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Member Since 08 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2006 06:16 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ? Nightmist? The Dying Horse?

01 June 2006 - 02:33 PM

I think no alts will cure all our problems on nightmist 2, and it will hopefully be like the good old days.

Sadly I have a lot of work right now so progress is slow, but things should pick up eventually.

Pand does have a point.
And at least eclypse, caught the entire point of the post. Yea, I'm sure there are many people who will argue that the 'horse is not dead'. But, the whole fact of the matter, NM is geared towards the existing player base, and not the new coming player base. That, is at a detriment to the game..
And Ryuku didn't even get the concept of the topic... o well... I won't even go into that..
(I was using thief's/druid's/mage's as an example of others posts, not stating opinion)

In Topic: Anti-pk Devices

01 June 2006 - 05:07 AM

What difference does it really make? If someone were to come across me, while training, and had the capability to pk, they would most likely do it, but, not for the reason of posting here.

In Topic: ? Nightmist? The Dying Horse?

01 June 2006 - 05:05 AM

Oldwin, the only dead horse is the one your beating. This same topic has come up to many times to count. On a second note, how can you just come back and already be saying the game is filth when you have not fully experienced it since when you quit? ;)

I never said the game was filth. You are the only one that mentions that, anywhere in this thread.
I've been back for about a month or so, and the whole point of what I said, was, that all the reasons I had to leave in the first place, not only remain, but have gotten worse. The game is 99.9% focused on the old, longer termed players, and not around the new players. but, you can say whatever you want, or think whatever you want.. it makes little difference either way...

People will always read into threads as they want to. As its been posted on several threads (I like the one about the paci's, so funny), people will go absolutely out of their way, to keep things the way things are going. Exp: Paci's/GP. Why are so many people against GP? Well, it stops players from attacking other players (main purpose, its probably the main reason they want the GP removed, not for the reasons they 'post' about...).
Another example:
One concept that will never get implemented: Damage based on player kills (from Pally discussion). Spell that causes PK's / Death's times other values formula. It will never happen, why? Because those who would stand the most to lose, would be the ones that are causing the problems, to the people who are wanting the change to occur. Its a vicious cycle.
Theif's/Druid's/Zerker's being 'over-powered'
There are always a few threads regarding that. If the thought of underpowering a thief were to come around, everyone who PK's with 10-15 thiefs would raise high heaven. Same for Druid's/Zerk's.
Its a vicious, neverending cycle.

I havent played much in the last say 2 months. But I can tell you this, all the crying about pking is sad. Ive never claimed to be the best player or have the best crits because I surely dont. I CAN however say that before I took a break due to internet issues I trained fairly regularly and I went a few MONTHS without being pk'd. This is for two reasons. Because I varied where I trained and stayed out of the infamous pk spots. And secondly because im not a complete arse to eveyone that plays. I have alot of friends ingame, and for the most part im nice to most people. So if they see me out on 2 arches and 5 experts, when they are on 15 arches...guess who doesnt get attacked. Like it or not a large majority of this game IS based on player vs player combat, not roleplaying. And im sure the playerbase has declined slightly and may even continue to. But I know ALOT of people that have left that are genuinely looking forward to NM2 and will definatley return when it comes into play. Maybe some of the same problems will exist, but its a game. Its supposed to be somewhat challenging.

Shag.. Don't you see ^^, thats the whole point. Many are leaving, but plan to come back, when NM2 comes around. If the same series of events happens... the exact same thing will happen to it. Some get tired of the same old thing, or get tired of playing the same old thing.

In Topic: ? Nightmist? The Dying Horse?

01 June 2006 - 04:51 AM

since when was there a 5 lvl nopk thing?

Error Message for attacking with a 5+ on a lower than 5 crit:
You can't attack players who have not reached level 5.

(Same general message for other way around, says you can't attack other players until you are level 5)

In Topic: ? Nightmist? The Dying Horse?

01 June 2006 - 04:21 AM

Well, I've never heard of any system like that. If I haven't heard of it (and I have probably been 'semi-retired' longer than I actually played), its hard to expect a new player to know it instinctively... Regardless, depending on someone, doesn't exactly help you learn the game, it just focuses the dependancy on the trainer.
I am not sure about you, but I have not found a single area in NM (thats PK'able), that I have not been PK'd while training in (most of the time, repeatedly, or extremely quickly during arrival). Just about any area over 20exp POD, will have some PK'er or another, passing through (invis of course), about every 10-20 minutes..
(on the rare occassion, the peoples/objects list, will flicker, when invis crits walk on square.. its hard to catch, I thought was a fluke, until I was assassinated a few times.... but, I've seen them.. and invis'd quiet a few of them... they always page me after.... asking how I knew...)