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Capitalisation Of Item Names

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#1 joanna

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 02:46 AM

log follows

Astinus left the game.
Katja turned friend chat off.
Twilight: You just used an Apple.
Katja: ????
Katja: why did you do that?
Twilight gave Katja: 1 apple
Twilight gave Katja: 3 Water
Twilight gave Katja: 2 Bread Loaf
Katja gave Twilight a great big hug!
Twilight gave Katja a great big hug!
Twilight: yw
Katja: don't do that to me when i'm already having problems
Joanna: hmmm
Twilight: well duh
Joanna: sommats wrong...
Twilight: :x
Joanna (to Twilight): give me them 6 items 1 sec
Twilight: she has them...
Joanna (to Katja): plz
Katja: why?
Joanna: i just wanna find something out... about the /give command
Tarl just logged on.
[Friend] Corinne: you bunch of noobs
Katja: i thought you had a full inventory
[Friend] Tarl is kissing Corinne.
Twilight: lol
Joanna: empty
[Friend] Corinne is nibbling on Tarl!
Katja sighed.
Katja: so you lied to not do me a favor
Twilight dropped an Amulet of Windia.
Twilight picked up an Amulet of Windia.
Twilight dropped a Ring of Apollo.
Twilight picked up a Ring of Apollo.
Twilight: XD
Joanna: i sed i had an empty inv
Northern Gatehouse: Nightmist appears to be extremely well defended. The gatehouse is manned by several guards, and there is a huge thick wall around the perimeter of the city. However, muffled sounds of violence come from the east. You may enter the city South, or travel North onto a small path.
Elora, Amorista, Katja, Pandilex, Twilight are here with you.
Joanna: hmm. all i need is 3 of the smae item and someone with 3 free space
Elora just went South.
Elora just arrived from the South.
Testing just arrived from the South.
Testing just went North.
Twilight: ok
Twilight gave you: 3 Advanced Mana Crystal
Twilight: ???
test is not here with you.
You gave Twilight: 1 Advanced Mana Crystal
You gave Twilight: 2 Advanced Mana Crystal
Joanna: hmmm
Twilight: lol
Joanna: hold on
Twilight: kk
Joanna: lemme get a druid
[Friend] Bengal: goodnight all
Twilight: okk
Madrigal just logged on.
bender is not currently online.
[Friend] You kiss Bengal.
Adultery just logged on.
Joanna: kk try again
[Friend] Corinne: omfg god
Twilight gave you: 3 Advanced Mana Crystal
[Friend] Corinne: lagness
You gave Twilight: 2 Advanced Mana Crystal
You gave Twilight: 1 Advanced Mana Crystal
Joanna: hmmm
Twilight: wat u trien to do???//
Joanna: that didnt work
Katja: you can type give 12 adv when you only have 3 and it will give how ever many you have
Joanna: I was wonderin why some /gives appear with the first letter capitalised and some dont
Katja: or however many the person has room for
Adultery: ya
Katja gave Twilight: 1 Apple
Katja: give it back now
Joanna: Twilight gave Katja: 1 apple Twilight gave Katja: 3 Water Twilight gave Katja: 2 Bread Loaf
Joanna: thought it mighta been when you only give 1... wring
Joanna: wrong
Belteshazar, Snowflake, Marion, Appellation, Barrio, Mcmahon, Palabra, Tee, Jackson, Meglyn just arrived from the North.
Belteshazar, Snowflake, Marion, Appellation, Barrio, Mcmahon, Palabra, Tee, Jackson, Meglyn just went South.
Katja: give me my apple back
Katja: that was the odd one before
Katja: i want to see if it's odd again
Jimbates, Mononucleuosis, Underoathlover, Unseen, Bacstab, Persecution, Flaqing, Hawk_Eye, Sneakattack, Bother, Dacius, Morgaise, Zacharius just arrived from the South.
Hype just arrived from the South.
Hype just went North.
Crusade, Deadbody, Decision, Needle, Convict, Haxor, Isolation, Prophecy just arrived from the North.
Crusade, Deadbody, Decision, Needle, Convict, Haxor, Isolation, Prophecy just went South.
Jimbates (to Pandilex): make me lag less
Flaqing: k
Jimbates, Mononucleuosis, Underoathlover, Unseen, Bacstab, Persecution, Flaqing, Hawk_Eye, Sneakattack, Bother, Dacius, Morgaise, Zacharius just went North.
Hype just arrived from the North.
Hype just went South.
Katja: TROY
Testing just arrived from the South.
Testing just went North.
Twilight gave Katja: 1 apple

What decides if it is apple or Apple?

#2 Raylen


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Posted 10 January 2007 - 11:20 AM

I know! :)

Basically, if you type /give joanna apple -

You gave Joanna: 1 apple

But if you type /give joanna ap -

You gave Joanna 1 Apple

Simple :)
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#3 «™®?¨CHaÏNY¨?™»

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Posted 06 November 2007 - 09:44 AM

And when you sit enough you get to bump 10 month old topics on the forum....
Why is it you can sue a cigarette company for cancer, McDonalds for getting fat, but you cant sue Smirnoff for all the ugly people youve slept with?!

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