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Paladin Refitting

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#1 Yggdrasill

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 07:42 AM

I think auras would be a fun, interesting way to balance and create interest in paladins without making them overpowered. The idea behind auras (as I've ever read/played) is that they take some amount of effort (magic) to create (first use) and maintain (takes some magic every x seconds), but give different benefits to the paladin and/or his/her party. Only one aura can be maintained by a single paladin at any given time. (**No comment at this time as to whether these auras would stack with multiple paladins or which would overwrite another.**) Here are some ideas I had about them:

Aura of Detect Good - Has a greater chance to detect covert/invisible/camouflaged characters not in the paladin's party that have fewer (or equal) PK's than Killed by Player counts.

Aura of Detect Evil - Has a greater chance to detect covert/invisible/camouflaged characters not in the paladin's party that have fewer KbP counts then PK's.

I KNOW someone will say that just because a player has more PK's than deaths by players doesn't mean they are evil. I was just trying to stick with a little bit of the paladin lore. So how's this instead:

Aura of Detection - Has a greater chance to detect covert/invisible/camouflaged characters not in the paladin's party.

Aura of Divine Grace - This one could have a couple different interpretations of past D&D games. It could increase resistance to poison, block a small amount of damage (physical and/or magical), or maybe even increase the player's chance to dodge attacks. I don't feel that any of these would be unbalanced as long as the numbers are kept relatively small.

Aura of Prayer - Increase the amount of hp that is restored periodically by x. Could be a small amount and still be nice when no other auras are appropriate as long as mana upkeeps are kept low also.

Aura of Meditation - Increase the amount of magic that is restored periodically by x. (This costs no magic if that even needs to be pointed out.)

Greater Aura of Defiance - Gives the paladin +x% increased armor at the cost of the magic needed to sustain a greater aura such as this.

Greater Aura of Invigoration - This greater aura allows the paladin to sacrifice his/her magic points (costs magic) for greater healing powers.

These auras are ideas, and therefore don't have formal descriptions or stats. I want to incite creativity in others, not flat out tell staff what they should do. Anyway, as you can see, some of these auras are "greater auras". This means that they only affect the paladin and not the party members of the paladin. Maybe staff/players will decide that no auras should affect other players, I don't know, it's not up to me nor do I think I know which would be best for Nightmist.

On a side note, another spell that has always been a paladin favorite of mine is "Holy Shield" which simply increases the armor value of an equipped shield either by a flat rate or by a % of the value on the shield. I'm partial to % as they scale with better equipment but that's just me. So:

Holy Shield - Costs x magic points and lasts for 5 minutes? giving the paladin's shield +y% ac.

I received a suggestion to make a single balanced offensive aura. So here goes:

Greater Aura of the Fallen - Slightly increases hit rate and damage done by melee attacks but halves the amount of health the paladin receives from heals. (This includes healing potions.) I would suggest putting a high initial magic cost on this to avoid people switching back and forth for heals.

Another idea I had is making the Aura of Detection (or both of the evil/good ones) into a greater aura and only allowing the paladin himself/herself to see through the invisibility. So to explain, someone that is covert/invis/camo'ed walks onto a square where a paladin is using this aura, and only the paladin has a chance to see through that invisibility. No one else on the square can see this invisible person, and only if the paladin attacks the invisible person is he knocked out of invisibility. This is the only way for a paladin to detect a player. If the paladin runs onto the square where someone is sitting invisible, the paladin will have a 0% chance to detect them, just like anyone else that walks onto the square. This is the only ability listed that I think may be overpowering, so I’m open to comments about how to fix it.

I want to emphasize that this detection aura is a defensive ability. The paladin should not be able to put the aura up and go hunting invis people, but it might give a chance to save an entire party if the paladin is smart, quick, and lucky.

This is a repost from forever ago now that people might start caring? Anyway, if anyone feels like making the comment that I’m doing this to make the class I play most OP I’d be more than willing to delete my paladin if staff are willing to implement something like this.

Please don't flame, just post what is good and/or bad about each of these and why you think it should or should not be balanced and then implemented. Once we establish which ones are terrible or add in a few new ones, we'll think about descriptions and balancing issues. You can't have just a couple auras; you need a whole group or none. Otherwise they turn into a flat buff and that's boring imo. Make sure to differentiate between 1-alt and multi balancing and post away!
1-alt: Inglastex Main: don't play

#2 Abstract

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 09:09 AM

I am a huge fan of improving paladins, because we all know they could do with it. The only problem i see here, is this would require alot of extra coding into the game server, mechanics wise.

They are very good idea's, and i like the detection aura's, but i dont see them actually being implimented.

Its best to stick to things that can be done in game with what we currently have.

- Jase

#3 Yggdrasill

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 09:55 AM

Optimism ftw? :'(

Ok, so paladin fixing without programming = what? Better items?
1-alt: Inglastex Main: don't play

#4 Freek

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 10:05 AM

Coding might not be that big of a deal when it comes to altering something that's already in-game. Such as hit rate/damage etc. New mechanics is a different story.
Freek ingame.

#5 Walt

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 11:05 AM

I had a very slight, but similar idea for rangers many months ago similar to your Aruroa of detection(s)(all of them tbh). I am not sure how a Paladin would be able to hit an invisible/covert/camoed player though. But I am a fan of non hiden classes having a bigger chance of spotting any hidden class though, with the exception of clerics, who already have a spell to bring out any potential attackers.

I love the idea of the spell to raise the hit rate though, as Paladins have one of the most fickle damage attacks out there. Diminishing the self heal when the spell is on is a novel idea for a balancing of the spell, but I would not go so far as to half the healing effects of potions used for healing though. Halving aid seems to be good enough, or even increasing the mana cost of aid while under the attack bonus spell would be fair too, while slightly decreasing the efect of self aid.

Edited by Walt, 01 April 2010 - 11:06 AM.

I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#6 Apocalypto

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 09:48 PM

I'm not very optimistic, so i highly doubt that new spells will be added. As i believe it was actually said.

Something that people might consider that they probably havent, would be divine restoration for paladins. Im not saying i support that idea, i just am saying it could be something discussed that could be added with out having to code "too much".

Another easier idea would be a paladin only weapon with a slightly overpowered base damage(since they dont hit worth a crap anyways) that leeches health from you when you hit with it. It would be the premise of a spell that when casted causes you to hit higher, but it would cause you distress, thus reducing your health slightly with each attack.

#7 Walt

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Posted 02 April 2010 - 03:10 AM

A self casting, stackable spell on top of divine prayer/champs/holy speed could be the tweaking this class may need. Much testing, especially on higher levels(36+) would be recomended though.

Maybe put in play one of Inglastex ideas as well, of not being able to cast aid while it is on, or a watered down aid?
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#8 Eternyte

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Posted 05 April 2010 - 07:21 PM


p.s. note the year of 2004 on my post :P

Edited by Eternyte, 05 April 2010 - 07:23 PM.

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#9 Crane


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Posted 06 April 2010 - 09:51 AM

Glad someone doesn't just live in the now. Thanks Eternyte!
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#10 Yggdrasill

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Posted 07 April 2010 - 12:04 AM

I had things in here with regard to Lay on Hands ("doesn't allow the casting of Lay on Hands") and whatnot, but took it out as no one had any idea what I was referring to :P
1-alt: Inglastex Main: don't play

#11 Yggdrasill

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Posted 12 June 2010 - 11:19 AM

bump for brokenness...
1-alt: Inglastex Main: don't play

#12 Sausage


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 02:00 AM

There should be 9 auras. All with engrained benefits, such as Racial bonuses.

Aura of Stealth - +5% to catching sight of covert players entering square.

Aura of Warrior - +5% attack damage.

Aura of Benevelonce - +5% undead healing damage bonus.

Aura of Healing - +5% healing character bonus.

Aura of Elder - +5% experience.

Aura of Fox - +5% dodge chance.

Aura of Vitality - +5% HP gain.

Aura of Concentration - +5% fizzle chance.

Aura of Energy - +5% MP gain.

The names and perhaps attributes could be altered, but gives you an idea. Easily implemented, seamless integration and something to look forward to. Level 35 guild, BOOM, choose your Aura.

Those are my thoughts on Auras.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

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