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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2017 01:55 PM

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In Topic: Item Drop Rates

31 August 2017 - 06:08 AM

I understand I come off as negative but it's more about passion for the game. It's pretty sad to see it die a death like this when it could have been avoided somewhat by staff willing to listen to the players.

I understand stig is on his own but that's even more reason to listen to your community. In not going to feel bad for someone who has zero respect for his player base because he thinks only his opinions matter. There were plenty around here with great ideas that only wanted to help the game. The unwillingness to listen to the community was its downfall plain and simple.

That said it would be nice if he started listening now but will it really make a difference? the amount of work to turn this thing around after decades of neglect is very high.

As for ember yes I appreciate it. An active coder with staff who put the community ideas first as well as 40-60 active on at once. It's what nightmist could still be if it wasn't for stigs closed mindedness. Sorry I can't and won't feel bad for him ruining the game. Sometimes you gotta own your mistakes...

In Topic: Item Drop Rates

29 August 2017 - 03:44 AM

I agree piddy nothing left to lose. Why not do it right.

If they start listening to the actual people who still play the game how will they still have power over the players?

Games dead stuff. Killed by staff that thinks they are the only ones with any knowledge of how game design works and by not listening to the community. This game has gone so long without input / changes it would take months or even years to get it on par to actually appeal to new players.

Everything starting with character creation (rolling for a week to get a useful character? Horrible design) to leveling (the fact you level on the same npcs exact npcs for years to reach max level? Lol come) to end game ( where you need a team larger than the avg player base in a month to complete). Only the last 2 are on the builders but come on.

This game will never have a "new" player again it just is what it is. The chance to save the game was missed long ago enjoy the shell that it is and thank the staff that were too stubborn to change for killing it.

In Topic: Ember Online

14 July 2017 - 05:52 AM

sup wayner.  didnt you get my email? this comp probably wont ever run ember.  i custom built an OS with bits and pieces of multiple versions of windows from 95-vista.  


im not 100% sure why it wont work.  i cant register it which has led to some problems on newer apps, also lots of software detects multiple versions of windows and dont work(dvd programs for example) powerdvd has a work around tho, trial versions dont check pc versions to install, just record hours used. so i can copy a new trial whenever its movie night :D


its unlikely ill buy a new pc, console etc.  the entire gaming industry is putting out crap.  dumbed down sequels, games with no replay value or any difficulty whatsoever. or they just release the same game over and over every 6 months...cod cough...


crappy games wont stop.  gaming companies can release half finished products because of millions of pre-orders.  once they are outta the red they release it subpar. then charge you for finished content later as DLC.    


anywho i mess with pc and try to get ember to work now and than or pop on forum.  just don't have much time, and don't care much anymore either.  its good to see updates still goin strong. still see people complaining "my halfling gets raped by half orcs" lol. (that tends to happen when strength and life are a races worst attributes).  i think u guys need to put areas and bosses in before auction windows and sh!t. just sayin.  anyway c ya round, maybe ill figure it out or steal marys laptop for awhile.



You can get windows 10 for free from and legally microsoft if you search windows 10 accessibility download.




Rodeo deleted the old post because I was getting mad referrals /hatin


Na haha but glad to see you guys are finding something active to play everyones welcome even if you join the dark side with torm. =)

In Topic: Is It Possible?!?

15 November 2016 - 12:02 PM

yay!! now that he got all the drop rates nerfed it'll take the next poor lovable companion 10 years.
lol grats dude.

Even before it being nerfed it's insane! Now I'm guessing it will be the last created.