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A Real Vampire Roleplay

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#61 Squee



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Posted 28 June 2004 - 12:48 AM

All the sounds around Tahmores was nothing more than whitenoise. The gasps of patrons, the plead of Styx; everything. He continued to bathe his face in the man's blood, painting his body with thick layer of warm gore.

How he relished in this man's pain and anguish.

Power surged through Tahmores body (as if he weren't strong as it was). His eyes were now soaked blood red as he frantically glanced around the room, making sure nobody would try to close on to his prey. Seething as his body rose and fell with each passing breath, Tahmores form could easily be mistaken for that of some hell-spawned beast rather than a man.

However, Morbid's voice suddenly ripped Tahmores from his Eden and he could now focus on the Inn. It wasn't that Tahmores was afraid of Morbid (no, not by far) but there was a certain...weariness that he held for her.

"...No..." he growled back to Moribd. Even his voice had changed in his blood-lust, no longer calm and silky, his voice was harash, blunt and approached that of grunts and snarls.

"He...is mine! ...Not...yours...mine!"

Tahmores' eyes blazed with passion and blood-lust as he stared to Morbid, refusing to remove himself from the body. His warpaint still wore thick on the frame of his face and dripped back to the man with every breath Tahmores' wretched mouth took. Bared fangs and claw-like nails flashed for a moment in the dull light of the Inn as Tahmores seemed to take Morbid's offer of a fight only to throw it back into her face.
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#62 Amy

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Posted 03 July 2004 - 01:08 AM

*Morbid watches, with each savage bite Tahmores takes her grin grows in sardonic amusement.. She snaps her gaze to Styx.. "Please what? leave him be to die?" she sounds slightly exasperated.. "Stop now and let him bleed to death? Or shall we offer him our own torments? Immortality.. you know, there are far crueler things, are there not?" she stares at her for a long moment and then lets her firey sapphire eyes move toward Tahmores once more.

She had wanted to push him, "he must truly learn control" she thought to herself. She had almost mastered it but not quiet, not quiet yet. There were still moments when her own chaotic torments and fury spun wildly out of control like a fire lit among dried dead leaves ravaging everything in its path..times when she thought she had complete control but the anger and betrayal of the past snuck up like shadows in the night and took over.. but now, now she was calm.. Slipping from the beams once more she landed without a sound her chest rising and falling with each rapid breath.. The hunger still burned within her but she had it under control, for now. Blood still staining her lips she walked closer, she would make him snap she figured. Or, if he was as intelligent as she assumed, although she would never admit it of course, he would get control and fast.

"Tahmores, you can't stop can you?", she smirks evilly and continues, "it has consumed you and you are powerless against it is that it?" She walks even closer her intense mesmerizing gaze trapping him .. "He is not yours, he is mine.. although I can see you ~think~ it is otherwise. How pitiful .. does it anger you when you lose control? Does it make you burn with fury when you just.. can't.. stop... ?" she tilts her head back slightly and laughs as she brushes silky raven locks out of her almost ghostly white face.. "Does it warm your otherwise cold blood to bring death to another? Do you not know how much more useful he would be, if we turn him? Sire him? Make him want the succulant taste of our enemies blood?" She could continue pushing him, or she could simply take the wounded man back. It was though an amusing game they had started.. She stops right before Tahmores and holds out her hand .. in a voice heavy with seduction and power she says "He is NOT yours, he is mine.. MINE.. Give him to me, unless of course, you are too weak to let him go"..

If he wanted a fight she would give it to him, she would be more than happy to give it to him, in fact, the thought of overturning the usual numbness within herself with fury was rather appealing. Yet, this way was better. .. for now.

She glances about the pub and says with a humorous yet dangerous lilt to her voice.. "See that is the problem. the problem many of you have yet to realize.. Strength is definately of value, but merely nothing when it is out of control" she smirks .. letting her tongue dart out of her mouth and over the edges of razor sharp fangs onto her lips she licks the last traces of the fallen mans blood from their sheen.. "Don't you hate that Tahmores? Being out of control?" .. she waits, lets see who really has the strength here..
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#63 Crane


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Posted 03 July 2004 - 01:38 AM

Fear is accumulating rapidly within Crane's body. He struggles to keep himself from shaking and tensing up. Seeing the two vampires in a confrontation, his natural instinct was to intervene, but he doubted he would be able to do much before they got the better of him, so all he wanted to do now was get out of the tavern as quickly as possible. Physical restrictions prevented him from trying his luck in the Scarlet Daggers Guild hidden in the loft, so the only way out was the door that Morbid and Tahmores were near.

Keeping his eyes focused on the door, he slowly crept towards the door, the floorboards creaking on every footstep; he was shaking and very scared. Not paying attention, his arm knocked over an empty glass, and it shattered on the floor loudly. He jumps violently, and immediately senses multiple pairs of eyes staring into him, some belonging to Vampires. "Oh, nuts!" he cries, and drew his Justice Blade. The light from the many lanterns and torches in the tavern reflected off the blade's surface... everyone must have seen him draw his sword.

Suddenly, his fear left him, and adrenaline flooded his body - he knew he was in big trouble now. "Why did I have to choose the wrong tavern on the wrong day?" he thought angrily. "Well, if I die this day, I will go down on my feet, fighting... not on my knees, begging for mercy."
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#64 Charon

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Posted 03 July 2004 - 11:44 PM

"Mortality is cruel, but at least it can end" Styx forced words through the fear beginning to find its place in her heart "Immortality... doesn't end without extreme difficulty. If he wants your torments let him take them... if he wants to be free, if he wants it to end without your 'gift' allow him to take that road... it" she choked back burning emotions "It isn't all that far from him now" she almost spat the words... almost.

She was seeing something she didn't want to know... and she was terrified. She'd spent too long watching the world through rose coloured glasses, spent too long pretending that everything was okay when in her heart she knew it never could be... and had spent too long avoiding the darkness that had made its home in herself when she'd learnt to look away so long ago.

She could look away now... she wanted to make that choice, wanted to take that step... to move away from all of this, but at the same time she didn't. She knew that she'd hate herself if she let herself walk away.

She knew this game wasn't for her, she played no part in it, and she truly did not want to get in the way of those who did have their roles written in. That didn't matter, because despite all that, she was determined to make them listen to her, though she had no juristiction. That she was determined that they would take her seriously... but could she, in their positions, take herself seriously? A fly buzzing... she had the distinct vision that was how she could be seen, a mere annoyance that hung around as they went about their business.

But if she were a fly, she was truly afraid of getting swatted. The more she buzzed, the more likely they were to try and strike her down and so yet again, she found herself wanting to simply look away and pretend nothing were wrong. To pick up those tinted shades and look through them at a world where all was acceptable.

"He is a person" she said in a low voice, grim and clear "He is a person and he doesn't belong to either of you"

And she turned on Morbid, because it seemed that she at least, still noticed her... Morbid still saw her as being there where as Tahmores, well, she somehow had little faith that he had eyes or any other form of attention for more than that one, immediate thing.

"I wonder... would you agree... that there is more than one type of strength?" she asked, casting a glance at Tahmores and flinching "Control... is not strength, it is control. Strength may be useless without it... Strength may be more dangerous without it"

She was about to continue when the gleam caught her eye, shining metal with intent and purpose, and as she became aware that someone else was there... she could feel his fear. Didn't want to, but could, and it made her own... somewhat harder to resist. She recognised the voice as a part of her past, a part of her past she hadn't spoken with in a long long time... why was it, that by coming back here, so many things she'd thought long gone were coming back? It wasn't that she wasn't glad... but she prefered knowing what would happen, prefered to have some

<What? You prefer to have some control?> she asked herself <Are you annoyed that you can't control your past?>

"Put your sword down" she hissed softly, not quite daring to turn. Desperation again... she hated to hear the desperation in her voice, but couldn't get rid of it.

"The sword" she murmered again, her voice more than clear to the one who needed to hear it "I really don't suggest... we start any more commotion in here. You see my point, don't you? Don't be so hasty... in your desire to show your strength. We're talking about control here as well. Calm yourself friend... calm yourself"

<Hypocrite> she thought to herself <I'm a hypocrite, who am I to talk of being 'calm'?>

she murmered, looking back at Morbid with a weak smile "What is strength? Is strength proficiency with a weapon?" she tilted her head towards the Justice blade Crane held tight "Is strength... pure power? The ability to rip the throat from your victim?" her voice was thick now, thick with failed restraint and thick with strained disgust.

"You speak of control... Are you even in control? I wonder" she challenged "Because you taunt him without remorse, you play with words, you hide... even your name. I wonder if perhaps you also... fail in your control. In a different way entirely. Can you stop yourself taunting him?"

"Can you? Because your taunts... only make the warrior worse, and whatever you do to him, he doesn't deserve this"
she shook her head "I want this to stop. That's what I want. Maybe I can't get what I want... maybe... but I can try"

"Fighting... it wont help this warrior. Killing him won't help him all that much either. He wanted to live" she smiled almost sadly "But then again, nearly all people who die... want to live. But I can't grant him that, wheras the two of you... are the only ones who can grant him any semblance of that" she looked away "Although the idea... of another Tahmores... The idea of some poor fool having to resort to that for his 'life' is not one which appeals"

"But its... his choice. If he wants your 'torments'..."
now her gaze settled on the gory sight. She swallowed hard, forced back her revulsion...

"So are you going to taunt him or stop him? Can you stop him? Do you want to?"

Was her fear audible? She wasn't sure anymore, but she found it hard to believe it wasn't. She wanted so much to sound calm, to sound determined, but she was so certain that facade could be seen for what it was.

"Do you really think that taunting him will get you what you want" she asked softly, carefully as she looked at the woman whose presence seemed ever more imposing. She was going to stop but some part of her couldn't and she forced herself to venture further "I wonder if you really... even know what you want?"

She doubted she'd be heard, but she was already looking that way, already watching with some sickening fascination... and it couldn't hurt to try.

"Tahmores" she murmered "Please... you've made your point. Let him go"

Edited by Charon, 03 July 2004 - 11:45 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#65 Squee



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Posted 04 July 2004 - 03:56 AM

Tahmores pretended not to hear the voices...but they all rang in his head - ever single one of them. They battered away at Tahmores very core, they ate away at the fibre that held Tahmores together. Whatever it was that kept Tahmores from tearing himself into a thousand pieces was slowly being taken away from him.

He glared to Morbid, catching the glimpse of a sword in the corner of his eye.
"...Fine...take him..." his harsh and low-pitched voice murmured, speckling the floor before him with tiny dots of Trystan's blood. He slowly stood to his feet, his back hunched over as if he were no longer a human but some kind of beast. His arms dangled almost without control as he glared deeply at Morbid. He beant down and grabbed the body by the shirt. Like it were a rag-doll, Tahmores threw Trystran to Morbid in a more than agressive way.

"...But those two are mine!" Tahmores roared as a long, slender finger pointed behind him at Styx and Crane. He had head Styx's plea for a stop to his insanity...but it was obvious that he didn't care. His mind was set on feeding and killing - tearing into flesh and draining the suculent blood from each morsel.

Tahmores knew he had no control over himself when he was like this. He knew it was his weakness but he couldn't care less. It was this blood-lust that finally liberated him. It was when he tore into the flesh of a victim that he was free. The past had no hold upon him. He was no longer that scared, powerless child - he was Tahmores Merridew, feared Vampire and slaughter of man.

Quickly, Tahmores threw off his coat and pulled two Crystal Knives from his belt, each shimmering in the lantern glow. He twirled them in his hands, finishing by holding them in a reverse grip. Turning around, he glared to Styx and then to Crane. He could no longer see people; he didn't see noble Paladins or people - they were simply his next meal.

Roaring again, Tahmores flew at Crane, knives at the ready. Crane and his Justice Blade were the immediate dangers and, as such, were to be dispatched first. Styx had shown no agression towards Tahmores and that naiveness had come off on to him as simple pacifism - an easy kill.

Eyes blazing with a burning passion, a burning thirst and a burning lust for the thrill of murder, Tahmores roared aloud again. As he ran to Crane (a speed that was oddly slow for a vampire), his knives seemingly cried out for the jugular artery...even though any piece of flesh would do.

((It's not the greatest post but I'm sleepy, tired, and miss being home. I hope there aren't any mistakes in there - I read it over once and found a few.))

Edited by Squee, 04 July 2004 - 03:59 AM.

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#66 Crane


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Posted 04 July 2004 - 06:47 PM

By the time Tahmores was charging at Crane, he had his head lowered and was muttering something. Whatever it was did not seem to have any relevance with Tahmores or any of the bystanders who were now watching this duel in both awe and fear. Crane raised his eyes to Tahmores's, but made no obvious move to defend himself.

Crane sensed that Tahmores was seeing victory - the points of the crystal knives neared him... then, suddenly, he was not there. One moment he was a moment away from being stabbed; a microsecond later, he wasn't. Tahmores continued to fly forwards and was struck on the back of the head by the handle of Crane's Justice Blade, causing him to drop one of the crystal knives which rolled under a table somewhere - how painful the blow was for a vampire, Crane was not sure, even though his Divine Prayer gave him heightened power, agility and speed.

Crane readied his sword again in his left hand and positioned his right hand into a common martial arts guard, ready to take on Tahmores again when he recovered. Now so engrossed in the fight, Crane did not realise that the tavern's exit door was currently clear; he was too focussed on his angered opponent lying in a heap on the floor against the wall.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#67 Deval

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Posted 05 July 2004 - 03:48 AM

(Crane buddy, you can only dictate your own actions against another player, not the result. That said, Squee doesn't have to adhere to the suggested result of your actions. You can call that you have attempted to make certain actions/strikes, but only the recipitent of these attacks can dictate if they are sucessful.)
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#68 Evenstar

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Posted 05 July 2004 - 03:09 PM

Erra stared in horror as thamores surged towards the newest stranger in the inn. she knew a blood bath was likley to ensue. she decided, to withdraw her 'bronze staff', incase she needed to defend herself. she looked down on her armour, and smiled fondly at her 'shroud of awe' given to her, by her mothers clan when she left. As she smiled though she realised these weapons will not help her against these powerful foes, she knew her best option was to stay behind styx, and hope it all blows over before anyone notices her with her weapon drawn. "styx, what do we do im frightened" erato whispered in the womans ear, as she hung behind her...

#69 Charon

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Posted 05 July 2004 - 06:21 PM

"...But those two are mine!"

The words rang hollowly and for a split second her mind tried to deny them, tried to pretend they hadn't been said as she froze where she stood, staring blankly as she tried to place the threat... and then it was there, the intent registered, and her posture changed almost instantly. She shifted her weight onto the balls of her feet, her height decreased almost unnoticably as she lowered her centre of gravity... but it wasn't the pose someone used to fighting should choose... it was the pose of one who planned to get the hell out of the way

She wasn't prepared for a fight... she'd seen it coming but had clung to the vain hope that peace could be held on to. She wasn't prepared for a fight...

<When am I ever ready for a fight?> she thought bitterly, but all she could hear was the threat, were the words... repeating themselves over and over... and the vague knowledge that he hadn't gone for her

<He's gone for Crane>

<Crane can take care of himself>

<He's gone for Crane>

"No" she whispered inaudibly, her eyes catching sight of what was left of Trystan as she spun on the balls of her feet to keep track of Tahmores, to keep him in her sights... but her mind was too busy overlaying the images of what she'd seen, and the thought that Trystan was still... still alive... She felt hollow and she felt ill, and those feelings didn't go well with the knowledge that she couldn't simply just stand there.

"Styx, what do we do? I'm frightened"

So soft a whisper... had she said her name? She had, the girl had said her name.

"Why are you asking me?" Styx asked with a quiet, nervous laugh "Do you think...I'm not frightened? If you do, you'd be wrong. I'm... not the expert in these areas, Erra... I'm not. I advise you to run. He's not after you, is he m' dear? He's after us... so do you see that hiding behind me really isn't a smart idea?"

She had to do something... she had to. As she glanced at Erato, even for a moment... she knew she was expected to do something, but her mind just.... it wouldn't be quiet. Her sword wasn't drawn... why wasn't her sword drawn? She didn't know, but in the danger it hadn't even occured to her...

Her thoughts were in conflict in a way she'd forgotten. She preached peace and made war, and her hypocrisy was going to catch up with her any moment... any moment.

He hadn't gone for her... would he regret that?

"Get out of here Erra, move back, take a seat, have a drink. Enjoy the 'show' like the other patrons, hm?" Styx murmered under her breath "Pretend... that it is a show. That way when my blood spreads across the floor I'll get a standing ovation, instead of a cry or a scream"

She smiled bitterly... she wasn't a fighter. Had she ever been a fighter? No... not really. Even when she'd been with Crane, when she'd been with her 'family' she'd never been a fighter. When she'd been training, her lack of conviction to strike finishing blows had been a point of frustration for many an instructor... but they'd forgiven her. They'd seen... and then they'd forgiven.

"I'm not a Fighter, I'm a Defender" she whispered to herself, as if that distinction made all the difference in the world... and yet her wry smile revealed that she knew it made none

Offense, defense... it made little difference. Loyalty made the difference. She knew that, she'd always known that. When Erato had come to her just now, come to her to ask for advice... when she'd seen Crane draw that blade, his tool for Justice the way she remembered... She was around people she knew...

... if he thought she'd stand and wait while she slaughtered her friend he was mistaken. Yes, she was polite, she was peaceful... but she was loyal and at this moment in time there were more people around that she considered herself 'loyal' to than there had been in years.

That loyalty was about to make her as dangerous as any love of fighting could... that loyalty could make her draw that sword... and yet her loyalty was more than some blade. To depend so on a weapon was foolish, and she'd known that for a long time. To depend on oneself however...

"Leave him alone" she demanded, her voice somehow keeping the same tone she'd held earlier in the evening as she mkoved forwards, away from Erato and her staff and towards the two fighting. Her tone was clear, polite and wary, her steps were slow, just slow enough to allow her to hang back from their fight.

<What the hell are you doing?>

"Tahmores... stop this now" fear caused her tone to waver before her voice straightened out, regaining whatever authority she was trying to place in it "The gods don't wish to see their guides returned to them in caskets... I don't don't intend to let that happen. He was my friend. I won't see you kill him"

"He had nothing to do with this... I'm the one who doesn't know her place, I'm the one who keeps pleading... me... not him"
she reasoned, her voice grim

"He merely... stopped for a drink in the wrong place. Don't take it out on him" she swallowed hard, the briefest of pauses; She had to get his attention... and thanks to Morbid she might just know a way to do that... "Don't go after him because you're still afraid" the words were short and the words were harsh and she didn't quite know where they'd come from. Why would he be afraid? He was the one with the power, he was the one... who could rend them open. She was terrified of him, what made her say... that he was afraid?

"Tahmores?" she repeated as she took another step, her hand crossing her body and resting unconsciously on the hilt of the sheathed blade. And then she stopped. "You are afraid, aren't you? ...afraid of what you'll see when the frenzy subsides, afraid of what bit of the human you is left... you're afraid"

"I'm weak, aren't I?"
she mused softly "I'm sure you've come to that conclusion; that I'm peaceful, that I'm weak, that I'm afraid... and likely it's the right one"

"Tell me Tahmores... in my weakness do you see something of yourself?"


((And its the return... of my hyper long posts - you know you've missed them >; ) You poor poor people, being subjected to 1000ish words of babble; I haven't written anything of this length since I was playing Charon and Elwin. Sorry... I guess I went a bit overboard ^^;;
Oh yes, please note, I made no reference to the actions taking place in Crane/Tahmores' fight, other than to say that they were fighting. Just thought I'd make that clear ^^ ))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#70 Squee



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 08:07 PM

((Yaaaay for long posts. ^^ Don't worry, I'm positive that we all enjoy reading them. ^^
On another note, for the sake of keeping this RP going, I'm going to allow Crane to hit Tahmores like that...just don't let more instances of God-Modding happen, okay? ^^; I know you're semi-new to RP'ing, so don't worry about it. Just take Deval's advice to heart.))

Kill, maim, hurt, slaughter, murder...

Tahmores slowly got to his feet, not even feeling the pain from his newly inflicted wound. His body was numb and his vision was blurred, whether it be from the blood staining his eyes or his blatant insanity, it really didn't matter.

Kill them all, strip the flesh, gnaw the bones...

He was about to lash out at Crane again, when Styx's voice crept from behind him. They wrapped around his mind and held on tightly. They constricted and forced themselves into Tahmores core. They dug deep into his very being and found a nice place to nest in his festering heart.

Spill their blood, make them all pay...I am not afraid, I am not afraid...

"Rrraaarh! I'm not afraid!!"
"I have the power, it is mine! I am not afraid! I HAVE POWER!" he began to utter as he slowly began to creep backwards, his eyes darting here and there like an animals would when they were...terrified.

"...I-I'm not afraid...n-not afraid...n-not...no, never, yes, always..." Tahmores continued to mutter as he slunk even further into the shadows. He dropped his knives to the floor with a crystaline clatter. His eyes softened and were no longer full of his blood-lust.

"...N-No...not...afraid...c-can't...I-I...n-no, y-you, never...h-hurt, afraid..." his insane babblings went on. His arms were wrapped around his body and he stumbled every now in then. His eyes darted around the room at obscene speeds. He was full of terror...yet, at the same time, the eternal lust for blood that he had come to embrace. His mind raced a thousand miles an hour, darting here and there. Emotions swirled inside him like a storm of blood and tears.

His terror...it was fearless... His fear...it was couragous. His courage was cowardly. His cowardice was godly and his God-Hood was...non-existant...

"...I-I'll kill you all! I-I'll...hunt...a-and...h-hurt...and...NO! Not like you! I am not afraid! I-I am...T-Tahmores! ...F-Fear...m-me..." Tahmores screamed and muttered all at the same time, his voice cracking here and there. Trailing off, Tahmores wiped the blood from his face - removing his mask of pain and suffering.

Suddenly, the back-door to the Boars Tusk began to make a mighty clatter. It had still not been closen since Tahmores arrival and had just begun to bang and hit various things as it blew in the wind. Tahmores eyes suddenly darted to the door. He whimped, he cried, he snarled, he growled, he shook his head, he panted, he dropped to his knees.

Not afraid. I have power...I am power... I'll kill them all...I'll make them pay....I'll show them fear...show them all...

Almost in the same instant that the door made its first bang upon the outside of the Boars' wall, Tahmores was gone. His knives lay upon the ground and his jacket was spread upon the floor near the bloody pool where Trystran's body had once laid. Out into the night, Tahmores ran...possibly faster than he had ever done before.
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#71 Crane


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Posted 05 July 2004 - 09:53 PM

"What have I done?" Crane cried out. He screamed out loud and threw his Justice Blade, where it jammed itself in between the supports of a lantern on the wall. Feeling the effects of his Divine Prayer depart him, he collapsed to his knees, no longer a noble, strong Paladin, but merely a lost child in a young adult's body. He was not sure why he chose to only stun Tahmores rather than slay him.

He sensed someone walking up behind him from where the front door was. "That sword brings me nothing but trouble," he muttered, not turning to look to see who it was. "NOTHING!" He punched at the floor, causing a number of floorboards to shatter at the point of impact and creating a hole nearly a foot in diameter. A large number of rats scurried out, causing a few people to take refuge on top of the tables. Flooded with emotion, which is all too common with Crane, he tends to forget his skill and power in unarmed combat. He prefers to stand and fight rather than be on his knees, but when there is no fight left and he knows he is in the wrong, he doesn't have much other choice.

Edited by Crane, 05 July 2004 - 11:57 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#72 Amy

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Posted 07 July 2004 - 12:52 AM

You speak of control... Are you even in control? I wonder" she challenged "Because you taunt him without remorse, you play with words, you hide... even your name. I wonder if perhaps you also... fail in your control. In a different way entirely. Can you stop yourself taunting him?"

She heard clearly the words of Styx but failed to answer them. She only looked at her with emotions that could not quiet be interpreted. Her gaze flashing from a firey crimson to a cool sparkling sapphire and then back again. "There are many forms of strength deary.. You must find their weakness before they find yours is all" She speaks in a strangely calm almost sweet voice although her grin curls up the edges of her mouth in an most devilish way.

"styx, what do we do im frightened" erato whispered in the womans ear, as she hung behind her...

Many of them were afraid, they were afraid of the unknown.. they were afraid of the merciless killing. They had all been pulled here for a reason. All of them had their own signatures upon the wall marring the notice with half truths ... They wanted peace if it suited them, if it didn't stain their own ideals of right and wrong. Who was to say what was right though? Who knew the torments of the soul next to them. She herself could sense many tradgedies had befallen them all in their own strange twists of reality. What they needed to realize is that things were often not what they seemed.

By the time Tahmores was charging at Crane, he had his head lowered and was muttering something. Whatever it was did not seem to have any relevance with Tahmores or any of the bystanders who were now watching this duel in both awe and fear. Crane raised his eyes to Tahmores's, but made no obvious move to defend himself

Letting her gaze travel about she sees clearly the Paladin the woman refers to as Crane brandishing his weapon. It would be so easy in her thoughts at least to disarm him. That wasn't her purpose here though. So she watches him out of the corner of her eye but takes no action toward him.. Tahmores although in a state of almost oblivion and fury could take care of himself, that she was sure of. Strange, for a brief moment she thinks they could perhaps one day be friends. She saw within him the same loss of control that she had struggled time and time again to keep held within her own vice of determination.

She had taken in all events as if they were in slow motion.. Although she stood in the center of the room for long moments she said nothing further than the words she spoke to Styx as of yet.

She could hear every beat of their hearts pounding like a fast paced drum and their fear echoed in her ears.. She closed her eyes inhaling deeply the scent of blood permeating the air in heavy waves. Her own hearbeat rushes to meet the music of the others and she can feel her own blood boiling under the surface of false serenity. It wouldn't take much to shatter the calm within her held. Held so carefully together with a numbness that was much better than the chaotic turbulance of her own hidden emotion meant to be under lock and key. Perhaps she had pushed Tahmores to merely make him break before she did so herself. She opens her eye just in time to see the body flung toward her like an unused toy a child no longer wishes to play with. It hits her and she stumbles back a bit hitting the wall with a heavy thud. The blood of Trystan soaking into her clothing and splattering over her face with the wounds inflicted by Tahmores.

She heard the clammer of the door shaking, she glanced up to see Tahmores run out.. She would find him one day.. and perhaps, depending on his own actions, they may have a chance at a friendship considering they were like souls in many ways.

Inhaling deeply she kneels down at the crumpled body of Trystan on the floor. She doesn't bother wiping the blood from her face or her clothing, it doesn't really bother her anyway. She cradels his crumbling form into her arms as she lets herself fall to the ground beside him. With a perhaps astonishing gentleness she brushes the hair from his eyes "Can you hear me? hold on" she says. Bringing her wrist quickly up to her lips her razor sharp fangs plunge once more into her ivory skin, savagely ripping her veins open with her own bite she tilts her head back licking the blood from her lips. Dark crimson blood flows from her wrist and she holds it over the strangers (Trystan's) mouth, warm blood flowing freely it drips... landing upon his lips. "Drink... it is the only way now unless you wish to die" she says her voice heavy with a compassion that is often locked away..

Looking up to the others she mutters .. "I am Adrianna by the way " she says letting her suffering gaze meet Styx for only the briefest of moments "Adrianna Julien.. Queen of Lost Souls".. she looks back down to the man within her arms and continues to let the blood drip into his mouth.

She speaks low as she sits there on the ground, her head held high she talks to no one in particular except mayhap the fallen man. The words muttered returning to her like a torrent storm .. words that she had spoken long ago, in a situation very different and yet in some ways the same.. her words but a whisper some may have heard them if they had listened among the chaos..

"What appears before you is not always what it seems.
People dont really understand what they cant seem to see
Twisted tales and false illusions beckon at your feet,
Do not call the battle over, if you are unsure of their defeat
Broken Hearts and deception, sugar coated truths untold,
Whispered promises, past, present, future sealed within a scroll.
Evil unleashed with simple advice asked,
Laughter and bending rules, as simple as a bite of an apple.
Crimson tears, deep deep dreams and little things unsaid,
Beware when you see the blood, for nothings ever dead.
Not when it still lives in hearts that beat, however silently"

She pauses but for a brief moment and then whispers her words as soft as a compassionate caress.. "Do any hold you in their hearts stranger? Do any really care if you live or die? Except for their own feelings of preservation?" as she watches Trystan, wondering if the man will cling to life or let it go. However strange his future may be should he accept the gift offered by herself.

Edited by Amy, 07 July 2004 - 12:57 AM.

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#73 Charon

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 12:42 PM

"Crane" she hissed over the voices at the Paladin... "Crane, calm yourself. It's me... you remember me, don't you? Styx? Calm down... it's over now, he's gone"

Was it over now? Was she lying?

"...I-I'll kill you all! I-I'll...hunt...a-and...h-hurt...and...NO! Not like you! I am not afraid! I-I am...T-Tahmores! ...F-Fear...m-me..."

She'd expected a reaction, she hadn't expected that reaction. The way his voice... had fractured, the way his mannerisms had changed as a result of that simple taunt, that attempt... to draw his attention away from Crane...

"It's okay friend, it's okay" she reassured him as she turned around, trying to see... where everyone was now, her eyes catching the door as it banged yet again...

"There are many forms of strength deary.. You must find their weakness before they find yours is all"

"I think... I understand what you meant, now" she murmered softly, remembering the words. She didn't believe in the 'strength' that might have been hers because of her actions... but it certainly seemed that she had chosen his weakness to strike on. Spotting the knives where they had fallen in the fight she picked them up, silently slipping them away... then more noticably she picked up the cloak, shook it, and folded it over in her arms. There was a foreboding feeling tugging at her, an uneasy... very uneasy knot in her stomach, that while her words might have saved them this time, they could well come back to haunt her.

A shaky sigh as the rats scattered and squeeled around her feet, scurrying away, towards walls and cracks in other floorboards... hurried out of the door she had made her way towards, she stared out into the darkness.
There was no movement out there, not now.

Was there a way she could have averted this without sending Tahmores scurrying? Could have averted his anger without... the words she had spoken?

"It doesn't matter" she murmered to herself "Doesn't matter, as always, what's done is done"

Still standing, she found herself watching the woman... Adrianna her mind corrected her as soon as she heard the name, as she cradled the warrior and offered him...

"Pleased to meet you, Adrianna" Styx said almost silently... the words didn't really come to her, seemed out of place "I hope... you can help him" the words were quiet, but sincere

Distantly Styx heard the words Adrianna herself was speaking, soft against the commotion around them... Somehow she knew that what she said was important... was uncomfortably true...
Some part of her wanted to watch... but catching sight of Erato, some part of her simply couldn't. She averted emotional eyes and turned her back, on the people, on the room and found herself staring out into the darkness.

It was so tempting... to go outside, to try and follow him, so tempting, with Adrianna focusing on the warrior, with Crane now somewhat subdued following his initial outcry... so tempting as her hand rested on the door, as she cast a glimpse back, over her shoulder at the parchment

"'there shall be peace among our gathered group no matter what'...'no one shall be harmed by myself or my guests'" Styx's words continued to fade. Well she hadn't actually harmed anyone, but she'd... What would he do in that state? That state... that was in large part her fault?

"I'll be... I'll be right back Erra" she nodded to the healer over her shoulder as she noticed her trying to catch her gaze... then she stepped into the streets, shivering as she closing the door behind her, ensuring that no longer would it bang open and shut against the walls
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#74 Evenstar

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 05:16 PM

Erato stood in shock over the resent events. The creature Thamores, she had feared with every inch of her now seem almost weak and vaunarable although she still wouldn't want to get in the way of his dark side. she nodded to styx as she hurried out the door. Erra longed to follow but knew it was best for her to stay put until styx returned.

Erato noticed Tryston lying lifeless, "whats going to happen to him?" she muttered quietly to the femle vampire, hoping she wouldn't remember her earlier outburst of reckless courage. she walked causiously over to her, remembering to put her staff away as not to threaten her in any way. "well, is he going to be like you?" Erato knelt down as close to them as she dared and waited for the creature to reply

Edited by Evenstar, 12 July 2004 - 05:16 PM.

#75 Squee



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Posted 13 July 2004 - 12:26 AM

Tahmores was gone...long gone. After leaving, he quickly took to the air, running atop the many shops and kiosks lining the streets of Nightmist. There was no trail of blood to follow him nor were there tracks; Tahmores was simply gone.
Posted Image

#76 Amy

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Posted 21 July 2004 - 10:49 PM

Morbid looks up to Erato only briefly and shrugs.. as her sapphire gaze moves back down to the fallen man she watches as trickles of her own blood drip into his mouth.. she could hold his nose and force him to swallow with the last of his breaths, allowing him life.. but she wouldn't.... the choice was his, one only he could make. "Perhaps, depends upon his will to live" she states watching him closely as she continues to cradle him.

She had noticed Tahmores leaving, noticed Styx trail after him.. but would he be found, she thinks not.. Those of her kind had the ability to simply disappear.. she knows she herself had done so many times through the years.. she closes her eyes a moment, remembering... remembering the long years of detachment, of willing recluse... of solidary confinement within the torment of her own soul.. she sighs a bit.. "I really don't know" she mutters. Was she speaking of the man? of herself.. There was so much more to her than the perceptions she allowed these .. these strangers to see.. Time would tell what would happen, it always did.

Slowly letting her eyelids flutter open again she lets her thoughts drift as she deeply inhales the ambrosia like scents of the fresh blood scattered about her form and through the Inn... ~Like me? .. she knows nothing of me.. hell, I often no longer no myself~ she thinks to herself.

She raises a steady gaze to the man Styx referred to as Crane.. would he attempt to strike at her? .. a sardonic grin crosses her lips.. ~Let him~ she thinks.. would be much easier to deal with a threat, then the tugging compassion that often slips into her conscious mind.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#77 Crane


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 06:43 PM

Still on his knees, in tears, Crane started beating himself up in his mind. It was him that needed the lesson in self-control, not Tahmores. Not only was he now on his knees, contradicting what he said when he drew his sword, but he had made a bigger scene from his reactions and had made a public nuisance of himself by unintentionally flooding the floor with a sea of rats in a fit of fury.

He looked over to Styx, the radiant Paladin whom he still had feelings for, and strained to keep them bottled up. "I must get out of here, RIGHT NOW!" he cried just loud enough for Styx to hear. Keeping Morbid in the corner of his eye should she want to pounce on him, he made his way to the front door, tears blurring his vision, and leaving his Justice Blade wedged in the lantern. A bystander shouted something about leaving his sword there... "I am better off without it," Crane yelled back with a bit too much power behind his voice.

"I don't know what you are," Crane uttered as he neared Morbid, "But your kind scare me."
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#78 Charon

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 07:33 PM

Out on the streets shadows creeped and stalls left out at night billowed in the brisk wind. Trying to prevent her hair from obscuring her vision, Styx raised a hand and peered through the darkness as she clasped the flailing cloak tight... but the sadow she was looking for was nowhere to be seen.
Mr Merridew had, it seemed, left and taken his threats with him.

"You're too slow" came the smirk. A youngish man, fairly short for what should have been his age, emerged from the shadows "He was gone even before I saw him, your friend. How exactly did you expect to keep up?"

"I can't believe you're still here" was all Styx could think of to say. The man smirked his smirk, eyes glinting almost sinisterly. Yes, he was still able to look as dangerous as he had back when she met him... and yet at the same time he was... subdued compared to then.

"Can't get rid of me that easily" he remarked casually "Not me"

"Are you still acting your act tonight, or can we drop this?" she arched an eyebrow

"Heh, can you risk believing my rebellion is an act? Do you really believe that?"

"I do believe that. Because you told me about it" she looked around, made certain noone was there... and then her voice turned almost icy cold, her eyes narrowing and her voice lowered so that the shadows almost swallowed it "You tell me those things... which are false. You told me of rebellion, so at least in part, it is false. The things that are important, those you keep from me"

"And what exactly do you think I am keeping from you?" his visage darkened, eyes dangerous... and she simply shook her head at him.

"That she's here" Styx said back, matching his tone "Because you were meant to tell me. And you hid that from me"

"She's..." he trailed off, realisation dawning as he realised that he had, indeed been caught out... and at the same time aware that the one she was speaking of, Erato, should not have been there. Styx having actually seen the girl was perhaps the least of his worries but...

"I'll see you later" Styx turned "You always manage to find me, after all" she walked back the way she had came... and this time when her aquaintance tried to follow her, he found he couldn't.

"Someone... has been busy" he murmered almost... approvingly. A black bird fluttered towards him, perhaps that same one Styx had seen during her arrival in Nightmist... and perhaps not. He could have followed he was sure, if he'd put in the effort. He didnt want to give her that satisfaction, for he was sure she would know if he did. Silently, he turned away.


Styx opened the door with barely a creak and stepped back into the warmth of the inn, shaking the look from her eyes, shaking the challenge from them. Her boots clacked ever so slightly on the wooden slatted floor... and then she heard Crane explode.

"I must get out of here, RIGHT NOW!" he cried just loud enough for Styx to hear. Keeping Morbid in the corner of his eye should she want to pounce on him, he made his way to the front door, tears blurring his vision, and leaving his Justice Blade wedged in the lantern. A bystander shouted something about leaving his sword there... "I am better off without it," Crane yelled back with a bit too much power behind his voice.

The first statement was hers to hear, she knew that, was sure of it. Had he seen her come back in? She hadn't noticed him looking but that yell... was to her

"Crane... calm down my friend, calm down" she hissed, her voice still colder than she had wanted, her meeting still bearing down on her

Just as she had picked up the knives when the fight had ended... now she pulled out the sword almost effortlessly... No matter what impression she had given, no matter how she had denied it and clung to plees of peace, that one simple action betrayed her as a fighter. And she regretted that 'one simple action' almost instantly. She'd sworn... she'd sworn...

"I don't know what you are," Crane uttered as he neared Morbid, "But your kind scare me."

"Calm down" she restated to Crane softly and firmly, walking forwards "You are wrong. It is me who is better off without a weapon, not you. Not you" she flicked her wrist, clasping the blade briefly by the metal as she held the hilt towards him "Now take your Justice and sheath it, hm? Don't pick a fight now... please. Now is not the time to trouble Ms Adrianna and her gathering. Not now"

Edited by Charon, 27 July 2004 - 10:03 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#79 Crane


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 07:57 PM

Crane stopped walking and turned to Styx. He was embarrassed from her seeing him so hysterical, but whenever he felt emotional, he let it out no matter what the circumstances. Once again, his emotions had blinded his own common sense. He grabbed the Justice Blade from Styx's hand and sheathed it, then immediately threw his arms around her, not thinking about whether Styx approved of the hug or not.

"So much to learn, I have," he sobbed quietly on her shoulder. "My emotions are too chaotic and... revealing - I cannot hide them." He released Styx and started to meditate standing as he shut his eyes and slowed his breathing. He trusted Styx and his own extra-sensory perception to point out anyone who might want to attack him at that moment.

He realised that almost the whole tavern were gazing at him and many were probably enjoying the entertainment of seeing a male Paladin milksop like himself in a hysterical state.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#80 Charon

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Posted 28 July 2004 - 11:09 AM

Styx froze as Crane threw his arms around her, uncertain how to act. For her sake, however, the hug was brief and she was able to shrug it off as yet another of his uncontrollbable emotions.

He needed to learn control. Skilled as he was if he couldn't manage to control himself... one day... that chaos inside him would rise when it was truly dangerous to him, one day...

"Its true" she said softly, patting him on the shoulder before leaving him to his meditation "You do have a lot to learn... but then none of us is ever done learning, so join the club"

Edited by Charon, 28 July 2004 - 11:09 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#81 Amy

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 11:47 PM

"I don't know what you are," Crane uttered as he neared Morbid, "But your kind scare me."

*Morbid snapped her gaze to Crane as he spoke to her.. the softness that had appeared within her face only moments before as she looked to the fallen man who let the precious blood from her own wrist drip down his face without swallowing turning darker, her lips thin in a sardonic smirk.. "I am many things.. and you are right to be scared.. but if i truly wanted to hurt you, I would have already snapped your neck and drained your ass" she says becoming irritated with the mans hysterics. He knew not fear she thinks to herself.. not yet.. but she lets a small shrug accompany her words.

She glances at the woman Styx, something had changed in her face from earlier.. something had happened when she walked out that door but she doesn't even try to read into her mind.. she merely nods to the woman and then turns back to Crane... "You would do well to listen to her words" she says offhandedly.

She moves her gaze back to the man and whispers low "You will surely die if you do not swallow and partake of what I offer you.. the choice is yours, I wont force it upon you.. but it is the only way" .. she will not give him much longer. nor will fate. She had remained to long, she must return to the land of Lost Souls.

Glancing about the room she says with a slight challenge in her voice. "Do any of you others wish to start something here? If you do I suggest you hurry, I grow bored.. " and she tilts her head back and laughs as the raven locks flow down her back and then she straightens.. a low feral growl emitting from her lips once more, she is growing hungry once more.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#82 bloodprincess

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 04:04 PM

hides in the shadows listening to every word that was said, not wanting to move for fear of being found, yet breathing slowly and calmly.

#83 VampireDeviant

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Posted 09 September 2004 - 07:32 PM

(( OK I am back I know that I started this roleplay and havent contributed to it but there is a really good explanation! Seriously! I moved from my homestate to Arizona, got stranded there after a week or two of sleeping on a couch I said F*ck it and returned to Louisiana well that wasnt much better because I am all together homeless living in a shelter and everything, so I am at the library which because of a very strict firewall has never allowed me to do anyhting related to Nightmist , but I succeeded in bypassing the firewall for the forum but the game still wont play it keeps saying the server is down when i try to login which i know for a fact it isnt. Anyways I am going to try to bring my own contribution to the roleplay now so just remember I been away so therefore my character willl have had to leave for unexpected reasons ....))

#84 Charon

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Posted 09 September 2004 - 07:45 PM

((Welcome back- its good to see you again ^^ Sorry to hear about everything thats happened to you :S))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#85 Sinister Soul666

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Posted 18 December 2004 - 10:32 PM

Enters and looks around. The mortal takes a seat and wtahces over the room quiet bored :unsure:

#86 Evenstar

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Posted 20 December 2004 - 03:38 PM

Erato had remanied crouhed low for some time watching the others, she was still causious around the female vampire and hoped to stay out of her way for a while. As she crouched there she became aware of two people she had not noticed before and did not know how long they had sat there.
One of them was definatly a mortal they sat at one of the old wooden talbles with a bored vacant expression on their face. erato new they hadn't been there long as any mortal without a death wish would have bolted out that door around the time tryston had been attacked.
The other she couldn't quite make out they were hidden in the shadows making no movement or sound she wondered why they were both here, maybe waiting for the right moment to escape, but what ever there reason she decided not to make there presence known until they were ready.

They had all been in here for some time now, and nothing had happened with the piece of parchment maybe it was a trick, but she realised there would be no motive for something like this. she started to wonder if she should just get out of here before styx's reconises her or worst she is killed. She stood up and turned towards the inn door. Trystons mutilated body lay in a puddle of blood she hope he died she didn't want another vampire to worry about, she turned away heartlessly. To leave a dying man was agaisn't everythig she worked for since she was bitten but she knew there was no other way.
she moved carefully towards the door, glancing back her eyes flickerd over the parchment that had drawn her intrest earlier, how could she leave her one chance to find out about her self and maybe find a way to help her. She had to stay, but wait!!! what if it is a trick what if someone is after her maybe her mother had sent styx's to get her. Erato's heart began to race as paranoia set in, her head began to spin. A burst of energy sent her racing out the door she turned west down a small dark alley and didn't stop until she came to a drain leading down to the sewer, she saw many people crowded around it so headed in the opposite direction she was so afraid of being caught she forgot that the vary vampire she feared the most Tahmores was out there somewhere maybe even close by..

#87 MovieManiac

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Posted 18 July 2008 - 08:03 PM

Enya enters and stops. The stench of blood is strong and fresh, there had been blood spilled. A vampire lay mutilated beyond recognition. She could do nothing but stand in the doorway, curling her copper curls around pale thin fingers. "Perhaps it was foolish to come." She thought, for no reason what so ever her eyes pricked with foolish tears. She turned to leave before she got herself in trouble........

#88 schizoangel

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Posted 24 July 2009 - 09:18 AM

Watches Enya leave,wondering what could possibly have happened to make such a beauty cry :P
"Sometimes,that mountain you've been climbin is just a grain of sand"

#89 karlvamp101

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 01:38 AM

i have read the names and i have added my own,the blood of others is now me,
you can guess i am a vampire,a real one of co.dublin.
i drink blood of girls i puswead them to give it
long blonde hair with good looks help,teachers and parents don't know
b+is my favorite blood type,it was a bully which i brutally distroyed one night down in the vally my self dressed to empress,my finest suit bowtie,tux all the works and yes the cape made of satin and silk
i waited for him i waited for shaun he tryied to beat me but he didnt win these word are that of what was said.
me-guess what u where bulling was actuly a bloodhungry vampire,
ya right said shaun,i jumpted on him i put my hand to his neck
as the moon had shined on me his brown eyes glistened with fear i smiled, my fangs from birth which grew when i was happy or sad grew and i bitted him he screemed i just drank his blood,victory had never tasted better,
all the pain he gave me and he was in peral i laughed and left him to run madly and screeming into the forest alone where others of my clan devoired him all that was left in him was the bite marks of my fangs which had opnce prevailed,not one drop of blood was left on me no worrys,{this is a true story exept my clan only teased him not killed him all places things and even what i described i wore was 100 percent thruth}i will rise again who will join me if u feel diffrent from the rest.
i thaught it was suitible oh ya shaun told everyone about my secret but nno one ever believed him

#90 Kitten

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Posted 26 July 2010 - 01:29 PM

She stumbled into the bar around 12, it was dark but only the beginning of the day, at least for vampires. she sat at the bar and ordered a drink.Although she was relatively young for a vampiress her body made her look much older. Standing 5'2 with a slim frame she was not only shorter than most vampires but also much less muscular, but strenght wasn't her weapon, magic is how she fought her batttles. She was absolutely stunning tonight, she wore a black lace corset, plaid mini skirt and knee high leather boots. And even though she already had abnormally large breasts for a vampire her size the corset just amplified then. Anyone who saw her would think nothing of it, but tonight she was out for blood, and she was going to use her looks to get what she wanted.

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