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Paci's Ruining Boss Spawn Times

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#1 Oasis

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 04:13 AM

I think it is really stupid when a pacifist can sit at say, the mayor, when they know it is going to spawn sooon so that that mess up the spawn time so therefore having people wait another hour for it to spawn.

I mean you can't kill/threatin them to get away because you cannot harm them. If they are gonna be a non-pkable class they should not be able to screw over the spawn times. All that they havta do is log on every 58 minutes stay on for 5 just to ruin peoples fun in nightmist and screwing over all of the spawn times. It really irritates me when this happens because you cannot fight them or anything.


#2 Vodka

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:00 AM

I thought if a paci were caught/tattled on.. sitting on a spawning square of a boss that they'd get banned.
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#3 Hatchet Crew

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:05 AM

I hate when people disrespect other players when they have no knowledge of the person they are insulting. But you dont see me crying to the staff asking me to make it so the game/forums are idiot proof do you? nope! :)
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#4 Gaddy

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:07 AM

I've had this happen a few times also, very uncool of people to use pacis in a way to annoy other players just because the player is too lazy, weak, or w/e to kill the boss or the people they want to frustrate. People should learn that it's better to persue things that will help you rather than to pursue things simply to harm others.
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#5 Epic

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:10 AM

Yeh something needs to be done about paci's being able to ruin spawns

#6 Dan

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 06:25 AM

I don't agree with stopping the re-spawns, but I do however find it rediculous that people gather all thier high level crits just to kill the mayor. I could understand if you planned on going to the museum right then and there, but oh-no, some of you do it to packrat the keys. At this point I'm starting to think that some of these bosses should have a lvl restriction placed.

WHY am I saying this? simple.. I'm there earlier on Zoom just watching with jz up and I'm allowing low lvl's to have 10-20 seconds of mayor experience without 15-20 higher lvl's trample them. I'm called "lame" for this because a lower lvl crit got the key. Oh boohoo like they would have stood a chance w/o me there.

I'm sorry, but if lame is helping other people, then yes I'm lame.

#7 Kazuya

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 07:26 AM

I'm sorry, but if lame is helping other people, then yes I'm lame.


Just playing, But yeah i think its stupid for paci's to be able to stop a boss spawn.

#8 Bean

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 07:41 AM

This is all retarded... Take a look at id say... 99.99% of those pacifist that disturb boss spawn and... lo and behold!!


They make the pacifist for that specific use... to piss you guys off. Your all just way to easy to get riled up... Its a boss spawn, and one like the mayor will spawn like 20 times a day.... come again one of those other 20 times...

In other words, it you guys doing it *Not you gentlemen in particular on this post* so just get over it, and wait for the offenders to be banned.
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#9 Dan

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 02:00 PM

I'm sorry, but if lame is helping other people, then yes I'm lame.


/flex :)

#10 Xlithan


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Posted 16 April 2004 - 02:56 PM

have class specific grids. set the grid to -pacifist or whatever. It won't need to output text, just the square wouldn't exist to the pacifist :)

#11 Dan

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 04:25 PM

That would take away from newbies who just want to explore w/o the hastles.

#12 Xlithan


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Posted 16 April 2004 - 04:34 PM

making it so pacis can't go on boss squares? nothing wrong with that. Why would a newbie wanna sit at the generals spawning grid?

#13 Pandilex



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Posted 16 April 2004 - 04:52 PM

Just learn to live with it.
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#14 Dan

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 04:58 PM

I'm thinking along the lines of all bosses, not just mayor. But seriously here now, stopping boss spawns can be done on just about any other classes. If a paci is stopped from doing it by not llowing them onto boss square, someone will just sit a <3 onto the square. You'll lose the spawn either way.

Like I said before, thier probably doing it because some people are just stock piling the keys. If you want to claim that you/your clan own's the zeum or whatever, do it with actions other then using 20 high lvl's to rape the mayor and horde the keys.

#15 Trevayne

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:17 PM

Just learn to live with it.

/cheer Pandilex
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#16 Oasis

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:21 PM

Trevayne you missed a spot kissing his ass.

20 people agree with me and all we get is, live with it?.....

#17 Suzey

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:24 PM

Just learn to live with it.

As Pandilex said just learn to live with it. Obviously the pacis that sit on the squares are sick of seeing the same people on 50 crits ruining everything for people who arnt on 50 crits that are low lvls. So this whole post is really pointless, because usually boss spawns/drops only start uneeded bs, pretty much like this. And not only pacis mess up boss spawns so dont put all of the blame on pacis. Of course you're probably thinking,''wtf is this chick talking about?,I heard she doesnt even train'' And actually, I do train, but you rarely see me out in large training areas where the exp is good. Due to the fact is that when ever I want to go to a boss or good training area: I have no type of protection because well my clannies arnt particulary any help to me most of the time, my crits arnt the best,my friends are too busy to train, and im not the most popular person in game. Plus I've come to the conclusion of not going to bosses because I dont want to be in a bunch of drama because of who got the boss spawn and who shouldnt have got it etc etc.

Anyways this was pointless and is going to start a bunch of crap so

Later Sk8ers

#18 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:36 PM

I'm thinking along the lines of all bosses, not just mayor. But seriously here now, stopping boss spawns can be done on just about any other classes. If a paci is stopped from doing it by not llowing them onto boss square, someone will just sit a <3 onto the square. You'll lose the spawn either way.

Like I said before, thier probably doing it because some people are just stock piling the keys. If you want to claim that you/your clan own's the zeum or whatever, do it with actions other then using 20 high lvl's to rape the mayor and horde the keys.

no because you could pk him
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#19 Shane

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 06:29 PM

So from what I am understanding reading this thread is that you can log a character at the Mayor or near a major boss, log that crit on right before the boss spawns and sit there till like after 5 mins after the boss is supposed to respawn, then log and the boss wont spawn till its next scheduled time? Thats what all this sounds like.

Ok if it is that way then whats to stop people from doing this with normal crits if paci's are fixed to where they dont effect the spawn time.

And I see one way to fix this problem simple and quick. Make the monsters/minor bosses/major bosses spawn at their time reguardless of the grid being occupied. I understand that there is a max number of monsters on a grid. But once the monster is there be it a boss or not the server should notice this and not spawn another.

Just a suggestion because I do not agree with the way people are abusing paci's. Mine lives in the museum so I dont take him to bosses anymore.

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#20 Julius

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 06:46 PM

You can't keep people from going to certain areas because of their class. Pacifists may be useless in combat againt the mayor, but they can fight undead bosses. It is not fair to keep them from every boss just because of their class. And it isnt only pacifists. Any character can do it. Pacifists actually help the situation with justice zone, allowing a fair shot for everyone there. Like Pandilex said deal with it. Most bosses don't spawn at a certain time anyways. If you cant beat them, try a different way.
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#21 Exor

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 07:24 PM

k id say anyone who thinks its fair for a paci to stop bosses from spawning is most likely someone who does it.Maybe make it so anyone sitting on the square when the boss spawns gets killed by a trap or something.
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#22 Dan

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 07:35 PM

I'm thinking along the lines of all bosses, not just mayor. But seriously here now, stopping boss spawns can be done on just about any other classes. If a paci is stopped from doing it by not llowing them onto  boss square, someone will just sit a <3 onto the square. You'll lose the spawn either way.

Like I said before, thier probably doing it because some people are just stock piling the keys. If you want to claim that you/your clan own's the zeum or whatever, do it with actions other then using 20 high lvl's to rape the mayor and horde the keys.

no because you could pk him

WTF are you talking about?

#23 Xlithan


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Posted 16 April 2004 - 07:58 PM

he quit Dan :)

#24 Gaddy

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 08:42 PM

I don't know about you guys, but really sitting on a square to stop the boss from spawning seems like a waste of time to me, especially hourly bosses. Why the hell would you bother to do that?

Today I logged onto my mayor checking crit and some master paci was sitting on mayor square..i asked him why...he did not know that sitting on a square where a monster should spawn made the monster not spawn...either he was just lying or pacifist should have to go to some kind of school before allowing them to reach high level, it is ridiculous to have a master crit in a game and not understand the basic concepts of it.

I really don't have a problem with people sitting on squares since they don't do it very often and cannot actually know what time any major boss will spawn. If you do it, get something better to do, not to help the person that wants the kill out, but to keep from looking back at it and saying....now why the hell was i so dumb/gay?

As for mayor, if you're a paci or low level or w/e and people are giving you crap there, page me spawn time and if my crits are not out on a training trip I'll come over and kill them and kill mayor and give you the key if you're nice...that is so long as the person who is bothering you isn't a friend of mine and you're not just being a turnip bite.
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#25 Oasis

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 09:12 PM

ORRR! Train Crime as fast as you freaking can to 25 first. Then kill them.

#26 Dan

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 09:30 PM

he quit Dan :)


#27 Suzey

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 10:30 PM

turnip bite.

wtf is a turnip bite

#28 Xlithan


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Posted 16 April 2004 - 10:48 PM

turnic = díck. it's filtered

#29 reset

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 10:53 PM

um i dont have alot to say but restricting Paci from boss squares is a little harsh every boss kill ive been to there was a paci there or all that i can rememer because most of the time there whole purpose is JZ and that helps alot........Making a boss not spawn is not really a good thing but helping noobs is respectible in my book.Live with it is good for me but ive never had it happen so maybe i would be more affended if it has. With any thing in this game the better more powerful charecters rule so why get upset when 20 Archs hord the keys.....Its not lame and its pretty much the same way with ever other part of the game what makes the mayor any different.

#30 Squee



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Posted 16 April 2004 - 10:56 PM

I'd say the people that do this are horrible at RP'ing a pacifist...but...

...I don't feel like answering 20 bazillion PM's asking me what RP'ing is.
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