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#1 Wisdom

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 04:16 PM

Class: Dragon

Stats: 22 19 16 19 20 16..

They have 4 types of attack.

Bite used for levels 1 to 15. Max damages are 8 to 30

roar used for levels 15 to 23. Max damages are 25 to 40

Fireball used for levels 24 to 27 ( takes two stam). Max damages are 50 to 65

pounce used for levels 28 to 30 (takes three stam). Max damages are 200 to 500.

Hp: at level 1 is 20.

Lowest hp gains are 9.

Highest hp gains are 12.

Stam: Max 4 stam. Levels 9, 18, 24, 28.

Descriptions: You bite a black bear for 15 damage.

You opened your huge mouth and roared at a bear for 30 damage.

You open your huge mouth and a spark of light forms a fireball torching the bear for 45 damage.

You Jumped in to the air and flew toward a bear and pounced on him for 300 damage.

This is still in the works I don’t have to write down full descriptions.

This class is an animal. So if it’s put into the game it will have its own stats.

Also, I think this class should have its own picture too. You can choose from different dragons to choose from.

Red, blue colored dragons. Some with or without horns.

I have many pictures that I can down size so they fit into the game.

I’m a very good drawer and I could draw some dragons too.

I'm still working a discriptions and other stuff. I should have them done by the end of the day.
Online characters: Wisdom

#2 2Pac

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 04:24 PM

Class: Dragon

Stats: 22 19 16 19 20 16..

They have 4 types of attack.

Bite used for levels 1 to 15. Max damages are 8 to 30

roar used for levels 15 to 23. Max damages are 25 to 40

Fireball used for levels 24 to 27 ( takes two stam). Max damages are 50 to 65

pounce used for levels 28 to 30 (takes three stam). Max damages are 200 to 500.

Hp: at level 1 is 20.

Lowest hp gains are 9.

Highest hp gains are 12.

Stam: Max 4 stam. Levels 9, 18, 24, 28.

Descriptions: You bite a black bear for 15 damage.

You opened your huge mouth and roared at a bear for 30 damage.

You open your huge mouth and a spark of light forms a fireball torching the bear for 45 damage.

You Jumped in to the air and flew toward a bear and pounced on him for 300 damage.

This is still in the works I don’t have to write down full descriptions.

This class is an animal. So if it’s put into the game it will have its own stats.

Also, I think this class should have its own picture too. You can choose from different dragons to choose from.

Red, blue colored dragons. Some with or without horns.

I have many pictures that I can down size so they fit into the game.

I’m a very good drawer and I could draw some dragons too.

I'm still working a discriptions and other stuff. I should have them done by the end of the day.

"pounce used for levels 28 to 30 (takes three stam). Max damages are 200 to 500."

I tihnk there should be a better name for this i don't know but i think pounce is something a cat would do or a tiger. no offense bro but something like Crush or Diving headbutt.
Thúg LíFè

#3 Chewbob

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 05:18 PM

Ummm... is this supposed to be a class or a race? Looks more like both of them combined.

#4 Wisdom

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 05:59 PM

It's a class and race. Like the half orc witch only fighters and zerkers can be, but the dragon will have it's on stats for its self. Like I said it's a rough idea.
Online characters: Wisdom

#5 Charon

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 06:26 PM

I, unfortunately, really don't like this idea for probably more reasons than I could name... but even so I have some vaguely constructive comments and questions on it ^^

Fireball used for levels 24 to 27 ( takes two stam). Max damages are 50 to 65

pounce used for levels 28 to 30 (takes three stam). Max damages are 200 to 500.

If anything the names of these two should be switched around :P
However isn't 65 to 200 a pretty over the top jump? ^^;;

And would a level 30 dragon have the choice of biting or roaring at people if it wished?
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#6 Cule

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 06:31 PM

No :P

#7 menardi

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 06:37 PM

Last attack is way to powerful
Electron/Excuse in game~~ÐÎVΧÎØÑ


#8 2Pac

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 06:45 PM

last attack is like the smite of a zerker
Thúg LíFè

#9 Wisdom

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 06:53 PM

........is a Male Dragon. He looks very strong, smart, quick, and tall. He has massive hands with sharp claws. His thick skin protects him from spears, arrows. He has huge wigs that lift him high in the air, and he as three foot tall horns growing from his head. slightly wounded.

The dragon is huge and powerful so he needs high strength, so thing like a zerker with 21 or 22 strength .

Because at one point he will learn to blow flames I think intel should affect that, like for mages, but the dragon isn’t a magic users so he want gain any magic to use it. I think 19 intel would be good because flame isn’t going to be his main or powerful attacks.

This dragon is huge and he flies so he wont be needing a lot of dex, because of his thick skin and flying dodging blows would be easy. Because it would be easy to dodge blows I think 16 dex or 17 would be good.

His health should be like that of a zerker with 21 or 22 con. Max hp at arch should be about 400- 500. Reason why he should gain so much hp is because if he was hit he would lose health points like a zerker.

Wisdom maybe 16 or 17 wisdom.

Char 16 or 17
So his stats should be: 22 19 16 21 16 16 or 22 19 17 22 17 17..

This is a class and race. Like the half orc witch fighters and zerkers can be. This dragon will have its own stats. Because it’s an animal and you can’t choose to be a human, dwarf, halfling etc.. etc.

This is going to be a powerful class so I think it should be a 1 alt crit like the pacifist.

Because is will hit like a zerker and gain hp like a zerker. So if this wasn’t a 1 alt crit then it will be too powerful and would mess up the game.


You open your mouth and a slow light formed creating a massive fireball, burning a Small Snake for 47
points of damage

You jumped in to the air and landed on a Griffin crashing him for 285 points of damage

You attacked a Small Snake with a massive bite for 15 points of damage.

Only reason I made this race like a zerker because dragons are huge I'm imageing this guy to be 18 to 20 feet tall. Being so tall it as to be stronge. Even though it could fly it's slow and it can't ran away it has to fight. So I gave it some power to protect its self. Also I would like this to be a 1 alt crit and if you think about it it should be powerful if it's going to fight, train or whatever alone.

Edited by Wisdom, 29 September 2004 - 06:55 PM.

Online characters: Wisdom

#10 Ryuku


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Posted 29 September 2004 - 07:09 PM

It's great, it's like a slightly weaker zerker, not overpowered at all.

#11 Charon

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 07:43 PM

The thing with zerks is that they do themselves damage.

I'm guessing as this is an amped up zerk at levels 27+ it will have 6 stam?

That means that assuming it hits for max (500) this thing can kill two of my crits instantly presuming it hits me.

Plus just as a bonus it has zerk hp so that even if I fight back I don't stand a chance at even DENTING its health :P

I'm finding another idea to not like this.

Right right, looking at this from a different perspective now. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
For every strength there is an equal weakness.

What's this dragons weakness again?

Edited by Charon, 29 September 2004 - 07:44 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#12 Sneaky

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 08:15 PM

Swords o.O?
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#13 Squee



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Posted 29 September 2004 - 08:18 PM

What's this dragons weakness again?

It will never get added.
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#14 Wisdom

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 08:41 PM

Well I guess when you use crash, it as to jump, fly in the air and worth or not it does damage on the oppoent you should lose some hp.

No way will you do 500 damage, the max stam for the dragon is 4 and it takes 3 stam to use crush.

I don't think it is a good idea for him to lose hp after hitting someone after all he is going to be ( if put in) a 1 alt crit.

Edited by Wisdom, 29 September 2004 - 08:44 PM.

Online characters: Wisdom

#15 Wisdom

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 08:51 PM

The thing with zerks is that they do themselves damage.

I'm guessing as this is an amped up zerk at levels 27+ it will have 6 stam?

That means that assuming it hits for max (500) this thing can kill two of my crits instantly presuming it hits me.

Plus just as a bonus it has zerk hp so that even if I fight back I don't stand a chance at even DENTING its health :P

I'm finding another idea to not like this.

Right right, looking at this from a different perspective now. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
For every strength there is an equal weakness.

What's this dragons weakness again?

There weakness is low stam and if hit they lose alot of hp. They have no armor at all only tuff skin and a massive body to protect them.

They don't walk they only fly, so maybe because they have to fly they should get tire having them lose 1 stam. Once ever to squares they lose one stam and with 4 stam you can move 8 squares.

I'm still creating my ideas as i go along.

Edited by Wisdom, 29 September 2004 - 08:54 PM.

Online characters: Wisdom

#16 Charon

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 09:14 PM

No way will you do 500 damage, the max stam for the dragon is 4 and it takes 3 stam to use crush.

Need I point out that a maximum of 500 was the value you gave? ^^
Also you had not mentioned the dragons stamina, so the only way I could estimate it was to quote berzerkers as the rest of the dragon does.

You say this dragon's only protection is "skin and a massive body" Is this similar to the "natural armour" of half orcs, and if so what sort of numerical value is the dragons ac?

And reiterating my earlier unanswered question- could a level 30 dragon choose to use bite (the level 1-15 attack) if it wanted to?

They don't walk they only fly, so maybe because they have to fly they should get tire having them lose 1 stam. Once ever to squares they lose one stam and with 4 stam you can move 8 squares

The loss of stam due to flying is an interesting idea that I actually quite like. Perhaps not losing that much stam but...

I still like the weakness Squee gave better, I'm sorry ^^

There is, however, a problem with the flying tough... it makes it that much harder to explain the damage it takes. That Cleric who decides to try and pester the dragon with a warhammer has a damned long reach if the dragon flies all the time.

This Dragon would presumably not have access to any underground areas because of its large wingspan and flight- it simply wouldn't fit in them. This however means large areas are theoretically off limits
(Just imagining that the Dragon starts in Nightmist- it can never reach Resthaven+ south of Resthaven, Blackthorn+Sarka+south of Bt, Kantele region, the Desert...)

... however you then have to explain why the dragon can't fly over mountains, why it cant fly past existing barriers.
Barriers that mark the edges of areas, barriers used to explain why the area beyond actually doesn't exist in code- such as the trees in the grassy meadow or fences in the graveyard.
Why is it that when the Dragon ventures too far south in the forest of souls it drowns in a river if it's in the air?

A dragon probably wouldn't be that welcome in a town either- it would panic the people on the ground and struggle trying to fit into shops, banks or guilds- speaking of which there presumably wouldn't be a dragon guild, at least not in a city.

With the dragon being large and not fitting in buildings... why would this dragon when "created" by its user... come into being in Nightmist Inn?
It's a dragon, it has no reason to be in an inn ^^;;

Oh- and can this roaring, biting, firebreathing dragon speak?

Edited by Charon, 29 September 2004 - 09:16 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#17 Wisdom

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 11:19 PM

Charon I like you. The dragon can use bite and all the other attacks at lvl 30.

There will be some areas where the dragon can't goto. All towns are one of them. If JLH likes this idea or pandilex I could make a few nice areas that the dragon can go into, but can't leave, but also let have people go into. There dragon would of course have to stay in this area from 1 to 30 and maybe I could set it up to where it could fly over mountains to where it can wonder around place, but never going into town. I think that once the dragon reach lvl 29 it would be stronge enough to fly to fourth place. Like the desert, forest meadows.

I really like this idea and I want it to work. If JLH would give me a chance to send him a few map ideas that would help and if he would approve on those then all that is left is making the dragon.

Also I think that it would be fun it dragons didn't speak, but if mages, pallies or clerics had a speaking spell that they could cast on the dragon to make it speak that would be cool.

I have alot of ideas.

Edited by Wisdom, 29 September 2004 - 11:21 PM.

Online characters: Wisdom

#18 All_Evil

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Posted 29 September 2004 - 11:54 PM

I like the idea but i dont think it would work. Dragons should be a rare mythical creature that u dont come across 2 often. Imagine when the dragon would be the flavour of the month u'll probably see more of them online at times than fighters ...... how unrealistic would that be ?

#19 Wisdom

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Posted 30 September 2004 - 02:20 AM

True, but this dragon will have it's own area where it can hunt other dragons, possible fighters, theives and rangers would be welcome to join these area too.

I would locate this area somewhere south of resthaven. It's would have hills, stone towers, stone castles, lakes, streams.

Dragons are not aloud to leave this area till they're stronge enough to fly high above the mountane tops, witch would be around lvl 29.

Only rangers, theives and fighters would be aloud in this area and other dragons.

If you are irish like me you would see my point in rangers, theives and fighters along with a dragon only area.

I have one map completed and if JLH wants to I would send it to him to look at. I would like to make two more maps along with the finished map.
Online characters: Wisdom

#20 DragonHeart



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Posted 30 September 2004 - 04:44 AM

i like it.
Crusader/Raistlin/Spyhunter ingame

#21 Ryuku


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Posted 30 September 2004 - 12:13 PM

Seems a little complicated, but if you can pull it off, I'm all for it.

#22 sayadin

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Posted 30 September 2004 - 02:12 PM

umm... sorry. but dragons would be too powerful... and.. lol.. thats funny.
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#23 2Pac

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Posted 30 September 2004 - 06:23 PM

sayadin you think anything new other then your precise(Monk) is powerful. ISupport this idea along with most new class idea's that interest me and that are well thought out.As I see it this idea could work and its a 1 alt crit it can't join parties clans or any of that. Plus it's weaker then the beserker, i'd say like 2 arch fighter(with mods etc.) could take the dragon, and for it being able to fly Rangers Could shoot its wings causing ti to be on the ground for the fighters to finish them off.IMO this would bring some role playing into it, also meaning that the player using the dragon would ahve to get good at using it to survive other players in a 12v1 situation. As it Seems Howie ahs this well thought out.
Thúg LíFè

#24 Terence

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Posted 30 September 2004 - 06:27 PM

Will never be added in the game, you guys gotta determine whether a dragon is a race or a class....
Hi-2 letters
Beg JLH to unban your crits-5k letters
There are many things that doesn't have shortcuts
For everything else, there are macros

#25 DragonHeart



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Posted 30 September 2004 - 07:31 PM

Will never be added in the game, you guys gotta determine whether a dragon is a race or a class....

ya must be blind,he has said it is a combination of both,yer not gonna see a human being a dragon and yer not gonna see a dragon being a fighter.
Crusader/Raistlin/Spyhunter ingame

#26 Squee



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Posted 30 September 2004 - 07:49 PM

IMO this would bring some role playing into it [Nightmist]

Don't kid yourself.
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#27 sayadin

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Posted 01 October 2004 - 01:31 PM

sayadin you think anything new other then your precise(Monk) is powerful. ISupport this idea along with most new class idea's that interest me and that are well thought out.As I see it this idea could work and its a 1 alt crit it can't join parties clans or any of that. Plus it's weaker then the beserker, i'd say like 2 arch fighter(with mods etc.) could take the dragon, and for it being able to fly Rangers Could shoot its wings causing ti to be on the ground for the fighters to finish them off.IMO this would bring some role playing into it, also meaning that the player using the dragon would ahve to get good at using it to survive other players in a 12v1 situation. As it Seems Howie ahs this well thought out.

actually, yeah "my monk" is over-powered. i admitted that, its just that think about it. a dragon is like a boss, its strong as hell and has a crap load of hp, and is huge. now then if you would like to have a dragon as a race i believe the best race for a dragon would be a half-dragon.

half human and half dragon. the half dragon could be used as a fighter, druid, thief, and a wizard, not a cleric, zerker (too powerful), paci. half dragons tend to have high tempers, with looks of a human but also some expressions and phsycalness of a dragon.

i think that would be the best way to have a race of dragons. don't get me wrong, i like the idea of a dragon but a normal dragon would put the demonic general a challenge.

Also, all of my ideas i don't support, i usually post them for the nightmist community because it could help us out a lil. the undead area i thought we need badly with the pacis and cleric going around so i create the undead area, the monks is just an newb idea i thought of while playing dungeons and dragons. so please don't be offended if i don't like the idea.
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#28 Squee



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Posted 01 October 2004 - 08:56 PM

half human and half dragon...

Do you mean a Draconian?
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#29 Veena

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Posted 13 November 2004 - 03:00 AM

"pounce used for levels 28 to 30 (takes three stam). Max damages are 200 to 500."

I tihnk there should be a better name for this i don't know but i think pounce is something a cat would do or a tiger. no offense bro but something like Crush or Diving headbutt.

Skull Crusher?

#30 Simulation

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Posted 13 November 2004 - 04:11 AM

This class will be uber.


Edited by Simulation, 13 November 2004 - 04:12 AM.


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