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Member Since 05 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2007 04:18 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Major 1a Thing :)

19 April 2007 - 02:13 AM

Advanced Lodestone recovers 250 mana points for the price of 750gold a stone?

Just my Suggestion to your .. suggestion

In Topic: (nm1alt) Replace City Ktp Monsters With Toll Guards.

19 April 2007 - 02:03 AM

IF you choose to fight the guard you can collect all the money off of it from the Payments. After a day people would just hit the toll guard lol

In Topic: Going Out On A Limb For Nm 1alt Game

19 April 2007 - 01:59 AM

Sorry guys it seems like this Thread is getting out of hand. Closed :)

In Topic: Going Out On A Limb For Nm 1alt Game

18 April 2007 - 02:29 PM

You are not understanding the point of this post. Because it is a 1 alt game the characters Need more str/dext/wisd to survive against thes mobs on their own. Unless y ou are going to depend on your Friends cleric or paladin to train up your character we need a better alternative than that. and This is why I suggest this. and how would it be overpowered? if all classes can do the same thing?

In Topic: Going Out On A Limb For Nm 1alt Game

18 April 2007 - 01:51 PM

I probably didnt explain it good enough on my first try soo here is a visual of My first post.

Or an actual acting of the idea.

You have increased in level and have gain 10 health points and 10 mana points.
You have gained 2/5 Attribute points and 1 skill point (every other level)and 1 spell point (every other level based on class).

My current stats are at level 1, 18 12 21 17 18 16 Hafling Initate Ranger.
You have Increased in level and have gained 8 health points and 2/5 attribute points and 1 skill point
Now you I can make it 21 12 21 17 18 16
or 18 12 21 18 18 18. Or however I would like to distribute my stat points.

The skill/spell points are for a later developement.