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The Immortal Darkness

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#31 bloodprincess

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:33 PM


#32 Squee



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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:37 PM

"Stop it!" he called back to her as he took a step forward in a slow and almost dogged way.
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#33 bloodprincess

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:39 PM

dont make me kill you *starts to sing in her soft beautiful voice that made every man love her*

#34 Squee



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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:43 PM

"...Don't...make me kill you," he continued in his mimiced voice. He stopped in place suddenly at the sound of her voice and his voice even staggered a tad. However, he shook his head and brushed it off as nothing.
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#35 bloodprincess

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:45 PM

*steps twoards him* how can you....no.......GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR *starts to pout*

#36 Squee



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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:48 PM

"...I can say no because you're beginning to bore me," he said suddenly in a fairly high pitched voice as he turned and bounded up a wall to perch on a rooftop nearby.
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#37 bloodprincess

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:50 PM

*follows him* if i bore you so much then maby i shold just do somthing i normaly woulndt do *runs her hand across the soft skin on his face*

#38 Squee



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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:52 PM

As if a reflex, he thrust his hand outward to try and grab her by the wrist.

"...Dont' touch me."
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#39 bloodprincess

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:53 PM

*tries to get free terorized he would hurt her as a tear of blood rooled down her face* no.... let go

#40 Squee



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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:56 PM

He sighed and slowly let his hand return to his side.

"...Let go. Bet go. Debt go. Met go. Set go..."
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#41 bloodprincess

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 11:57 PM


#42 Charon

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Posted 11 October 2004 - 02:31 AM

"Have you two finally realised yer as crazy as each other?" Acheron called up at the figures on the roof.

Acheron was halfelven, but unusally tall and muscular. Unruly hair swept around his face, framing his deep green eyes... eyes that he rolled at the two on the roof that couldnt quite be classified as "alive"
Quite where he'd come from wasn't evident, but even his actions made it clear he wasn't the type to go sneaking around... he'd probably have found it almost impossible to sneak in any form.

"You... Tahmores right? A buddy of mine told me to watch out fer ya. I don't think she meant me to find yer... probly more to stay outta the way, but... well

Crazy people attract attention, y'know?"

He grinned a little lopsidedly "And you two hatters havent been being most quiet, y'understand?"

This man, it could be seen, wore very little armour... some simple shifts to cover bare skin, his only possession other than his hefty sword a locket than hung around his neck, glinting softly in the light

"The craziness... I know, y'know?" his emerald eyes glimered "Its been said I'm a little crazy myself. See the part of me, which is standing here trying to talk to yers?
I reckon thats the crazy part, y'know?"

"But ah, Mista Tahmores Merridew, my friend is mooooowst interested in where ya 'peared to from nightmist.
She couldn't follow you a'course. I could though, right? Cause I'm here, y'see"

Something about Acheron's attitude was uneasy... and quite simply wasn't right. His conversation seemed to leave his sentences hanging in constant question... despite the fact he had nothing to really say, and despite the fact the two were too far above Acheron for him to have seen them even if he'd craned his neck upwards... no, despite that he just kept talking

"And then you met up with deeeear Miss Detano here, hm? Yer most beautiful if I do say so Miss... shame though... Ms Cui would probly tell Miss Mnem if my tastes chose to differ, and that could make my relationship a little rocky..."

He mumbled as he continued talking, weighing his thoughts out in his mind he sighed and shifted his weight, the oversized sword shifting with him

"So my dear hatters... interesting little exchange you got going here y'know? Run and follow, follow and run... cat and mouse I'd even say, though which is which... well, that I couldn't say, y'know? Yer all ever changin'

You, dear Miss Detano, look sorta lost with his ramblin's... and Mista Merridew, I do believe yer outta rhymes for let?"

(( Don't mind me, I'm just gatecrashing and butting in on your conversation ^^ ))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#43 Squee



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 12:46 AM

"Crazy is as crazy does," Tahmores slowly said, elongating the words as he corrected his posture and blinked a few times as if to clear his mind. Though his message was cryptic, it was obvious that it was to be disregarded as a rhetoric statement.

"...Now, I'd certainly like to know who this person is, spreading all these nasty rumours about lil' ol' Mr. Merridew. It's not nice to spread rumours. In fact, it's down right rude and hurtful. My mama once said that to spread rumours was bad for your health...

...Maybe not in those words but I like to think I've grown up since then," he said in a sly way, a glint sparkling in the corner of his eye.

"Now, as for you. Not that I care for the matter much but... where exactly did you know where to look for me? Or was it by some odd and far-off coincidence that we happen to cross paths?"
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#44 bloodprincess

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Posted 13 October 2004 - 12:51 AM

*looks shocked* ok what the heck is going on......... you both have me confused......

Edited by bloodprincess, 13 October 2004 - 12:52 AM.

#45 Charon

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Posted 13 October 2004 - 05:46 PM

"My dear Miss Detano, I assure my aim is not to confuse... To try to confuse others might very well confuse me, y'see?" Acheron flashed that same lopsided grin to the perch above where they both sat "An' I d'nae want to confuse myself Miss"

He took a few steps back and tilted his head somewhat... but he still couldn't see them clearly...

"Ah, yer must forgive my rudeness, Mista Merridew, Miss Detano... I know both yer names, and yer d'not yet know mine, how rude, how rude...

Acheron is what they call me..."
he bowed with an almost gentlemanly flourish before looking back up

"And Mista Merridew jumin' to conclusions the way yer do..." he tutted playfully, dragging on the words slightly "Never did I say that the rumours were nasty, just... a little warnsome" Acheron bowed his head lightly, as if believing it confirmed what he just said "Miss Styx... she worries y'see? she cares a lot, that girl. But she... she just wants to make sure we all be okay, y'know? An' she did say her own meetin' with yerself weren't most... conclusive"

"Trust me sah, she meant nowt by it, o'that I can assure yer. She's not one to spread rumours sah, and she is in no bad health"
he smiled almost innocently, his eyes open and truthful to an unusual extreme.

And then that smile on his face tweaked slightly, became slightly less innocent, for the slightest of moments as it registered the glint in the darkness that was Tahmores' own eyes

"But these coin..." he stalled, knew what he wanted to say but seemed to be having some trouble... "coin... These co-in-si-den-ses ya speak of Mista Merridew... I'm certain my mama once said that coincidences were all falasy, y'know? That all things are preor... preor..." he stumbled a moment, stopped, thought...

"Preor..." no, couldn't get the word, no matter how he tried, and in realising that he clicked his fingers in frustration as he searched for something similar... "That they were writ' before us?"

"Yes, that they were writ before us... so, y'see fair Sah, I can say that most truly I d'nae believe that it were some 'odd and far-off coincidence' y'see?"

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#46 bloodprincess

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Posted 15 October 2004 - 12:36 AM

ok. now then if you dont mind im going to go this away *points twards a darkend street wheer a mortal could be seen hiding, her fangs glinted in the star light* humm....

#47 Squee



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Posted 15 October 2004 - 12:47 AM

"Well, then it seems that your old goat of a mother might just be wiser than the grazing brethren," he said jokingly, letting a toothless grin creep to his face as another breeze kicked up, blowing his hair in subtle way.

"The only problem I see with your ol' mere's philosophy is that.. some of us don't like plans. We like to live on the edge, taking our blows as they come. And if everything's a plan then... there is no point in doing what needs to be done. We can try and try and if it's not in the plan, then it'll never get done. It's really too bleak to think about.

...Almost as bleak as thinking death is the end to all things," he continued, his eyes falling shut for a moment, only to open suddenly with a dull glow to them.

"As for this Styx you speak of... I don't recall such a woman. The name speaks to me but it's only jumbles. Probably just my imagination, you know?"

For a brief second, he looked back to Annalise and smirked.

"Knock yourself out. Just don't get caught. Things get nasty when you're caught."
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#48 bloodprincess

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Posted 15 October 2004 - 12:49 AM

i like gettign caught............ *the mortal runs off at the sits of her shadow* crap! and i havent the strenght to chase him

#49 Squee



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Posted 15 October 2004 - 12:51 AM

"Trust me. You have the strength. You just need to want it bad enough..."
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#50 bloodprincess

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Posted 15 October 2004 - 01:01 AM

i want other thigs worse but i cant seem to get them

#51 Squee



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Posted 15 October 2004 - 01:04 AM

"Then you don't want them bad enough!" he snarled to her, his eyes flashing a sudden red only to go back to their normal, hazel colour a split second later.

"...Strive for those things. Let nothing stand in your path! Obtain them at all costs! ...Even if it's the last thing you do...

...When you begin to think like that, then and only then will you get what you want."
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#52 bloodprincess

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Posted 15 October 2004 - 01:10 AM

ive tried, what do you think i have been doing, oh well hum..... *jumps from the roof adn lands catlike on the ground and walks on*

#53 Charon

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Posted 15 October 2004 - 01:30 AM

"Like I said" Acheron grinned a little mischeviously "Yer conversation weren't most conclusive... she's good at makin' herself scarce when she wants, and y'aren't the first I met to deny her complete. Makes me doubt myself sometimes..."

"Ah, but short sighted y'be Mista Merridew- yer can live yer life... mind my words... however edgy y'want, y'know? The only thing in the plan is destinations... we map our own ways to them Mista Merridew. That's what my mama used to sa-"

Before he could finish he'd moved out of the way of a jumping Miss Detano... and with slight hesitation he moved back into her way again almost as swiftly, raised his hands in a gesture of calming...

"H...hey, Miss, don't hurry off so swift" Perhaps... he just wanted to get in her way until it was likely that person she'd spied was gone.

And perhaps not. He wasn't the most forward thinking of people, and could well have stepping into her way out of mere clumsiness as he tried to stall her

"Come, miss, don't take what Mista Merridew says so personal. Theres more than one way to get what'cha want y'know? He's right that y'have to strive fer yer desires... but wantin' alone won't getcha anywhere y'know? Y'have to act on whatcha want... not just want it"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#54 bloodprincess

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Posted 15 October 2004 - 11:10 PM

*smaks his hand away from her* im going where i want to go to get away from here and if you have a problem then i advice you move your isue of the path becase i am fed up with you and your philisoifical ways.... good bye to you both, may you each rip the others head off...

#55 Charon

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Posted 15 October 2004 - 11:47 PM

"Ah, come now ma'am... I'm hurt that you would think me such a person" Acheron's smile twitched slightly on his 'hurt' face, but it was only slightly "I'm not a 'ripping off heads' type of person, y'know? Not unless something reeeeal bad happens anyhow"

"As fer my 'issue'... I assure you Miss Detano, I have none. I just didn't want to see you leave so sharpish, y'see. Didn't want y t'dash off and leave me alone with Mista Merridew here"

"Feels a little safer when y'might argue with each other, and not me, y'know?" he grinned again, before stretching lazilly "Come now... I wouldn't like t'think that I'd broken up yer gatherin' when you two were getting along so well before I wandered along, y'know? If anyone should make a hasty exit, my dear Miss Detano, I'm certain it should be me, y'see"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#56 bloodprincess

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Posted 18 October 2004 - 09:23 PM

*pushes him out of the way and sorms off*

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