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[Request] Npc Design

NPC multi-alt 1-alt city

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#1 Stig

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:28 PM

Hi everybody.  Here's something for you designers again.


What I'm looking for are NPC designs, but what kind of NPCs, do you ask? Ones that bring life to the cities.  They can be named characters, generic citizens, entertainers etc, whatever takes your fancy.  Note that this is to bring life to the cities and the game, not to offer quests... although that option will remain open in future depending on what's built.

What will be ideal in an NPC design submission.


- Name: Obviously.  Who or what are they?
- Description: A good, solid description will make the chances of your NPC being accepted far higher.
- Picture: If an existing in-game picture suits their appearance, this will help greatly.  Look in your gfx subfolder for ideas, and link to images here with a picture link in the form of, for example, http://www.nightmist...nmpics/1000.jpg (hover over the link to see the full string)
- Location: Which city/cities are they suited? Which shop or area should they be?
- Movement: Are they static, or do they move around in a loop, or start at one point and eventually disappear somewhere else?

- Dialogue: What do they say? Do they have random lines, or do they speak a specific set of sentences in order?


Things to consider:


NPCs that point out certain landmarks in their dialogue will be grand, especially in Nightmist where newcomers can easily get lost.


Cities that often seem deserted, or should be busier than what they appear to be, could benefit from NPCs more than cities that are often populated.


Consider the theme of the city.  For example, citizens wandering around Arilin will feel oppressed by the Harabecan occupation, while those in Natura or the Coven (1-alt only) will be very naturalistic in nature.


Those that reveal hidden areas in their paths (say, the route to the Pawn Dealer's in Silversail) could prove interesting.


Other than that, unleash your creativity!

#2 Chronic

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 02:18 AM

Name and reason: Edward the Beachcomber - Sad man lost his job when the bandits took over the mines in harabec and ran to silversail for rumors of treasures washed ashore from a pirate ship battle years ago.

Description: Edward stands nearly 6 foot tall wearing a bandana underneath his sombrero to catch his sweat, in one hand hes carrying a wet pack and the other a metal detector and a large canteen dangling around his neck as he quickly rushs by you without a glance.

Pic: 1267 or 1056 might suit the descrips but id say needs something new like a tourist type look.

Location/Movement: Would be located in Silversail town and beach. Starting at pawn dealer, visiting supply shop then goes to the beach to wonder and back to pawn dealer to start over. Visits pawn dealer to sell his goods found on beach.

"Get out of my way!"
"Theres treasures to be found!"
"Sooo Thirsty..."
"Old man like myself is gonna die looking...."
"That Crazy old man in his cave kicked me out!"
Just random lines.

Idk lol just off the top of my head really and more of an example then anything else to get the ball rolling for you or ideas :)

Edited by Chronic, 19 March 2013 - 04:45 AM.

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#3 Pureza


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 05:41 PM

Name: Shadow Blade (Not written in stone)

Location: Silversail

Description: As you look Shadow Blade over, you begin to think your hallucinating as he doesn't appear to actually be there. Shrouded in the darkest of colors to blend with the darkness of the world, he's not a man to be trifled with.

Movement: Wandering around Silversail, eventually leading players to the hidden thieves guild.

Jaded ingame.

#4 brewcrew

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Posted 01 July 2013 - 06:09 PM

"Tiny" Thornquist- An old Wanderer, Adventurer, and mystery. Some say he fought in the King's guard in Harabec, others say he is a man of the shadows that should not be trusted. All gather at the Sleeping Fox Inn to hear his wonderous tales over a tankard of mead.


Location: Sleeping Fox Inn.

Description: Tiny is a man of enormous proportion. One look at this old vagabond immediately tells you his name is a misnomer. He smiles brightly as he tells story after story, small lines wrinkle his face. The only thing about him that is not full of life and laughter is his eyes. They are like steel, cold and impartial. Your body shivers as his eyes lock with yours, and you know at once his stories are not just stories...


Movement: None


* When you give him a drink he will tell you a story about his travels*


Could possibly lead into an existing storyline or possibly one in the future.



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#5 Masta

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Posted 15 January 2018 - 09:37 AM

What will be ideal in an NPC design submission.


- Name: Obviously.  Who or what are they?

Wandering Bedouin

- Description: A good, solid description will make the chances of your NPC being accepted far higher.

This old nomadic wanderer appears dreary and tired. You hear of these tribes being able to last for weeks out in deserts and arid conditions but... This one seems like he's been out in the desert for months, maybe years. He keeps muttering about his leader, and appears disheveled.
- Picture: N/A (Not a designer)
- Location: Jahanna desert - ruins of City
- Movement: Unsure about this, probably makes sense to either a) have him move a small path, or b, be in a couple of different places.

- Dialogue: Random lines of the following 4.


1) The other day I saw a raiding party. They were attempting to track down that beast that keeps causing all these Sandstorms. If I'm being honest, they were ill equipped to be raiding in the desert. Ragamuffins from the underground guilds of Nightmist - you could tell. Their leader was dressed immaculately in crimson, least last time I saw him. Now he's probably just a pile of bones.


2) Our Old Leader. Now there's an interesting soul. He was a bit of an introvert, a hermit if you will. He was last heading back to Silversail. He used to love it out there on the open shores. Oh I do hope he managed to make it back alive...


3) Haha, I remember that one time out on the Ocean Pier, he caught one. One of the natural predators. He was able to fashion something out of the teeth of it as a little trinket, he used to love making things like that.


4) So the other day I attempted to venture south, into the new lands, but something ... happened. I started to get lost, and I found that I was unable to find an oasis, let alone my tracks. I don't remember anything else, just that I somehow ended back up here... (Possibly Multi only)

I did alter 4 slightly to include Foraging a Mysterious Licquor, perhaps Ewin isn't really anymore involved.

Edited by Masta, 15 January 2018 - 09:38 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: NPC, multi-alt, 1-alt, city

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