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Member Since 16 Nov 2020
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2025 05:29 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Returning After Years - All My Crits Are Banned?

31 July 2021 - 06:00 PM

I have sent this forum post over to Stig, he would be the one to be able to assist you with any Multi character questions =)


Have a great day!

In Topic: Returning After Years - All My Crits Are Banned?

31 July 2021 - 05:50 AM

Hey there, would definitely love to help you out.


First of all, are these characters on 1-alt or Multi-alt? That will definitely determine who is going to be able to help you out, first of all. And then yes, as Gaddy says, we will need character names. 


If you are a 1-alt player I can assist you further. If you are a multi player we will get you in touch with someone else who can assist you.

In Topic: 1-Alt: What Are Your Thoughts On Pve Only For This Server?

09 July 2021 - 01:24 AM

A post for Apocalypto who does not have a forum account, "I prefer the possibility of pvp with the current stable environment against it."

In Topic: Sleigh Bells

24 January 2021 - 08:18 AM

Yeah, those are all really great suggestions. There's of course never going to be a perfect answer that works for everybody, but all we can do is try!

In Topic: Sleigh Bells

19 January 2021 - 04:14 PM

Sure, you're right; it's all perspective, of course. I personally have all of my Cobalts in my vault and they've been there for months; I don't use chars that need them, in my opinion.


Only class that massively benefits from vamp to the point of choosing to train with it for me is Zerkers. Otherwise, everything else does better to train with a training weapon than anything else.


Considering most time is spent out solo and training, I was mostly thinking training/solo stuff. I wasn't really thinking about bossing or whatever where vamp is nice for a cleric or whatever the case may be; of course having vamp there is a plus.


And I was using Manda as an example because she was the first, but yes, she did have the Crystal Knives selling at the original rate for a good while, possibly even most of the time, but not the entire time she was gold farming. 


She also paid the original prices for leveling to 40, which if I'm remembering right, would have been:


Level 36: 2 million gold

Level 37: 4 million gold

Level 38: 6 million gold

Level 39: 8 million gold

Level 40: 10 million gold


Meaning in the end, she actually farmed, like, four Cobalts worth of gold in her endeavors, because leveling 36 to 40 was 30 million gold back then. There was also the 500k cost for the 5 tokens each level as well, but that's negligible in comparison to the Tarnished Trinket cost back then.


And to think, people still complain about only paying half that cost on 40, and much less than that 36-39 if using leveling items =p