30, before anyone else did. But there was no place to lvl so he got uber pissed! Then faked his death on the forums. <3 Jurian!

-Tadpole for president!

-I remember when me, jen, will, mike, and cris went to the SK for the first time, no one had been there yet. To find 2, yes 2 Spider Kings! We all got owned in a matter of like a minute. They both hit uber hard!

-FJMF ftw!!

-I remember when male crits could have female pics and vice versa and Chris (epic) always ran around with Epic being the purple chick!
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#9 ketchup

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Posted 20 March 2008 - 04:25 AM

^ correct me if i'm wrong, but i have glimpse memory that aura of protection only last for a certain number of days... then it vanishes from the spell list.

anyways, imo, auto-trading in bank is one of the best thing that was put in game. before, everyone has to wait for staff before a trade will happen, otherwise, you will end up getting ripped-off by morons.

btw, whatever happen to Cule. CULE!!!!

anyone remembers Abra chairman of Revolver Clan? lmfao

those were the days.

1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#10 Sausage


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Posted 20 March 2008 - 04:28 AM

Abra and the infamous Boots of Haste.

idk bout AoP as I never had a mage back then, but pre-/trade I lost hundreds of thousands, being the impatient little lad I was.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#11 Peacemaker

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Posted 20 March 2008 - 09:04 AM

Well my memories of back then might not go as far back but when i started off in the beginning i was sharing with Cal(Reality) irl nephew who showed me the game. I used to roll crits for him. He let me run around on his lvl 25 mage at the time(Reality) and a paci that was camped on second floor in zeum.
I still remember earning over 10 mil in gold on that paci and then Cal's comp lagging out and causing me to die. Mistry tried to find the spot and get my gold for me but a party had ran through and got it already lol. Never did find out who got that big chunk of change.
Finally i rolled my own crits and named one Idle_Hands and had Mistry(Chainy) train it up to lvl 18 for me. I started out in the Midnight Thorns with Cal then we moved to Dynasty as i believe Tadpole was chairman if im correct. Could be different. I used to duel a guy on a mage named XXX and that was when Condemned was lvl 25 as well and I had duels in the arena alot with both of them(of course i lost always). Shortly after that i moved away and didnt have internet access. Just bout 2 to 2 1/2 yrs ago i got internet back and came back. I started out on a zerk named Creepy. Like lvl 23 or something lol. I used to run into the wars south of nm and get pked repeatedly but i had a blast doing it especially if i managed to get a kill. A little while after that Melancholic(Paul) sold me an arch fighter by the name of Lawbringer. That was my main for a bit until i made Peacemaker. The days i started back though this time i was in Attitude and it was fun. We had lots of wars with other clans. I remember this one guy named John(Neikan) he used to pk my little crits over and over. Right towards the end started getting the best of him then one alt came out and ruined it all lol. Sure do miss running around on 19 thieves and a druid and setting vines at 4 way to pk unsuspecting travelers. Even had it happen to me a couple times to but still loved every minute of it lol.
Peacemaker both servers.

#12 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 20 March 2008 - 04:15 PM

i remember when cal got owned at bodyguards last week

:x rofl
Disaster ingame.

#13 Peacemaker

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 02:52 AM

i remember when cal got owned at bodyguards last week

:x rofl

LMAO haha hope you using the dpa Kier lol.
Peacemaker both servers.

#14 Hansol

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 06:29 PM

lol. i was reading through and then thought to myself.. Did i hit the body guards last week... What body guards.. Cal.. I dont get owned.. Oh wait.. the nub with my name got owned... He needs to change his name. I r the good Cal. Stupid Calvin...

#15 Raylen


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Posted 27 March 2008 - 12:16 PM

i remember when cal got owned at bodyguards last week

:x rofl

lol. I remember someone clicking my lvl 23 thief with Rot (zerker) and a blade of time. Took 2 stam, hit for 168 then 170. I nearly cried haha.

I remember the champs mosh where me+clan+friends all joined on mages and totally slaughtered everyone (they cried).

And oh, the fights on 2nd floor with Rob, Jose, Sam, Ori, Dev, Gary, Linds (she died bad), Goldfish (he came back for like 5 mins until i pwned him)...

And when I jumped Rappy+Cal at cappy...owned all of cal's party and the other one ran off...kekeke ^.~

<3 me
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#16 Sneaky

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Posted 04 April 2008 - 07:34 PM

I remember the champs mosh where me+clan+friends all joined on mages and totally slaughtered everyone (they cried).

mage mosh, legendary.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#17 fallen

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Posted 05 April 2008 - 04:31 AM

we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#18 Shane

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 04:28 AM

Hmmm, 2nd reset I believe. Soon after that Dank, and a couple others went after the Lag Monster. Dank got Zenoria a spot on the team and my sister and I took turns running Zenoria while we wailed on the Lag Monster. Zenoria got the kill but it didn't drop a AoLP. Some staffer had been there watching and thought that it should have dropped so he resummoned it and killed it himself. He gave the AoLP to Zenoria.

A few months later my sister and I were playing around during an Easter Quest. Zenoria got the kill on the Bunny General and got the Giant Carrot forever cementing her name as The B!tch with the Carrot! (Sorry, I had to bypass the filter for that one.)

Those are my oldest memorys. And someone posted about Old_Fart getting AoP, hell I remember him getting Devistate.

Edited by Shane, 14 April 2008 - 04:29 AM.

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#19 Slushie

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 05:38 AM

he got both lol. i remember sitting on a lvl 4 because he couldnt attack it, and him being all exceited about getting aop, which i believe he got after devistate

#20 Animosity

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 09:57 AM

first arch cleric to level in rh arena with 0 pks-qwertyuiop

mage with devestate-old_fart

giant carrot-zenoria

first cobalt-Dis(kev)

amulet of sythos-Moon(ryan)

Nightbreed/Nightskys/LOTD/original BOD/few others i cant remember atm

no such thing as windia, harabec sarka dendeya

old jahanna

people having 1 maybe 2 alts on


jurin logging to me all the time in desert.

when orcs had good exp

when arenas had full exp, not half

Brat <<coolest person ever

level 1's getting pked by 30's

archie stayin up long enough to be the first arch pacifist lol



boots of speed ^>^

Christmas blade

WiCkEd_PhReAk/Disjunction/ that other dude always fighting with hands in moshes lol

having numbers in your crit name

ill think of more later -.-
ÄñïMö§íTÝ owns you.gg owned thx k bai.
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#21 Shane

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 02:42 PM


I had forgot about that.

having numbers in your crit name

Poor 7UpMan!

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#22 Sausage


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Posted 18 April 2008 - 05:06 PM

No, poor 187. /cry

I played same time but damn, you have a lot better memory then I do, Animosity lol.


Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#23 Defeat

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 10:49 PM

Haha, Kier. You mentioned in forums I got pwnt at Bodyguards. :ph34r: Maybe next time I try it I'll have a 20 alt party instead of 15. As for me changin' my name, I was 1st Cal in NM! You should change your's as I was here first! :-P Good Cal. PFFT! <3

As for memories. I remember starting right after the reset and seeing Stigmata, Caprikorn, Disjunction, Caramon, THC. I remember being in TR and then seeing THC log on and just after he logged on each time pk's started coming up from him owning people.

I remember getting my 1st arch ranger, originally Biovore. I traded a lv 26 ranger for it. I renamed Biovore to Reality and camped in Sarka most times, unless I was in a clan battle with TR against illuminati. I even brough TR to Sarka a few times to clan battle with other clans sometimes. After I renamed it Reality, I used to pk people running 6-7, even 8 crits with only Reality. Then I shared with Snoopi for a bit, me and him both pwnin' the map and anyone/everyone in it. The days when some players were actually feared. I'm glad I had a chance to be among one of them, although not well remembered because I mainly pk'd in Sarka, or zeum. During that time, I joined -Nemesis- which was owned by Joel/Ryan(Kazul/Violate). I pwned it up with them for a while, then sold the ranger.

I remember days before that when I'd first started being rounded by old_fart with Devastate. Most feared mage in-game at the time ftw.

Again, in my nub days, Zero and TR setting up vines at 4way in Large Forest and Zero using Jolt to pk with.

I remember Jess before she got Samus. When she was Caprikorn.

I miss the good days.

As for the first Cobalt, I thought Will got the first one on AnArChY back when it was an arch fighter?

Edited by Defeat, 18 April 2008 - 11:00 PM.

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1a - Rise/Mythical

#24 Animosity

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 04:59 AM

nope kev was
ÄñïMö§íTÝ owns you.gg owned thx k bai.
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#25 Cule

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 05:54 AM

btw, whatever happen to Cule. CULE!!!!

Nothing happened. I swear.

All my friends stopped playing and me with them. Good times though.

I tried to make a "comeback" last summer, but it didnt last. No friends no fun i suppose. The people here now seem abit different from the old days, maybe because im older, i dunno.

I come here for nostalgia now and then, when i'm bored :]

Hmm ... the good old days, eh?

I remember the clan Broken and the people there. We did some cool stuff. Got to be a part of killing the lag monster once, that was fun.
I quess i never was any good at playing the game i suppose, i dont think i've ever leveled any of my own char's to 30. Got the original paladin "Cule" to about 28 or so.

The last fun thing i did was probably grinding at the desert on double xp day with a clanmate from Broken. We made a good amount of exp that day. :]

Edit: Oh and i remember the old forum. I liked the old forum better. I LIKED THE OLD DAYS BETTER!!

Edited by Cule, 19 April 2008 - 05:59 AM.

#26 shomer

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 04:14 PM

i remember when you actually had to bump your topic because if you didn't, it would go to the second page within hours. now of course you can leave it for close to a month and it's still on the first page
Page me on Heritage

#27 Thunderja


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 09:25 AM

I remember a time when one could gauge the charisma, intelligence, stupidity, integrity and ethics, kindness and selfishness of a person right on these very forums.

Believe it or not friends, this once barren wasteland was once brimming with life. Friendships were made, enemies were exposed, peace was formed, war was started. Believe it or not friends, this forum was a major player in the total Nightmist experience, it was Nightmist, in it's prime. Good deeds were praised, evil was exposed. Good ideas were nurtured and supported, bad ideas were shot down. My friends, this lifeless waste of space was once a Metropolos of communication between the various timezones and people who generally didn't associate with each other ingame.

However, friends. This abandoned graveyard once contained annoying idiots who contributed little, but posted a lot. In an attempt to curb this disturbing MINORITY new moderators took it upon themselves to squash this ignorance once and for all. In doing so they did succeed. They also succeeded in alienating people who have earned the right to post whatever the moose they want when they want. In turn, these posters stopped posting. The jokes and good times had on here by many started to dwindle. Clever posts started to disappear not too long after posted. Controversy about valid points were never fully discussed. Forum favourites were banned. In an attempt to bring in new players through censorship, we also frightened off existing players who deserved more.

So here we are. With the same topics and threads that were exposed last month. Nothing to write about, nothing to joke about with old friends. The only topic with some life, a light-hearted comic collection has being locked down and the poster banned. And here I am, posting #1744 thinking of fond memories, the good, bad and ugly. Not seeing a glimmer of hope that I might ever be able to repeat them. Sadly, friends, this dank nutshole is all that's left.

Thanks to anyone who has taken the time to read this trip down memory lane. You are cool like a dynamic fox whether you agree or not. Lets give this forum some life.

P.S Rappy_Ninja was a true legend on here, love him or hate him he was entertainment which is what this game is about. Thanks for the good times buddy.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#28 Shera

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Posted 21 April 2008 - 12:45 PM

Comics FTW
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#29 Desendent

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Posted 21 April 2008 - 01:26 PM

Way back on the old forum i decided to play germany or florida. I'm sure you know what i'm talking about, it's from loveline and is basically where somebody posts a story where something crazy happens and everybody else guesses whether it happened in germany or florida. It was good times.
Neo Ingame

#30 Shera

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Posted 21 April 2008 - 01:31 PM

Well there was this one guy, and he didnt like the jews. So he killed loads of em. it was just over 60 years ago. Germany or florida plz?
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

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