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Member Since 23 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2006 04:09 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ok Something Has To Be Done

29 April 2006 - 06:00 PM

Alright let me run this here....

I was the first to see the HL in.. I got on 10 crits.. myself.. and came.. MS and UR were there before me... i got in a battle with MS beat them down.. then my friend from dynasty came to help as you guys got more on me.. then someone from MS hit an ran me invis until a paci came.. so the UR person never got involved.. it was me on 10 and my friend on 8.. so was 18 on however many you had... the alt limit is fine.. learn to fight with the numbers you have.. i did it..

ok you think you was the first, i think i was the first, now WHO WAS THE FIRST? NO ONE KNOWS so dont even try that bs and yes more was attacking than you've said

rofl, MS noob got OWNED and now hes crying, kinda funny

omfg iam so going to leave this gd clan, everyone is stereo typing cause iam in a clan omfg ill leave then you can another nightmist person is crying?

Don't steal and there won't be a queue of ppl to kill you.

your about retarded, what did i steal?

In Topic: Liquify

26 April 2006 - 10:07 PM

your pally suxorz, my pally own you all!

/who Ripallmighty

In Topic: Stop Posting

25 April 2006 - 06:26 AM

wow it happened AGAIN, someone goes crazy with a staff character, BOOM EVERYONES RICH

and iam still freaken poor *cry*

how about this make it so that the staff accounts can only be internet if your isp matchs that comp(other then jlh i suppose) lol or BAN ALL

i do however agree with jen, and i do got one thing to say, doesnt it seem odd that the one that most agreed shouldn't have staff position is the one that got jacked?

(a nub mistake that she made cause this? or she have something to do with it? or something more? either way how come nubs all of a sudden get to be staff......I WANNA BE STAFF!! WOOT WOOT)

sry Elf, no offence intended

In Topic: Soul Crest Gloves

23 April 2006 - 07:29 PM

well iam not exactly sure what the vamparic would be considering its 0 BD lol so uhmm any ideas?

In Topic: Double Xp For 4/20

21 April 2006 - 09:01 PM

It should never be a holiday in the first place... an illegal drug that somehow gets a number with it and all of a sudden 4-20 is a day everyone holds as a national holiday. No, we should not have double exp for it even if double exp is nice.

oh plz stop crying...its illegal to drink and smoke cigs under 18 and 21 in so many places but so many ppl do it anyways?

congratulations on the dumbest idea i ever heard in my life, even more reasoning for me to be quitting really soon

well if thats dumb to you then all i can say is...plz hurry up and leave us pothead to controll nightmist! mwahaahahahaha

Not only is it no longer a criminal act to possess/use 1 oz. or less of marijuana for personal consumption, there are even a few areas in the U.S.A. where it is completely LEGAL to possess/use marijuana if of the age 21 or older. So please, get your facts straight folks. And those of you who don't agree, you are more than welcome to your opinions, but keep it on topic.

Edit: And by "no longer a criminal act" i am refering to the areas of the country where possesion of marijuana is no longer considered criminal, and is instead dealt with in the same manner as a speeding ticket. It's now listed as a Civil Violation.
