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Member Since 03 May 2004
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In Topic: New Boss

23 April 2006 - 06:05 AM

lol very nice idea even though i couldnt afford to go its a nice idea and loved the comment of you cant go newhere cuz your bad at the game lol supported

In Topic: Arch's, Master, Expert's, Adept's

22 April 2006 - 07:08 AM

catch me on pack bout some of the perts

In Topic: Looking For New Clan...

22 April 2006 - 06:38 AM

lol not too many clans will take in a thief

In Topic: Hunger

20 April 2006 - 05:21 PM

lol or is it supposed to be like when your in a war moving around just drop ur drawers squat and let it flow

In Topic: Still Recruiting For Mysticshadows

20 April 2006 - 05:13 AM

lol i find it kinda hilarious if i knew some1 was "spying" on a clan that i was founder or chair of i sure as hell wouldnt boot em but instead use it to my advantage...the advantage being that you know where they are training so in turn you know where you can hit em up at...im friends wit karla and much of mysticshadows and ive talked to ryan and joe on different various occassions sometimes their alts were red to me other times green but yet never once did i ever get any bad remarks from either of the 2 and never once did i have any of their clannies where i was training...wit that beig said yea people share yea sometimes they have differences and decide they dont want to be in the same clan but if ryan was made founder then it means that he showed true loyalty to his clannies and to his friends to take on the responsibility of being a founder...every1 knows that him and his brother were in different clans but yet that didnt have any effect on the decision that was made to make him a founder...and as with most all the other drama thats always going round in nm if you have 2 people sharing in different clans then yes you will have accusations of being a "spy" sometimes ya just gotta take a step back and look at the situation on hand and decide do you trust the accuser more than you trust the accused?