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#1 Eternyte

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 10:07 PM

The server has been open for about 3 days, and there are already people 3/4 of the way to max level. CHANGE IT NOW!! The game is far too easy, quadruple the exp required for leveling then the achievement of level 30 will actually be difficult and worth bragging about.

There are probably other things that need changing, so others feel free to post objective comments.

Do not make the same mistakes a second time over!!!
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#2 Autek

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 10:21 PM

You have to understand that those who have that much xp have around 2 days game time lol . . . If they are willing to spend that much time to do get there, more power to them. Don't penalize them for devoting themselves.
Autek in game.

#3 Trevayne

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 10:22 PM

There will be substantial changes coming.

Be patient. Most of the regular staff had this sprung on us and we're just now trying to figure out how to balance things out.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#4 Penguin


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Posted 22 March 2007 - 12:54 AM

I personally think its fine. The upper levels will get much more difficult, and even with archs.... they won't be the archs we know, totally decked out. Also, even if everyone has an arch, they can only use 1.

#5 Freek

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 02:41 AM

There are two reason people are so high.

1. Autek "They have about 2 days game time on them"

2. They aren't noobs and they know where to train what to get them exp fast.

Everyone thinks it so easy, but the only reason its half as easy as it is is because of friends who are willing to help get the person where they need to or run around and train together etc.

P.S. - The only way to slow down training is to get rid of Aid lmao, if you notice all but 2 of the lvl 22+ are pally/cleric which have it easy anyways. But I dont see a cleric getting Dr anytime soon and a Pally will slow down shortly.
Freek ingame.

#6 MessiahX

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 06:33 AM

Why does the game have to be infinitely hard to be fun? I think the game would only get more fun when we get arches. Then we can all start going around and facing new levels and bosses and trying to take the entire game on instead of worrying about rolling a character and leveling it up to arch. Theres alot more to the game than arching a character guys =p

#7 Hansol

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 06:15 PM

Some of you forget that some people have more than 1 computer that are able to get on NM so their is bound to be people out there using two crits at a time. If i was bothered about it, i'd be training my cleric to 18 right now, and a zerk to lvl 10 just to take it into the swamps...

A few things need ajusting. Armor prices need to be changed. Monster drops need to be changed gold wise. Levelling/exp per damage needs to be changed... and maybe the bonus points like dwarves underground?

I dno.. I aint staff...

#8 Freek

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 09:30 PM

Tragstic changes are coming soon, But.. They can't get rid of the multi comp users, because it would be unfair for someone who has a parent or brother or something who also plays. I.E Ste/Chris (even though banned) But yeah the exp and stuff will be changed.

By the way, again, if SS is lowerd IT and Barracks need to be lowed aswell <3 :)

Freek ingame.

#9 Oasis

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 10:35 PM

I do understand where Eternyte is coming from. For many other games it takes about a month or more to get to the highest level especially when there are no other advantages such as AA's(Rev) or better equip for more exp ect.

I do agree with Autek though on the fact that this is not the first time these players have ever leveled a character to 30 before.

I for one would just like to get a dang roll to start leveling before I'm too behind!

#10 Redheart

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 11:40 PM

Sorry I do not agree. Try training a Ranger or a Theif it takes a hellovalot longer than an easy cleric.
A Chimp could train a cleric ffs. :)

Give the new game some time to evolve and develop. :)
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#11 Penguin


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Posted 23 March 2007 - 04:56 AM

Maybe heal-damage exp should be halved? o.O

#12 Throwback

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Posted 23 March 2007 - 05:36 AM

u pregnant dog about clerics being arched too fast, whens the last time u beat a decent monster(non-demonic/heal damaged) with a cleric. granted it can be done, but u would waste most of ur stam healing. anYWAYS only advantage to doing a cleric first would be to help ur friends lvl, but who wants to helps their friends anyways. i personally dont see the one alt server lasting, like anything new, it gets a lot of attention at first, but as soon as the in's and out's are learned and exploited, people will go back to what they are used too. CYA guys back on the original server ./wave

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#13 Penguin


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Posted 23 March 2007 - 05:38 AM

You're wrong, sorry.

Edited by Penguin, 23 March 2007 - 05:39 AM.

#14 Dark


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Posted 23 March 2007 - 01:35 PM

i would have to agree with the exp being too easy, i manged to get to lvl 24 in 2 days (around 1 day game time) with almost no effort at all, i belive the lower levels are appropriate but i think arch should prob be at around 500m instead of 250m, but saying that i would also be in favour of upping the standards on some items available in game to suite this.

#15 Ryuku


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Posted 23 March 2007 - 03:32 PM

Hopefully the exp gaining rate will stay the same, increasing the levels and so 1alt people can actually go to the musuem and train for an hour without having to leave can fix the time it takes to max your level.

Maybe a max level of 50, ending exp would be pretty high, atleast 3bil. I'd be happy to make some new weapons and armors to the way there, without new areas they'd all have to be shop items though.

Also, I'm since NM1alt is becoming NM2, I'm sure new areas will be added over time. Items that are only buyable in shop, such as 1mil amulets stat mods, all should be droppable, or an equivilant anyway. Saying this, items that are only drops should also be made shop items.

It'll either require you to make alot of gold (for 1alt, it is alot more gold, which will make people more wanting to hope for a drop), which will require many people to either quest for an item, or buy it in shop. Because of this, drop rates should be raised maybe?

Getting a drop every say 50 cappy kills and only 1 person gets it out of all the people for all those kills? Kinda lame, maybe multiply all 1 item drops (monsters that drop only 1 item) by 10 maybe? If a monster has 100% drop for a few items, maybe a monster can have a chance to drop more than 1 item. This would make bosses with more than 1 drop not 100% though, since it's 3 different chances to drop 3 items, being 30% each (or different, whatever), they could all fail. But odds are you'll get atleast 1 every time.

Maybe I'll think of more later

Edited by Ryuku, 23 March 2007 - 04:17 PM.

#16 Hansol

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Posted 23 March 2007 - 04:45 PM

Also, a nice idea could be to change a few of the area's around.. Because with it being a new server.. but the same map, everyone knows how to do things already.. Like hedge maze... A new challenge would be fun.. Jus change the directions around a bit.. Would be fun to see who owns it all up first :)

#17 Oasis

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Posted 23 March 2007 - 10:57 PM

Ryuku itll probably never happen that there will be 50 levels. I dont think that this server will die out either, its more exciting to play on 1 character and who is ognna play on the main when its just you and 1 other person total? When theres 40+ ppl on 1alt.

Still no roll yet! Gdit!

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