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Ikswokawon Leachim

Member Since 24 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 17 2004 05:34 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Unfair Ban

10 March 2004 - 01:41 PM

Ones i got banned for having an autoroller.

Ones i got banned for breaking into a staffs account.

Both got lifted up within a few hours...both were unfair.

aight now if you had an autoroller that's unfair to all the players that sit there for hours & hours clicking/pressing return til they get decent stats & if you broke into staffs acct. that's unfair to staff so I guess you can say it's an unfair ban but not unfair to the person who was banned. basically if you break the rules you get punished. wait let me rephrase that if you break the rules & get caught then you get punished. my motto is if the cop didn't see it I didn't do it lol.

In Topic: Nm Player For Sale

05 March 2004 - 02:38 AM

I bid all the thongs I stole from her room (even the one I'm wearing right now)

In Topic: Marriage, Civil Union, Or None.

24 February 2004 - 09:33 PM

I care as much about homosexuals getting married as I do about hetrosexuals getting married basically saying I don't care if ya get married I just know that I'm not cause marriage gives the option of Divorce which gives the option of losing half if not more of your belongings plus long fights over senseless bs etc..... I was with a girl for lil over a year now & we don't fight really. Know why? We're not married that's why..... lol but seriously if gays wanna marry I say let them. what ever happened to the discrimination law in America???? I mean why protest against homosexual marriage. 99% of the clowns against it are straight & I don't see why they would raise up such a fuss when they're not the ones marrying a homosexual (if your a girl & another girl wants to marry a girl? then why make a fuss if your not the one marrying the same sex?) I know if I do ever decide to marry that I would marry the opposite sex (female) simply because I love the way God made women their the most beautiful thing in my eyes every thing about them is beautiful & remarkable to me. I love Sexual relations with females & don't care to try with males. but that doesn't give me the right to say that "Another person can't marry the same sex" I say gays wanna marry let them I chose I don't care simply because I know what I'm after & I ain't worried about what others choose to do with their life.

I respect your views & opinions & wish you luck with your marriage Drew.

In Topic: §¤©îå£ Ðî§t¤®tî¤ñ

24 February 2004 - 08:33 PM

In your original post b4 the edit you said such things as bad apples &
tried to deter others from joining the clan you stated that the main
bad apple was the one in control of everything I took that as Nikki
considering she is the chairwoman & the chairperson is in control of the
whole clan. but you noted that your not blaming nikki so I rule that out.

I've told you & I'm sure others have told you about temper, you overreact
too much. as you know I care for nikki & I've tolerated this bs for too long
now. I am not going to sit back & watch this continue. You were booted from
the clan, I didn't boot you but from what I saw I would have. Removing your
crits states that you no longer want to be in the clan anymore. like if I removed
my crits in a lil sissy fit I would expect my founder crit booted as well (though
I would remove him myself).

Bill you love nikki & if you really love someone then your main concern is their happiness not your own & if she's happier with someone else then let it go cause your standing in the way of Her & Me. I know I have competition out there & others want her but I'm the one who has her heart & I'm the one who's gonna do my best to keep it, not lock it up.

that's all I can think of to say for now I've been reading & writing for an hour & I'm losing out on all the gold I coulda made in that time. I'll be doing book signings at 9p.m. server time for those devoted fans who read my book on the forum lol

I write it as I see it & I ain't changing a thing about it everyone has their own sight on a subject so if you see my post another way then I intended it I don't care. so feel free to criticize all you want or back me up on my sayings & beliefs

Ever have an itch that you were too lazy to scratch, an itch you chose to ignore for some time, then the itch comes back & bites you hard making you jump....... I'm that itch aren't I?

In Topic: §¤©îå£ Ðî§t¤®tî¤ñ

24 February 2004 - 08:26 PM

i will do one thing on the forums though, i will profess my undying love for Nikki and hope she can forgive me for being an azz

The main issue here is your love for nikki which is not going
your way. Your a Bison you jump right in & do things your way or no way
at all. usually results in many delays & errors, I am more of an Eagle
I sit back survey the situation plan a course & then go in & take action
now your love for nikki is understandable but possessive ways don't gain
ones heart. you got to convince her that your right for her not demand her
to think such. over a year ago Nikki & I had an argument over some stupid shiz
& I left, I left the clan (no intentions on coming back) not long after that
I left the game. I came back & the spark was still there, there was fuel
spraying that ignited the fire & we picked up where we left off. In that time
I was gone we tried to move on with our lives but it didn't seem to work for
either of us. I went with one & Nikki went with you. at first you were sweet &
caring very passoniate. then you started to change you became demanding possessive
& controlling, she asked for room to breathe she needed space. you gave her space
from what I hear but then it started all over again the controlling etc.. She logs
on to play not to sit & talk all day about the same thing over & over, your like a
child you need to be explained the same thing over I over to understand it. That or
you just refuse to understand it. because you fear the truth. The truth that she
no longer feels for you as she once thought she did. Now that I came back & we hit it
off again we're moving on together & you don't like the fact that you were the rebound
I doubt that she intended for you to be the rebound but when I left she felt empty & you
were there to comfort her which I thank you for that. things escalated & you two got close
then when I came back I find that things ain't so great & I decide to help out as a friend
& we get close again like I said above. You want nikki to forgive you for being an azz..
or do you want her to run back in your arms & be a dying slave to your every command?