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Harabec Dungeons

1alt Multi If Applicable

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#1 Gregory67

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Posted 03 December 2021 - 03:24 AM

Looking for a semi rebalance in some mobs and pod and some other ideas. 


#1. Teptok has a lower POD than his minions on the way to him. I think he should be upped to 90 pod same with the other 3 mini bosses in dungeons.


#2. If possible could we add some empty squares to the dome of teptok to have a good viable training ground for fighter/pally.


#3. Could we re-evaluate the armor of the mobs in the teptok area for a good training option for Paladins and Fighters? As it currently stands the Teptok loyalists are wonderful pod but the armor on then seems pretty hard for an area that is hard to access and get to. Teptok Warriors lookover makes it seem like they are pain loving lunatics with no armor so I would propose a 0 armor rating on them and maybe a 1-2 armor rating on the Loyalists.


#4 I saw on Main steel shard drops from the loyalist or the warrior(I dont remember really). I would be really cool if that could be mimic'd on 1alt to allow for another spot to farm steel shards as the only currently location is 4th floor in museums.


#5 Have the Mini-bosses hp reduced by 25-30% it would make the trip feel a bit more smoothin in the end. Possibly make the 3 mini bosses spawn nearly every hour so have a high % chance at the 10 min spawn timer?


Just a few thoughts to think about. Please leave some feedback if this is viable or not.

Edited by Gregory67, 03 December 2021 - 03:38 AM.

1-Alt Only--Nighthawk In-game

#2 Banishment

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Posted 14 December 2021 - 03:23 PM

#1 Agreed, no boss or mini boss should be lower than 90 pod.


#5 HP reduction? yes please.

Azile ingame, 1alt.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 1alt, Multi If Applicable

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