Without the knowledge of programming to create my own stand-alone client I couldn't make my dream possible. So I learned as much as I can and now I'm at the point where I have a game, almost fully functioning to the point where I can start building my own dream world inside a MUD environment.
This is all just a bit of fun, I've been working on this on and off over the passed 3 years without any serious intent but to fulfil a dream. This isn't a game advertisement but rather a "blog" so to speak, of the progress I make with the game.
You may have seen this before:

That's how far I got up to until my hard drive failed and I lost mostly everything. Luckily I'd uploaded the source code to the internet and was able to download it and continue from that.
Just recently I'd got player/npc/item portraits working, but a couple bugs have appeared and I'm now in the process of trying to fix them up when I can.
The game itself at this time is fairly standard, but I have been working on a quest system for a while now which I think is a great feature to have, as it allows players to play the game solo, instead of relying on the server to have several players online to interact with.
More updates soon.