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Member Since 19 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active May 15 2004 08:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Favorite Race For Druid

15 April 2004 - 10:46 PM

I usually end up making them elves... dont know why. but out of all my druids since i first started i think ive made 4 elves, 2 half-elves, 1 halfling, and 0 humans.

I just wanted to know what most peoples druids are, and why. Im rolling another halfling right now (have been for 2 days.... good lord is it frustrating... thats probably why i started the poll)

Post Office

02 April 2004 - 01:09 AM

Alright. What if Nightmist had a post office. What does this mean you might ask. Well...

At the post office you can :
  • Check memos (instead of memo check) - This would allow better Role playing.
  • Send items to crits, as well as gold (for a price) I think this would make transferng easier. As well as realistic.
  • Recive Items that were sent to you by another player... maybe even make it so when you buy something off the site it waits for you here.
  • Deal with hassle and red tape (like the real thing)
Any suggestions? opinions? harsh off topic flaming?

Lvl 27-30 Druid

22 March 2004 - 05:59 AM

I will pay a pretty heavy sum,
depending on the stats, and level.
race is not really important...

Im looking for as close to perfect stats as possible (Duh)

Anyway, i can pay in items or gold... whichever is prefered
The most id like to pay is @ 2mil... so keep that in mind.