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Grenade Mosh

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#1 Fusion

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 03:21 AM

I really liked that mosh and thought it added some flavor rather than the regular moshes. It made it so people who would not normally be there in the end...well be there. lol. In this case Yyjonalskjdf or something.

Thanks Havanor, it was fun even though I did not win. :)

#2 newb

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 03:24 AM

Havanor rigged it so tr would win.

lolz i kid i kid ^_^keke

Edited by newb, 07 March 2004 - 03:24 AM.


#3 Fusion

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 03:25 AM


#4 Element

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 08:07 AM

he rigged it for creme but tr cheated us and then he gave the winner a bos and the runner up 5 crs

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#5 dec

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 10:33 AM

i was the first to go lol
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#6 Vagabond

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 11:36 AM

Nice work Havanor :)

Also thanks for stalling it so we could finish what we were in the middle of. :blink:

#7 Flux

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 11:55 AM

Ugh I didn't rig nothing. Haha I was getting all these pages from people saying stuff like "hmm...suspicious how the grenades don't seem to kill TR." That's because the TR party had the common sense to get out of the way of those grenades, as did a few other judicious individuals.

Anyways, glad you liked it. Maybe I'll mark it on the calendar as a weekly event, let me know if you think it should be up there.
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#8 Oracle



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 11:59 AM

Sounds like people liked it so if you're up for it, go for it :)

#9 Epic

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 12:02 PM

oman, wut a bunch of morons..people actually paged you saying something involving cheating for other people :)

#10 Stigmata

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 12:06 PM

When some of the players don't get their own way, they lash out at the easiest target, I.e the staffer running the event.

They assume because they die that it all must be a fix, and can't except the fact that the other players may actually be better than them.
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#11 Quark

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 12:14 PM

he rigged it for creme but tr cheated us and then he gave the winner a bos and the runner up 5 crs

yeh, the BoS comes in great handy... and you promised you wouldnt say after i gave you the xmas blade *gasp* :)

#12 Xcelon

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 12:59 PM

lol the winner got a blade of sacrifice and the runner up got five crystal rings?! lol thats fair..
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#13 alone

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 01:21 PM

Bracelet of Speed is what they were refering too.

I hope one week, as a joke mosh, there's a grenade on every grid.
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#14 PureMourning

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 02:48 PM

This event was total pwnage, not too mention exciting. I was in Quark's party we were doing OK and everything, I decided to go solo then as I started running I ran into like 2 grids in a row of grenades, bye bye me.

I think it'd be cool weekly. Good Job Havanor.
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#15 Spekkio

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 03:31 PM

Ugh I didn't rig nothing.

That's a double negative.... you sayin you did rig something? lol I know ya didn't... I was slaughtered by my own party member.... thank you Syntax for that lovely knife in the back... literally :)
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#16 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 03:35 PM

wtf ? there were prizes for this mosh and I missed it :)
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#17 dec

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 03:41 PM

I hope one week, as a joke mosh, there's a grenade on every grid.

maybe put a time limit on each one or something
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#18 Fusion

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 05:51 PM

Should be a daily event, :)

Hah j/k that would be a stressful time on Hav's grenade hand.

Edited by Fusion, 07 March 2004 - 05:53 PM.

#19 Raylen


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Posted 10 March 2004 - 11:23 AM

Lol, last night's one was....hmm....short.

Just a thing i noticed, the grenades dont appear to kill everyone on the square - the one that took out our party (thank you very much, Quark :)) left me and a couple of guys on the square for a few seconds after, but i just rapid fired so i was screwed lol. Or would that just be lag due to the massive amount of potions going down?

Edit: should definitely be weekly :blink:

Edited by Raylen, 10 March 2004 - 11:24 AM.

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#20 Oracle



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Posted 10 March 2004 - 11:41 AM

If Havanor was using normal grenades, they do 1000 damage to everyone on the square so you would all have died. I think you just lagged, type /refresh in the future.

#21 Shadic

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 02:34 PM

Man, we moved off the square, and were still killed within like, 30 seconds.

#22 Quark

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 04:07 PM

Lol, last night's one was....hmm....short.

Just a thing i noticed, the grenades dont appear to kill everyone on the square - the one that took out our party (thank you very much, Quark :)) left me and a couple of guys on the square for a few seconds after, but i just rapid fired so i was screwed lol. Or would that just be lag due to the massive amount of potions going down?

Edit: should definitely be weekly :blink:

i think you need to thank the party leader Circa, aka Epic tyvm...

#23 Deval

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 09:31 PM

/Me cries

Why me?


Edited by Deval, 10 March 2004 - 09:32 PM.

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#24 Bahashabeem

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 10:08 PM

I didn't even get to participate I woulda like to have been there....or in a bombshell with all that grenade slingin goin on :)
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#25 Flux

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 11:58 PM

Yeah a little bit of advice for all those people who are used to partying up into massive groups during moshes: do what you like, but realize that in a grenade mosh, you're pretty much putting your life into the navigator's hand. Once he or she screws up, your whole party goes down like a sinking ship. That's why last night's Grenade Mosh ended so quickly. The two or three major parties all got knocked out in one fell swoop.

Makes you think twice before you /join up.
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#26 Deval

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 12:02 AM

Thanks heavens for an event that actively discourages teaming.
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#27 Oracle



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Posted 11 March 2004 - 12:04 AM

Thanks heavens for an event that actively discourages teaming.

Maybe so but the players hadn't realised this until now lol

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