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Prisoner In Tears (still Open)

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#61 Silverwizard

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 03:56 AM

Trekkie looks at Adrian, then to Squee, then to Zanith, "Your a god, who cares, if his crimes are against the mortal realm, let us deal with him," with that Trekkie leaps onto Zanith's body and starts stabbing him with his last knife, seeming to relish each stab.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#62 LoKey

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 04:02 AM

Lokey looks at the horror that Trekkie is doing and can't even speak as he didn't expect any associate of Silverwizard to act in such a cruel and uncaring mannor. "Has his lunacy spread to ye? Finally sanity has returned to Zanith, but only for his crazed disposition to find a new host?" Lokey turns, looking at the pacifist, wondering if he can stop his counterpart.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#63 Silverwizard

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 04:29 AM

Silverwizard looks calmly at Adrian, "Trekkie had a very sad past, he was raised, no, brainwashed, as an assassin by the Scarlet Daggers Thieves Guild, he was trained to kill any and all he hated, he acctually enjoyed the act of killing at one time. Zanith was a torturer of Squee, who ruined this poor creature's life, and children are a weak spot for Trekkie, he never had a childhood, where others played with friends, he studied the best places to put a dagger for an easy kill, the movements you saw when he was throw the daggers were the fruits of his 3rd to eighth years of life. He does not want any child raised in a situation like his. He is in a mind state that disallows reason, though I cannot say I disagree with him, Zanith should not be on this plane, he did too much evil, something I cannot stand." Silverwizard begins to weave some spells and dispells any protective spells upon the castle that Zanith may have placed to destroy them incase of his demise, though he did not expect any, Zanith was arrogant.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#64 LoKey

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 04:38 AM

Adrian's voice echos in the room, but his body has now completely vanished from sight. "I knew he'd been punished by mortals almost every bit as much as he will be tormented and vexed by the hell I have unleashed upon his mind. He will nae be able to reach his goal, forever alienated by the weave, his only true love. And his torment of his mind will continue as he lives and relives the cruelties he's placed on others, to include the young one. And with all of that, he must endure the constant ridicule and torment placed upon him by the mortals who despise him and can harm him now. His punishment is fitting for his crimes."

LoKey shakes his head in disgust as he now sees that the hatred still does not end even when good has triumphed. But he doesn't know what's worse, the feeling that hatred is present, or that it's infectious and has carried over to others. Lokey turns and walks to Squee to check on him before he leaves. "Are ye alright there? Can I help ye get somewhere?" Lokey also takes a moment to check on Bishop and attempts to help revive his old friend.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#65 Bishop

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 06:21 AM

A large wolf through the doorway of the chamber and over to where Bishop, LoKey, and Squee are grouped. Looking ferocious as she steps over Bishops body, forcing LoKey and Squee to move back, she sniffs and nuzzles his face. Realizing he lives, she relaxes her stance and begins to lick his face, bringing him too.

“Guah!” he exclaims as he pushes Sentry away and begins to wipe the saliva from his face.

“Ugh, I feel like I’ve been trampled by a herd of cattle...” he says with a chuckle.
He pets Sentry as he looks around the room, “What’s happened?”
His eyes quickly check through all of his allies, finally resting on Squee. He gives him a satisfying smile as he asks, “Adrian?”

#66 LoKey

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 01:46 PM

LoKey slowly nods towards Bishop as he turns to look at Zanith. "Adrian has punished him. He can't work with magic anymore. And your incantation separated him from the weave. Adrian then punished him... harshly. Then the others decided to try to kill him, but Adrian cursed Zanith. Zanith won't die until he's learned his lesson by living as his victims did. So no matter what they do to him, I fear Adrian will not let him die."

LoKey lowered his head slightly, still in disbelief over the actions of his son. "When he was born, I knew he was going to be special, and he developed what we believed to be arcane powers early, but we never even believed he would achieve the power and status he has. And it has changed him. No longer is he the sweet little child that we craddled in our arms."

Lokey's attention once more falls on Zanith and those beating the punished mage. "Have they no pity? Or are they to fall prey to the same cruelty and hatred that despised in Zanith. Surely this will be the end of the realm."

An echo can barely be heard on the wind, and it is easily dismissed as just someone's imagination. "Ahhh, finnally someone has a glimpse."
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#67 Silverwizard

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 08:23 PM

The pacifist casts a spell on Zanith suddenly causing the knife strikes to reflect off Zanith and back on Trekkie, "ENOUGH!," he yells, "Trekkie, all you are doing is lowering yourself," after he says this, he grabs the barely alive form of Trekkie and heals him slightly, working to keep him alive but with enough pain to remind him of the hatred he knows, and cannot help.

Silverwizard looks at Trekkie with pity in his eyes and says quietly, "Silverdragon."

Trekkie looks up at the pacifist, his eyes flaming red, glowing demonically. He looks at the person holding him up and knocks him to the ground but falls, not able to stand due to injury.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#68 Squee



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Posted 30 March 2004 - 09:23 PM

What a punishment. What torture. My punishment is more than I can bare! thought Zanith. He eyes twitched, wanting to shed tears. However, crying and thus feeling were something of a man. Ironic how Zanith had so suddenly felt the power above man...yet so soon feel the guilt and pain of being lower.

Was it wrong? Were his dreams foolish? Did it even matter now?

Oh, how Zanith would love to lash out, to take out his anger upon others...but...Adrian was good to his word. Zanith's body was even beginning to feel ill and starved now that all ties to other-worldy powers were now severed.

Zanith couldn't even feel as Trekkie's daggers pierced his skin. Feeling...what was that now? Could Zanith feel? Could he ever? Would he ever?

His mind swelled with thoughts - with 'what if's.

The rage within Zanith was unbelievable, possibly the most he had ever felt even while in contact with the weave. However, a deep grief seemed to balance out Zanith's mind. He was beginning to regret things...everything. Adrian's words rang in his ears as they had from the beginning...but now was different. He listened and understood. It was...strange. As if Zanith were living blind until this very moment.

For a moment, Zanith simply blinked. This was all too much. Was he really going to leave as Adrian's Cain? To be marked and forced to live his days in exile?

Eternity...Zanith couldn't even begin to conceive how long that would be...

Oh, burden! Oh, fate! Oh, damnable ancient!

Slowly, Zanith stumbled backwards into his throne. Into his ill-gotten throne. Into his soured Eden. Even the magics that lingered in the cushion burned Zanith's robe and heated his flesh - even they did not even accept him.

"Leave..." he mumbled as he looked blankly to the opposite wall.




"...Adrwian is gwone...he-he disappweared..." Squee said solemly as he watched Zanith with sorrow and even the smallest hint of sympathy.

"I-I'm okay...a-a bit hungwy but...I'm fine..." he continued as he looked up to Lokey.

"...But..." sighed he as he nervously fiddled with the tip of his hairless tail.
"...What now...?"
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#69 Silverwizard

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Posted 31 March 2004 - 01:09 AM

Silverwizard and Anturox grab Trekkie and start to haul him out of the room, "This person is dangerous the Silverdragon has been let in, we must get him back to his host," Silverwizard says as he leaves.

The pacifist looks down at Squee snaps his fingers and a large flash of blue light appears and a cheesecake is in his hands. "Here you are young one, it should help your hunger," he says smiling, "so, now, how does it feel to be free?" he then looks at LoKey and Bishop, "This youngin's care, who will is fall on?"
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#70 Squee



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Posted 02 April 2004 - 03:04 AM

Squee held the cheesecake for a good while, staring at it in bewilderment. Slowly, he wrinkled his snout and sniffed caustiously. It...It smelled alright. It couldn't hurt to take a bite...afterall, even if it was bad for Squee and ended up killing him...

Squee just shook his head, removing ill thoughts from his head. Another hard look and sniff and Squee had taken his first bite of the cake. He moaned happily and sat down on to the cold, stone floor of Zanith's chamber. Squee then spent the next few moments, happily biting into the cake, savouring every wonderful taste.


Zanith just remained still, looking at his window - out to the world which he had sinned against so. His thoughts swelled into his head. There was nothing he had to do now but reflect...to suffer. It was strange, as Zanith continued to think, the grief and sorrow in his heart began to grow. What a fool he had been! Blasted book! Blasted people! Blasted world!
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#71 Bishop

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Posted 07 April 2004 - 06:55 AM

“He has at least two places he can call home now I’d say, or nowhere, if he chooses.” Bishop says with a compassionate grin, looking from Squee to LoKey and back.

“You haven’t been outside in a while, have you?” he says to Squee. “Shall we take a walk?”

#72 Squee



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Posted 07 April 2004 - 08:26 PM

Squee grinned widely at the thought of "outside." The sun outside, beaming down on his face, the smell of grass and various flowers, the twittering of birds. It all made him feel light headed and happy...

"Mmm hmm!" he mumbled, swallowing the last bit of food in his cheeks.

With a quick wipe at his mouth, Squee cleaned the crumbs from his fur and stood up, tail swishing back and forth with excitment.

Edited by Squee, 07 April 2004 - 08:56 PM.

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#73 Killa

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Posted 27 June 2005 - 10:07 PM

wow this is probobly the stupidest thing i've ever seen, seems u all have allot of time on your hands, go write a godamn book ya wierdos

#74 Raylen


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Posted 27 June 2005 - 10:13 PM

You son, are a dipstick. To quote yourself - "this 14 year old is wiser than you'll ever be" - fair enough it wasn't directed at me, but signs of such wisdom are not really evident in the way you conduct yourself.
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#75 Crane


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Posted 27 June 2005 - 11:14 PM

Some people enjoy role-playing, Killa, and it can be good practice for writing a book, especially as you may not be sure what the next person will say, thus giving an author experience with different characters and personalities. It is a pity that it is dying out, but it is not your place to call role-players weirdos.

Since Simulation bumped this year-old dead topic with his "Ban Plz" spree (which I spent over half-an-hour trying to clean up) before inciting a few extra out-of-character comments, it is better to lock this thread now.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

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