The Twisted Inspiration, ranked 45, with score 238, consists of 49 members and 3 rooms:
The following 12 are mutual allies(12) : Eternal Chaos, The Sickness, «$*'^~°The~Vôíd°~^*$», ¯`·¸¸» Åñtí §õçíål«¸¸·´¯, ~´°º¤»£êgíõñ Rêbõrñ«¤º°´~, Ëñførçêr§ øf Çhåø§ ÅñÐ Év¡£, £GÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T, .·Iñt£®ñãtïøñå¿ Høü§£ ؃ Pãñ©åk£§`·, »o.Ô^ P.Â.Ð.§. ^Ô.o«, Stròñgér Tháñ Ðéãth, ~Adventure~, MysticShadows.
The following 2 are mutual enemies(2) : ~´°º¤»§tôr(¥) Çhâô§«¤º°´~, »«Ðýnã§tý»«.
Hopefully getting a new room soon. I should be getting some filled and possibly a few more when people buy my crits (please buy)
Edited by Tyler, 19 January 2006 - 10:41 PM.