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Llra: "the Missing Merchant"

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#1 Prophet

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Posted 21 November 2007 - 03:34 PM

LLRA: "The Missing Merchant"


Level 20 maximum, all classes/races.

A merchant travelling from distant corners of the world with his family accompanied by a guard of two burly bodyguards has gone missing, rumour among the streets are that an infamous group of bandits, led by Ranev, from the nearby Royal forest have become increasingly disappointed by a lack of travellers steal from and have therefore started working the stretch of land between Nightmist and Arilin where they have reportedly built an encampment. Unfortunately, the merchant was a dear friend of Tiggy who owns a magic shop on Tinder Street and know he's offering you a reward for saving the merchant and bringing him the head of Ranev, not to mention the treasures you may find on the way...

How to complete area:

To gain entry into the encampment you must first get past the two sentries who are guarding the camp. These move backwards and forwards between the two gatehouses and the entrance, and must be killed in order to receive a key which is used to open the gate. Once inside there are tents spread across the land with Infamous Bandits both within these tents and also generally around. You must then locate the First Bodyguard within one of these tents and kill the Guard Bandit, Reynev whose head you may take with you. The NPC First bodyguard will then tell you how the Second Bodyguard was a traitor and was Ranev who lured them into an enclosure before abducting them with his fellow thieves, and how he is keeping them captive underground in a pit at the centre of the encampment, but you can't access the pit without the key which Ranev keeps with him. You then set off to find Ranev where you can now enter the large tent which requires Reynev's head to enter(i.e. "Walking in you throw down the head of Reynev on the floor, Ranev looks up at you and utters the word "Brother..." before launching himself towards you.) You must then kill Ranev whose head is cut off in the final blow allowing you to take his head with you. You may also then /examine to get the key for the pit(although the key is not taken from you when you enter the pit) where you then travel to the centre of the encampment and free the merchant and his family. If you then give the merchant the key so that he may escape he will reward you with an Amulet of Hope. Returning to Tiggy's Magic Shop he will reward you with a Diamond Staff.

In addition to this there is a much different style of quest underneath where you fight Ranev. Titled Ranev's Challenge where you must answer a series of riddles/small tasks that require the effort of most of the classes in order to be completed. In completion you arrive at the Gold Chest where you can /examine for a 25k money order. Then by attacking the chest you will achieve one of the following drops: Gloves of Cunning, Topaz Ring, Spider Bow.


Posted Image

Cyan = Gatehouse
Red = Tent
Blue = Tent with Merchant's Bodyguard in it and Reynev
Green = Ranev's Tent
Pink = Ranev's Challenge.
Black = Bandit encampment
The very centre = down to the pit.


Gatehouse: A larger wooden gate stands before you erected between two gatehouses which seem to have been built from trees cut down from the surrounding area. A two man sentry force patrols from gatehouse to gatehouse watching for any sign of attackers. On closer inspection you see a large keyhole which appears to open a smaller door within the gate, but who has the key? You may go East or West into the gatehouse or alternatively North if you have the key.

Bandit Encampment: A dirt track stretches all the way around the encampment and through it leading to many differently sized tents, ranging from small single man tents to a large marquee like structure to the north. A general amount of rabble appears to becoming from the surrounding tents suggesting a fair amount of drinking has been going on further supported by the smell of ale and freshly cooked rabbit drifting from within the tents. You may continue North along the path of head into a tent to your West or East.

Bandit's Tent: Upon entering you are immediately accosted by several drunk but none-the-less dangerous looking bandit's who scramble to their feet knocking over ale and cooking pots. The tents are dingy inside but the glow from the fire gives them an eerie look coupled with the gathering of several bandit's eyeing up your equipment makes this a distinctly unwelcoming place to be. You may return West to the dirt track.

Reynev's Tent: This tent is much better lit than the others and by the looks of it much bigger, in the centre a person is tied to the supporting pole looking swollen and altogether worse for ware, several bear skins in the corner are just some of the many possessions strewn around the place, this grandeur suggests someone far more important than the mindless thugs in the other tents lives here, but could it be Ranev? You may return West to the dirt track.

Ranev's Tent: As you enter this marquee styled residence things immediately glitter at you from every direction. Rubies, Emerald, Diamonds and Gold scattered in piles all over the floor, one thing is for certain being a Bandit Leader is certainly plentiful. Essence of wonderful scents fill the air giving this place a distinct Royal feeling. Despicable as his income may be at least understands how to live in style. You may continue into the tent North, West and East or retreat back to the South.

The Pit: The bottom of this prison like hole dug nearly 20 feet down into the earth can only be accessed by ladder and upon reaching the bottom is needless to say extremely dingy, the water from the rain has coagulated down here forming puddles some of which are up to the ankle and the rather disgusting smell of urine and human excrement fills your nostrils. Crouched in the corner protected by the father is a family of Merchants, cowering at your presence. You may return Up back to the Bandit Encampment.

Ranev's Challenge: A magnificently decorated room stands before you lit by bright-as-a-star orbs which hang on the walls revealing the gold plated room. In front of you a piece of parchment lies, possibly with instructions on how to continue? What great treasure will lie at the end of this challenge for you?


Sentry Bandit

Descrip: These sullen looking men are clad in a rather mismatched set of armour giving them the appearance of both looking clumsy and disproportional. However, don't be fooled by there comical looking demeanour.
Attacks: 30dmg every 5 seconds. (Stab, Punch, Slice)
Drop: Gatehouse key.
Hp: Same as Silversail defector.
Pod: 55

Drunken Bandit

Descrip: Clearly too much wine has got the better of this foe as he stumbles around trying to make his blade meet your flesh, but even a drunk competitor can be dangerous, especially if he's in a rage. On the positive side this bandit seems to have taken his armour off making him easy prey for your weapon.
Attacks:30dmg every 5 seconds. (Lunge, Swipe, Kick) Low Armour and Low dex.
Drop: None
Hp: Same as Bandit
Pod: 40

Guard Bandit:

Descrip: Looking much more rugged and a lot more sober than both his Sentry and Drunken brethren this guard is eloquently dressed in armour that must have cost him, or at least its original owner, a fortune. There is something to grand about his appearance and the way he holds himself suggests he is more important than the average guard.
Attacks: 50 dmg every 5 seconds (Slice, Punch, Parry,Stab) High Armour.
Drop: Reynev's Head (As he dies you discover he has a chain with a tag bearing his name upon it around his neck)
Hp: Same as Captain Wylsen, without the healing.
Pod: 60

Descrip: Standing at over 6'4" with tight brown curls and a well groomed beard, it is not hard to see why Ranev is the Bandit's Leader. Wearing beautifully crafted armour, matched with gauntlets which grasp the handle of a long steel sword encrusted with diamonds, you notice around his neck is a small golden key.
Attacks: 60 dmg every 5 seconds
Drop: Golden key
Hp: 2xCaptain Wylsen, without the healing.
Pod: 65

Ranev's Challenge.

Consists of an 18 stage challenge before you reach the end and the Gold Chest which you must attack with a crowbar to open.

/read will give you the instruction on what to do.

Room 1:
After /read you will get:

"A vicious monster lives within a chamber south of Nightmist, but how do you spell it?"

Answer: /mumble it

Room 2:

"There is a certain taste of magic upon the air, as if it crackles with energy"

Answer: Vortex

Room 3:

An injured foal stands before you.

"Help the foal and it will lead the way"

Answer: Heal it will then progress south and thus you can then follow it south as well.

Room 4:

A foal stands before you.

"Find it food and it will help you continue"

Answer: Nourish to find food on the floor which you give to the foal who will then give you in return a key to enter the next room.

Room 5:

"Follow the doe, but do not stray from its path"

Answer: There will then be a doe oscillating between a path between Room's 5 to 14, failure to follow this path will result in death

Room 14:

Evil Wizard

Upon entering the room each of your alts suffers a 100 points of damage from the spells of a wizard defending the square you must then kill the wizard(identical to a demonic soldier)

Room 15:

A Stag stands before you(Stag, Doe, Foal and Injured Foal are all NPC's)

"Only the bravest may continue"

Answer: Only Fighters with an Amulet of Hope on may continue.

Room 16:

"Enter the name for whom the treasure ahead belongs"

Answer: /mumble Ranev

Room 17:

"And that of his Brethren?"

Answer: /mumble Reynev.

Room 18:

"In which direction have you travelled since entering this challenge?"

Answer: /mumble West

Room 19: The Golden Chest.


Gatehouse Key:
Description: This battered looking steel key looks like it would be good for opening a gate., Type of item: Doesn't do anything special, or is a key.

Golden Key:
Description: The Golden Key is crudely cast from smelted down gold., Type of item: Doesn't do anything special, or is a key.

Reynev's Head:
Description: The ugly looking head of Ranev's brother has the distinct impression of a look of shock upon it, coupled with the excessive amounts of blood smeared over it makes it very undesirable to carry. Type of Item: Doesn't do anything special, or is a key.

Amulet of Hope:
Armour base: -5, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, fighters, mages, paladins, rangers, thieves, pacifists, Description: The Amulet of Hope represents the merchant's struggles to keep his family alive and well giving the wearer a sense of increased strength due to the torment he went through and a desire to stop evil. However, it also causes the wearer to be reckless resulting in a reduction in armour as he uses his head less during the fight. Its copper colour is also distasteful to the eye., Level needed to equip it: 20, Strength modifier: 1, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: -1.

Diamond staff:
Base damage: 15, Can be used by: clerics, mages, Description: The Diamond staff is formed from one gigantic diamond, however it seems Tiggy is not accustomed to such fine materials to use and therefore the staff is crudely cut and much less dangerous than it could have been. None-the-less it still makes a formidable weapon., Level needed to equip it: 20, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: Ranev: 2 , Mana leech: .

Topaz Ring
Armor base: 2, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, fighters, mages, paladins, rangers, thieves, pacifists, Description: Intricately cast goblin gold in the shape of a simple signet ring has then been magically embedded with a large topaz on the face. The ring is rumoured to flare up during battle reducing the vision of your opponent., Level needed to equip it: 17, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

Spider Bow
Base damage: 7, Can be used by: rangers, Description: The Spider Bow is a simple wooden bow. Engraved just below the top is a golden symbol of a spider. In addition to this what appears to be a golden flax cord makes the string for the bow which glows green onimously., Level needed to equip it: 7, Magical: Yes, Vamparic: 0.25, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: skeleton:1.25|skeletal:1.25, Mana leech: .

Gloves of Cunning
Armor base: 4, Can be worn by: clerics, fighters, paladins, rangers, thieves, pacifists, Description: These simple looking leather gloves, contain an attribute much better than seems, for upon wearing these gloves one comes over as all cunning and clever giving them increased intelligence as well as a sturdy pair of cuffs. , Level needed to equip it: 10, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 1, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

If this one is liked by the players then I'll start writing my second idea "The Haunts that the Spice-Merchant Brought"

Anyway, see what you think ~Ryan

Edited by Prophet, 21 November 2007 - 03:36 PM.

Si Senior!

#2 Gaddy

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Posted 21 November 2007 - 04:23 PM

I actually like the setup you have here. It looks pretty good.
You also did a good job of writing it up on the forum to be easy to follow, etc.

I didn't go through reviewing the strengths of monsters, etc. All of that balancing takes more than just looking at the given stats most of the time.
Out of the items at the end: Bow is too good, int doesn't make sense on the gloves, perhaps wis and drop clerics and paladins from the characters that can equip them.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#3 Prophet

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Posted 21 November 2007 - 04:54 PM

The int boost isn't supposed to be helpful, hence why I dropped mages from being able to wear it, the idea being that it is equal to the best equip ingame for that level yet at the same time it makes your stats look shiney but nothing more.

As for the Spider Bow I figured it might be good for rangers as currently low level ranger training takes a large amount of time and after all it is only equivelent to Spider Staff.

As for the strengths of monsters I confess that I didn't really have a lot to go on therefore these could be wildly underbalanced or overbalanced I'm unsure.

Edited by Prophet, 21 November 2007 - 04:55 PM.

Si Senior!

#4 Trevayne

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 05:18 PM

Overall, I like the idea but there are a few things that would need to change to make it fit what we are looking for. Specific comments:

1) Size. The area is about twice as large as what we are looking for. Areas that are too large are hard to fit into the map and get repetitious. There doesn't seem to be any need for a bandit camp to be larger than the town of Arilin.

2) Monster strength: Monsters are far too strong for level 20 crits. Try comparing to other level 20-ish areas (SDG, Natura, Necro tower).

3) Rewards: The items look pretty reasonable and will take only minor modifications to balance them. Good job with that. The 25k money order will likely be removed, but that's minor.

4) Storyline: I like the short-term rescue mission scenario, and the idea of basing it with one of the existing NPCs in Nightmist. It might need to be someone other than Twiggy, but that's easy to change. I'm not too fond of the spiral riddle set.

5) Map design: Too large, and a bit too predictable for an encampment run by outlaws. Would have been nice to have some more variety instead of having almost all of the squares looking the same though.

6) Descriptions: Very nicely done, but we would need more of them to make the area unique.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#5 Prophet

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 07:13 PM

The maze could be scrapped and the drops alternated from other things I just thought it would be good to have something that wasn't quite as usual as other areas ingame.

As for maps I figured that these bandits were supposed to be organised and unlikely to pitch there tents wherever they felt like but rather in ordered lines in somewhat a military fashion. However, here is another possibility below:

Posted Image
Si Senior!

#6 Trevayne

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Posted 28 November 2007 - 07:33 AM

I have no objections to an orderly map with rows of tents (or any other organization). Not everything needs to be a difficult maze. My concern is based on two issues:

1) This bandit camp, which would be in the large forest between NM and Arilin, is a bit larger than Arilin itself. It doesn't seem to fit with it being quite so large, nor is it clear why the area would need to be that large. (Try cutting down from 65 grid squares to somewhere around 30 grid squares.)

2) Of the 65 grid squares you have here, 55 of them have one of two descriptions. Tons of identical looking squares is not what we are looking for. Try some variety.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

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