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Arbitration - Game Staff "stig" And Player "banishment"

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#31 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 12:36 PM

Now to the business of the Red Dragon.  I was tracking Djinn at the time - I can't remember why I never just sent Stig back to the staff room, but that's rife for speculation.  I guess this is where my naïveté shows, because not once did I envision them actually follow us into the Twilight Jungle, so you can imagine my horror when they did just that, and then strategically wait for us to reach the Red Dragon so they'd have a better chance and an easy escape.  Now I knew they were stalking us, but I knew I couldn't tell the party that "they're in here with is" and would just have to wait until the fireworks started flying.  Maybe it's from being too addicted to this game that it caused me to bave an adrenaline dump and a fight or flight response because, you know, my life was in danger in-game.  I think the other players suspected something might be up, possibly due to Ares being in the party with them (although they should have no reason to check the location of their own clannies, if they even could, while being distracted by the area's hazards).  At the same time, I realised the area had a design flaw that the PKers could exploit... the entrance square was PK, and being killed at any of the Red Dragon's spawn squares would send is back there, so any victims could receive a double whammy of lost XP and items, something that in my mind was beyond unfair, so I corrected the problem and made the square noPK (but still able to attack monsters).

In the end, I slipped up and mentioned I had a bad feeling, possibly unable to contain the panic any longer, and the feeling seemed to resonate with the team.  At one point the PKers lost track of us, and I knew we had to get this over quickly and hoped we could kill the Red Dragon before they returned... alas, it was not meant to be.  They timed their opening volley right after we attacked so we would have no stamina, and our Cleric went down instantly.  Being a Paladin, I would stand no chance against a Mage and a Berserker of a similar level and I knew this, so having already cast Champion's Strength on the hitters a couple of rounds earlier, I knew I had done all I could and logged to the entrance.  To my surprise, the PKer got killed by one of the surviving Berserkers (the only one that wasn't Ares) because he managed to hold out against the Nightshade spam with his own use of Ration Packs, and when his 5 stamina recharged, he managed to round him thanks to having Enhance and Champion's Strength active... and then amazingly managed to kill the Red Dragon too, which was near-death.  I'm not sure what happened to the other PKer, because they have no kills or deaths on their profile, or at least no extra ones, so I suspect they got killed by the Kitsune that had spawned on the square.  Pkers and victims alike reconvened on the entrance square, and the victims said it's a shame that the square was noPK because they wish they could PK them back there and then

You mentioned you had a bad feeling 3x... at the beginning. Right before we got in. And at mod said "log immediately to l2l, I have a bad feeling". The other key point in your story time is that djinn wasn't on... I was on ares and mike/Craig were on thier crits...

Lastly, mew wasn't adept, it is an expert Mage with 114 magi kills. All "tests" im sure.... and surely all hit from healthy.

Edited by «Chão§phê®ê», 13 February 2022 - 12:38 PM.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#32 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 12:41 PM

At one point the PKers lost track of us, and I knew we had to get this over quickly and hoped we could kill the Red Dragon before they returned.

Also inaccurate.. they took boo and varien next to rd and logged and waited before we even started going because er used a Sunstone and were gonna wait on Alex or Alec or someone to buy thier way in... ultimately they changed their mind and we went.

I also don't like how much you are playing the victim. /shrug.

Edited by «Chão§phê®ê», 13 February 2022 - 12:55 PM.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#33 Banishment

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 01:19 PM

Now to the business of the Red Dragon.  I was tracking Djinn at the time - I can't remember why I never just sent Stig back to the staff room, but that's rife for speculation.  I guess this is where my naïveté shows, because not once did I envision them actually follow us into the Twilight Jungle, so you can imagine my horror when they did just that, and then strategically wait for us to reach the Red Dragon so they'd have a better chance and an easy escape.  Now I knew they were stalking us, but I knew I couldn't tell the party that "they're in here with is" and would just have to wait until the fireworks started flying.  Maybe it's from being too addicted to this game that it caused me to bave an adrenaline dump and a fight or flight response because, you know, my life was in danger in-game.  I think the other players suspected something might be up, possibly due to Ares being in the party with them (although they should have no reason to check the location of their own clannies, if they even could, while being distracted by the area's hazards).  At the same time, I realised the area had a design flaw that the PKers could exploit... the entrance square was PK, and being killed at any of the Red Dragon's spawn squares would send is back there, so any victims could receive a double whammy of lost XP and items, something that in my mind was beyond unfair, so I corrected the problem and made the square noPK (but still able to attack monsters).

In the end, I slipped up and mentioned I had a bad feeling, possibly unable to contain the panic any longer, and the feeling seemed to resonate with the team.  At one point the PKers lost track of us, and I knew we had to get this over quickly and hoped we could kill the Red Dragon before they returned... alas, it was not meant to be.  They timed their opening volley right after we attacked so we would have no stamina, and our Cleric went down instantly.  Being a Paladin, I would stand no chance against a Mage and a Berserker of a similar level and I knew this, so having already cast Champion's Strength on the hitters a couple of rounds earlier, I knew I had done all I could and logged to the entrance.  To my surprise, the PKer got killed by one of the surviving Berserkers (the only one that wasn't Ares) because he managed to hold out against the Nightshade spam with his own use of Ration Packs, and when his 5 stamina recharged, he managed to round him thanks to having Enhance and Champion's Strength active... and then amazingly managed to kill the Red Dragon too, which was near-death.  I'm not sure what happened to the other PKer, because they have no kills or deaths on their profile, or at least no extra ones, so I suspect they got killed by the Kitsune that had spawned on the square.  Pkers and victims alike reconvened on the entrance square, and the victims said it's a shame that the square was noPK because they wish they could PK them back there and then (which confirmed in my mind that the PKers would be doing just that given their large inventory of Nightshade Elixirs).  The whole incident had really shaken me up, and I just wanted to get back to town after all that.  My body was trembling out of panic.  Some people live for that rush... I don't.  I like to keep control of my destiny.

Djinn wasn't on at the time. If you mean Varien, I'll just say your group was already in Twilight Jungle by the time I logged on, so the "I accidently left my Staff character tracking you" doesn't really stick.  I didn't need locs (I obviously seen it) because my sharer messaged me saying he saw your group remove the key.  While your group killed ALL ktps for us your group also had to wait for full stam before moving again, allowing us to reach Red Dragon before you and logging off nearby and logged onto different characters, one of them being an adept druid. We didn't "lose" you.





My reputation.  I want to be known as fair and just, but I don't want to be put on a pedestal.  I'm not an infallible god and I never want to be.  I don't want to be a hero or the face of anything or seen as this great person.  I have no desire to fame, because ultimately we all die and are forgotten to the sands of time.  I'm the technician who keeps his head down and makes sure things are working, and whom you wouldn't give a second glance to on the street.  My life is irrelevant in the grand scheme and I seek only to serve things greater than myself so they may continue running once I am gone.  Frankly I could live being the most hated subhuman in the universe, as long as I could do my job and keep exposure to a minimum, but due to how politics have played out in this game, that option has been taken away from me and for too long I have been the only active moderator of this game, and so have become the face of it.  With no other staff around, me questioning myself and me being an extreme introvert, in the end I had to rely on players to help with ideas and testing, which of course gave them knowledge of things that other players had yet to discover or work out... one example is Lady Talaska's new drop and what to do with it, and the new craft in the Coven.  I have asked to keep it on the QT and to not be the first to craft it, but I can't control that ultimately, and if players aren't that observant, they may miss something (e.g. a subtle clue in the text descriptions or NPC chat) that my helpers know already due to being part of the design process.

I've worked out one of these idea's. lol

You gave a Frozen Altar: Talaskan Gauntlets.


Edited by Banishment, 13 February 2022 - 01:42 PM.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#34 Nerve

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 02:10 PM

- Toned down the Erebus Lance ever so slightly after hearing just how fast some Berserkers were training (this on top of the ridiculous notions that "18m XP is not that much")... it also opened my eyes as to why these players were so privileged... they were using heavy hitters with training weapons and spells, something that not everyone can afford, especially if they're using a class like a Paladin that trains more slowly even with a powerful PvE weapon.


So we're privileged because we have a cleric and a shop bought training weapon that everyone else has access to?

Even players that havent played long at all have training weapons...



To re-emphasie, I hate PKing... I absolutely hate it, and want nothing to do with it and to just be left in peace, but players make the game what they want to make it, and in their mind, if you don't like PKing, get off the game or go play multi-alt.  From a long-range perspective, I can see this only driving off moderate players, especially those who can't put in many hours a day because of the extortionate XP losses and other unfair penalties on being PKed that some classes can't get back as quickly, or only in set locations (e.g. undead areas for Clerics) where they'll likely just get nailed again.  I would wish that prizes and penalties were more dynamic and could be made fairer, especially if griefing and bullying becomes a problem, but the things i can influence in the game are limited, and hard-coded mechanics I have absolutely no control over.  And now I was being hunted over an accusation of favouritism and nothing could counter their desire for blind vengeance.


You were only pked 1 time(i know we looked more than once), I remember being pked 100s of times in a day on main back before 1a, and even on 1a when i first came back multiple times. Why do people instantly think we are mad because we pk you. Some people just enjoy pking its part of the game,


Also telling players to go play main.. is Main nopk now? I played main like 2 or 3 years ago and my entire thief party got pked by someone on there but i didnt take to the forum and complain about getting pking removed.



- Felt that +2 Int, +1 Dex was too much for a single boss drop which was possibly designed to make the boss appealing over some quest items that were already around in-game, especially after observing that some of the PKing Mages had 33 Int at level 37 (with another +1 Int available at level 40), so reducing this item to just +1 Int I felt was the best way to temper this power, with the logic that it will still have +1 Dex, +5 armour and 0.1 Spell Absorb over the other non-quest Int item that can go in this slot (it's +1 Dex, +3 armour over the quest item).


So the use of dex on a mage that doesnt use /a is useless against monsters since only the base dex affects dodge. absorb is another useless pve stat (its good for pvp Sure) ac isnt a huge deal since most mages do not get hit while training. Like on Varien i invis trained him mostly (4 beams then invis ect..) So mages are Already a pain to train which is why most do not train them, also the high wisdom on bosses is why mages dont get taken to them, and a ton of high wis monsters. and it was level 37 for +2 int... not something that is done overnight. I'm not even close to 37. so the only active mage uising said item is Djinn and was made after pks..So if it wasnt a problem before why is it a problem now... with 1 mage using it? (im aware there are at least 2 others in use, but they are inactive atm) Just saying its not much better than lucifers or darksigil now, imo.


Also did you nerf Gauntlets Of Malice/Virtue, Shadow Brace , and Warrior's Tunic? Since +2 on 1 item is too strong.

Edited by Nerve, 13 February 2022 - 02:22 PM.

#35 Gaddy

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 03:33 PM

Guys, Stig just walked through a lot of dirty laundry.
You all said you want to move on and for Stig to return. But you are immediately flushing the opportunity to forgive and ask to move forward better.

If you want that, just know you are acting against your interests. That is within the framework that I laid out; so I would not call it harassment or the sort. however, bickering and arguing details at this point is pushing toward losing the one active and creative staff for the game you play.

Stig has opened up and admitted his part (or even fault) in most of the grievances. The details do not surprise me or seem worse than expected from discussions. My recommendations for punishment and path forward are still what I stand by.
If anything significant comes up, please message me. If you want to move forward, start demonstrating that outcome is your desire.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#36 Hansol

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:06 PM

the account that canceled Christmas quest wants to chase off the last staff and few players so they can play split screen nightmist together


server has gone from 12-15 down to 2-5 people

Edited by Hansol, 13 February 2022 - 04:07 PM.

#37 Nerve

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:15 PM

the account that canceled Christmas quest wants to chase off the last staff and few players so they can play split screen nightmist together


server has gone from 12-15 down to 2-5 people



chase off? can't accept a part of the game that's been here since the beginning? 


I would just like to point out, There are more of you. Pk em back.

#38 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:29 PM

Moral of this post: people that still play this are soft af. Rappy didn't have anything to say until a failed pk attempt he logged for last night... /shrug

Edited by «Chão§phê®ê», 13 February 2022 - 04:29 PM.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#39 Hansol

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:39 PM


the account that canceled Christmas quest wants to chase off the last staff and few players so they can play split screen nightmist together


server has gone from 12-15 down to 2-5 people



chase off? can't accept a part of the game that's been here since the beginning? 


I would just like to point out, There are more of you. Pk em back.



the last 4 players that don't share and already own everything on the server decide to party up to "win" the 1v4 or 2v4


what do we get if we "win"? are we gonna post that nuts on our twitter for likes or something?

if we die we lose exp and time

if we win we get mooseing nothing besides wasting the rare opportunity of being able to do something cool with the last few players


we can't party up or do anything meaningful anymore due to lack of numbers or the threat of some grown ass men trying to relive the glory from their prepubescent days


trying to persist in this retarded pking nuts at this point is equivalent to repeating the same racist/sexist joke that no one laughs at and just makes everyone else uncomfortable


literally no one plays besides josh/greg anymore because you chased them all away

I had yesterday off and was going to try to run some bosses with them and immedately got jumped while trying to go to harabec so I just logged rather than die/waste my time


wow what a satisfying nightmist session I really felt like I accomplished alot

I earned about 10k exp from healing myself while some neckbeard hyperventilated and mashed on his keyboard trying to kill me


stig basically just quit and resigned incase you missed the bottom of his last post so congrats guys you successfully pk'd nightmist itself lol

Edited by Hansol, 13 February 2022 - 04:42 PM.

#40 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:44 PM

Me and cody started a few months before you qq.

And my privileged ass grinded out 300k to pay for a loaner lvl 28 fighter in a couple of weeks and went from there. Privileged ass also lent out training weapons to people that have been active much longer than us. Also gave up multiple drops to noobs that log on for 5 minutes and show no initiative. If yall wanna play console all day go for it, but don't pregnant dog about the consequences of that. We invest a good amount of free time and do it much better is all....

Edited by «Chão§phê®ê», 13 February 2022 - 04:59 PM.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#41 Nerve

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:45 PM

We pked josh too, he just doesnt run to the forums and complain when it happens.


Feel like you just want someone to blame.


How have you played NM this long to be this sensitive to pking.?


Also just so you know its 2 accounts just wanna know which ones getting the canceling christmas blame lol

Edited by Nerve, 13 February 2022 - 04:47 PM.

#42 brewcrew

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:50 PM

I also wanted to say this has gone off track, 


I end the end am getting much of the blame even when I'm not online. 


You are saying "we pked the game and got gareth to quit" 


The whole basis for this arbitration was because he did some things he shouldn't and your remarks are devaluing other's perspectives and experiences.


You should be taking your post to an entirely different thread. If you don't like player vs player...then play a game that doesn't have it. Like animal crossing.

Edited by brewcrew, 13 February 2022 - 04:51 PM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#43 Hansol

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:58 PM

on main pking was once relevant in a playerbase of 200-300 players to determine who was at the top of the foodchain

everyone was young and had infinite free time and there was a very small amount of resources that had to be divided between a nuts ton of people


things such as training location/boss drops were highly contested


on main you cant run around like a meow while invisible and nightshade people because you would get your ass kicked and also be noticed immediately when walking on the square to give them more time to react/fight back


on 1a your "click" is half of the mooseing server so you can all just masturbate together because you can kill nearly anything as 3/4 with crits as funded and high level as yours

but no one else is allowed to train/do anything together at this point unless you lot aren't online


what the moose am I gonna do? win on a weaponless cleric by healing myself? I know I cant finish my DB craft because the server has nowhere near the playerbase for it without working together


whatever though

I throw in the towel along with everyone else

have fun jerking eachother off until JLH pulls the plug from inactivity after ya all get bored I guess

Edited by Hansol, 13 February 2022 - 05:00 PM.

#44 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 05:00 PM

Last thingy: my privileged ass grinded out 300k to pay for a loaner lvl 28 fighter in a couple of weeks and went from there. Privileged ass also lent out training weapons to people that have been active much longer than us. Also gave up multiple drops to noobs that log on for 5 minutes and show no initiative. If yall wanna play console all day go for it, but don't pregnant dog about the consequences of that. We invest a good amount of free time and do it much better is all....

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#45 Banishment

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 05:03 PM

on main pking was once relevant in a playerbase of 200-300 players to determine who was at the top of the foodchain

everyone was young and had infinite free time and there was a very small amount of resources that had to be divided between a nuts ton of people


things such as training location/boss drops were highly contested


on main you cant run around like a meow while invisible and nightshade people because you would get your ass kicked and also be noticed immediately when walking on the square to give them more time to react/fight back


on 1a your "click" is half of the mooseing server so you can all just masturbate together because you can kill nearly anything as 3/4 with crits as funded and high level as yours

but no one else is allowed to train/do anything together at this point unless you lot aren't online


what the moose am I gonna do? win on a weaponless cleric by healing myself? I know I cant finish my DB craft because the server has nowhere near the playerbase for it without working together


whatever though

I throw in the towel along with everyone else

have fun jerking eachother off until JLH pulls the plug from inactivity after ya all get bored I guess

This thread needs to be locked. Greg/Alex have one of the biggest accounts ingame and you have more players in that clan, you can easily 3/4 man the same bosses.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#46 Hansol

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 05:04 PM

we can try to 3/4 some bosses before asshat mcgee shows up and kills the party cleric thereby ruining the entire experience for everybody

#47 Nerve

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 05:06 PM

one can only hope ill have time off to witness it. working 7 days a week and playing NM is rough. ;)

#48 Hansol

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 05:08 PM

one can only hope ill have time off to witness it. working 7 days a week and playing NM is rough. ;)

spoilers: everyone quits and JLH pulls the plug

#49 Nerve

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 05:10 PM

what are we playing together next? minecraft i hope.

#50 brewcrew

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 05:10 PM

AGAIN...not the place for this crap posting. its less about what we "have" and more about how you guys are too lazy to do the same. Please make your own topic if you would like to talk about this, this is not the time or place for this discussion. 

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#51 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 05:13 PM

I agree that none of that matters, but stigs contradictions and dismissive nature kind of ended this experiment in my opinion. It is what it is.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#52 brewcrew

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 09:14 PM

One last thing. About the Linds incident teleporting a mortal it was ON the monster Square while I was killing it. *for clarification purposes not near it.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#53 Gaddy

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 11:07 PM

This post is not here for debating the PK settings, grouping, or other playstyle discussions - unless posting to compile understanding of game development biases. And even game development that is bias is within the capabilities and decision making of Game Staff.

So, please direct your conversations about these player-to-player opinions and debates to the 1-Alt PvE topic or a new post about playstyle concerns: http://www.nightmist...ic=41082&page=2



I'm not locking the post. In my experience, that just draws more complaints or folks directing their frustration at me instead - which is not welcome, unless it would otherwise be going to Stig.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#54 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 11:36 PM

Guys, Stig just walked through a lot of dirty laundry.
You all said you want to move on and for Stig to return. But you are immediately flushing the opportunity to forgive and ask to move forward better.

If you want that, just know you are acting against your interests. That is within the framework that I laid out; so I would not call it harassment or the sort. however, bickering and arguing details at this point is pushing toward losing the one active and creative staff for the game you play.

Stig has opened up and admitted his part (or even fault) in most of the grievances. The details do not surprise me or seem worse than expected from discussions. My recommendations for punishment and path forward are still what I stand by.
If anything significant comes up, please message me. If you want to move forward, start demonstrating that outcome is your desire.

I personally don't forgive half-assed apologies outlining things nobody cares about and contradicting the reality of the parts that do matter.

Edited by «Chão§phê®ê», 13 February 2022 - 11:37 PM.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#55 xxxer

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Posted 16 February 2022 - 04:35 AM

am i the only one who is not complaining thats been getting pked every single day since all this bs started? big deal loose exp. train get it all back. its a game. the end. to be honest i want to thank mike/craig/cody/ryan for showing me how bad i actually suck at this game after 20 years.

#56 Peacemaker

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Posted 03 March 2022 - 07:44 PM

Pking is a thing again? Man that makes me think about playing. Too bad i gave all my stuff away and its looks like different people have it now. Is this pking on one alt or main? Please say its main. I'd love to get my thief party together again and have some fun.


Now to address this little situation.


Stig is the only reason you get any modifications to anything ingame or any quests etc. Which basically means he is the reason why the game hasnt died out. This game is 21 years old. Its amazing it is still here. Many other staff members have cheated way more then what i have seen him suggest. Him hating pking? Well thats how he has always been. Hence why his top character was always a pacifist for the longest. I would just be happy that you still have a game to play and not try to push out the last reason thats its still going. If not and pride is too much....then i guess this is the end finally and it was a good run. 


Have fun everyone and remember its just a game.

Peacemaker both servers.

#57 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 04 March 2022 - 12:04 PM

Pking is a thing again? Man that makes me think about playing. Too bad i gave all my stuff away and its looks like different people have it now. Is this pking on one alt or main? Please say its main. I'd love to get my thief party together again and have some fun.
Now to address this little situation.
Stig is the only reason you get any modifications to anything ingame or any quests etc. Which basically means he is the reason why the game hasnt died out. This game is 21 years old. Its amazing it is still here. Many other staff members have cheated way more then what i have seen him suggest. Him hating pking? Well thats how he has always been. Hence why his top character was always a pacifist for the longest. I would just be happy that you still have a game to play and not try to push out the last reason thats its still going. If not and pride is too much....then i guess this is the end finally and it was a good run. 
Have fun everyone and remember its just a game.

Technically seemed to quit because gaddy tried to save the day... otherwise he wouldn't have had to acknowledge the situation and he wouldn't even have admitted anything in the slightest (again, half of which is false.. djinn wasn't even logged in the night he was supposedly tracking it for the red dragon for instance).

I get not liking conflict, but you can't create a conflict and then get upset at other people about the consequences.

It is what it is. Time will pass /shrug.

Edited by «Chão§phê®ê», 04 March 2022 - 12:07 PM.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#58 Terron

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Posted 16 March 2022 - 07:31 AM

the estrogen is strong in this one

"Wake Up!!" 

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