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Who Is Shooting Who In The Foot?

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#1 Achilles

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 05:35 AM

Also, while I appreciate why the 1a players want more staff, I don't think you're likely to get any more anytime soon. Collectively, the 1a players have done a quite nice job of running off the existing staff and I think the admins are a bit tired of putting out the effort to train new staff and have them get the kind of abuse that they do. You're shooting yourselves in the foot, and I doubt you'll get much effort from the admins for a while.

Ok, let me get this straight. Calling staff out when they cheat is shooting myself in the foot. .. damn if staff could just not cheat maybe the players wouldnt "abuse" them.. i for one would quit playing the game if i were given the opportunity to become staff, because i would find more enjoyment in helping the game then tracking players with my staff crit and pking them at later dates.. The chosen people should take more pride in the staff position they are given and not abuse it, rather than blaming the playerbase for running them off... and please, dont give me that "this is against tos" crap because it is 100% true. If you found someone who would
1) put the time in
2) be willing to give up their mortals
3) have a sense of pride in the work they do for the game
4) wants to help the game and not themselves

then there would be no reason for the player base to "shoot themselves in the feet"...

#2 Crane


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Posted 27 February 2009 - 05:45 AM

I can understand that you are upset about this subject, but should it be something to discuss privately with the staff? I'd recommend opening a ticket or seeing if you can catch Trevayne or an admin on MSN or the multi-alt server.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#3 Achilles

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 05:56 AM

I actually disagree. Whats the point of "Game Discussion Forum" if you can't discuss the game. Besides, i think maybe the admin should be held more accountable in hiring new staff rather than blaming the playerbase for "running off the existing staff" ...

edit: + it's true that we should find people that are willing to do what i posted above to become staff

Edited by Achilles, 27 February 2009 - 05:57 AM.

#4 Trevayne

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 06:24 AM

I don't see any problem with this discussion happening here, though I did edit the first post from Achilles to remove the direct accusations against particular staff. Any further posts that have direct accusations against particular staff will get deleted entirely.

To clarify what I've said, my original comment wasn't directed toward the "new" staff but rather toward the "old" staff. There are reasons that Elf, Gaddy, and I won't have anything to do with the 1a server at this point. Scripto and Wes are about the only ones who are willing to put time into it at this point, and neither of them seems really willing to expend much energy to run events, build areas, or run quests for the playerbase there. The sad truth of it is, it's far easier for the admins to just leave the game "as-is" than to put effort into trying to give the 1a playerbase something new and fun. Every time that staff have tried to do that in the past two years, the admins ended up with more trouble from the players than we get when we do nothing at all. In the eyes of the admins, I don't think you're giving them good reason to put effort into the game at all.

I'm not at all saying that this is the way that things should be, and I'm not at all saying that this isn't something that can get fixed... but if you seriously want things like new staff, you really need to start out by giving the admins good reason to think that it is worth their time to put new staff in place.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#5 speedy

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 06:56 AM

tbh there noob we knew where u trained we didnt need his 'clarifcation' on it that whas his choice regradless we 'pushed' you to train in tirantek so shh

I think all classes appart from pacifists should be removed, then we can all be hippies and play nice together

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#6 Cruxis

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 07:01 AM

Tirantek is for noobs

+1 post count

Train me, I won't quit and have great concept skills, so learning new things is a breeze.

I can do pretty much anything but be an artist. But regardless, a picture made for main will be added to 1a aswell I would guess, so it wouldn't be needed.

Watch me fail more.

Edited by Cruxis, 27 February 2009 - 07:03 AM.

#7 Stadicx

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 07:33 AM

I disagree with what you said Trev.

"Every time that staff have tried to do that in the past two years, the admins ended up with more trouble from the players than we get when we do nothing at all."

When Emma was the "Main" staff of 1a, things weren't so bad. She had good Halloween/Christmas/and random small quest that seemed to keep most of the player base happy. But you know what she did, she didn't delete every topic on the forums with no explanation of why, she didn't randomly change things without proper testing or without player knowledge, and she devoted time. It seems to me that when she left, and 1a went without events/quest is when nuts started to hit the fan. There became nothing better to do then be pricks to each other. And as you can see thats what 80% of 1a is made up of now.

So you can fight both sides of the argument if you wish, about how someone will or wont help 1a, but all in all the evidence is clear.

tbh there noob we knew where u trained we didnt need his 'clarifcation' on it that whas his choice regradless we 'pushed' you to train in tirantek so shh

Lol JP/Speedy, you do lots of good. Sad truth is if you didn't need it then why did he do it. :ph34r:

Edited by Stadicx, 27 February 2009 - 07:38 AM.

#8 Raylen


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Posted 27 February 2009 - 08:36 AM

All staff cheat and abuse power. Not going to clarify, and it's no direct accusation against anyone. You just gotta be sneaky and do it in a way that people won't notice or be bothered about :ph34r:

Alex has been staff on another game and I would support him being one on here, not that I play...
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#9 Sausage


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Posted 27 February 2009 - 08:39 AM

I love how every single thread that remotely has to do with staff turns into a "make me staff" "No, me. I'm better" "Wait guys... I'd be good staff too!"

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#10 speedy

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 08:54 AM

correct me if im wrong but where the hell did jp post on this? you moosing morons cant make us 1 person ffs tbh i might be friends with jp irl but i hate him tbh <3

I think all classes appart from pacifists should be removed, then we can all be hippies and play nice together

Inappropriate Avatar - Crane

#11 Sublime

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 08:59 AM

I disagree with what you said Trev.

"Every time that staff have tried to do that in the past two years, the admins ended up with more trouble from the players than we get when we do nothing at all."

When Emma was the "Main" staff of 1a, things weren't so bad. She had good Halloween/Christmas/and random small quest that seemed to keep most of the player base happy. But you know what she did, she didn't delete every topic on the forums with no explanation of why, she didn't randomly change things without proper testing or without player knowledge, and she devoted time. It seems to me that when she left, and 1a went without events/quest is when nuts started to hit the fan. There became nothing better to do then be pricks to each other. And as you can see thats what 80% of 1a is made up of now.

So you can fight both sides of the argument if you wish, about how someone will or wont help 1a, but all in all the evidence is clear.

tbh there noob we knew where u trained we didnt need his 'clarifcation' on it that whas his choice regradless we 'pushed' you to train in tirantek so shh

Lol JP/Speedy, you do lots of good. Sad truth is if you didn't need it then why did he do it. :ph34r:

Sorry but why does my name get brought up, i did not post on this topic until now. Although, I do agree with everything Trev said, if you give no reason for the admins to add anything new, if you disrespect them, hound them all the time(which this post is just a continuation of...) you will get absolutely nothing accomplished. The playerbase as a whole needs to grow up already, and before anyone goes off about what clan im in, this has nothing to do with clans, it's EVERYONE.

I've been close to the point of quitting this game a few times myself because of people acting so childish, and the most degrading part of that is most of you are adults, not children.
Sublime - 1a.

#12 Stadicx

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 09:22 AM

Should of put Jp OR Speedy I guess. Didn't know if it was just you or not speedy.

Anyways, what drives me nuts it the people who get on here and say that "they are tired of players being so childish" etc. When they themselves find a way to always be in the middle of the "childish" things, and pride themselves on how many ignorepc list they are on.

#13 Dangerous

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 10:53 AM

People forget that staff are not paid for anything they add to the game, maybe the players and staff should try to meet in the middle somewhere.. i think people are jus a lil fed up atm cuz the game has got monotonous, i for one have gotten extremely bored with the game as of late.

#14 Walt

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 11:57 AM

I disagree with what you said Trev.

"Every time that staff have tried to do that in the past two years, the admins ended up with more trouble from the players than we get when we do nothing at all."

When Emma was the "Main" staff of 1a, things weren't so bad. She had good Halloween/Christmas/and random small quest that seemed to keep most of the player base happy. But you know what she did, she didn't delete every topic on the forums with no explanation of why, she didn't randomly change things without proper testing or without player knowledge, and she devoted time. It seems to me that when she left, and 1a went without events/quest is when nuts started to hit the fan. There became nothing better to do then be pricks to each other. And as you can see thats what 80% of 1a is made up of now.

So you can fight both sides of the argument if you wish, about how someone will or wont help 1a, but all in all the evidence is clear.

tbh there noob we knew where u trained we didnt need his 'clarifcation' on it that whas his choice regradless we 'pushed' you to train in tirantek so shh

Lol JP/Speedy, you do lots of good. Sad truth is if you didn't need it then why did he do it. :ph34r:

This has got to be the greatest case of "OMFG, that is so funny". I highlighted this one part for this reason. Emma was one of the biggest, not so known cheats this game has had. Not only did she give out locs on her own clan to MD, they had a square near banshee that lead right back to MD Clan House(privied info). She gave Memphis(Corey) a weapon that had a huge base damage and dex mods to use(remember him training a thief to 31 in like 2 hours? /library Emma....it has been unmodded now by staff because they have no idea if that weapon is on any deleted chars and do not want it to resurface back into game). She gave MD hints on the very first Xmas quest where spyglass was the prize, as well as the Halloween quest that was run prior.(she even used her staff char to cast vision on her own clannies just so MD could pk them. Shall I go on, or do you get the point.

As for cheating. Let us go there shall we? You are crying because of a threat of pking, yet the majority of you doing the crying are the ones who embrace one of the biggest thieves this game has known. Freek(Jordan) has been asked to come back to this game how many times by you people now? You people hold him in such high standards that one would think he is your god or something. Players have lost chars/gold/items/accounts/the ability to play nm to hide his return. Why don't we speak on this?

There we have it. I only listed 2 examples of what you players hold near and dear to your hearts. Both either a liar/thief/cheater or a comination.

And to staff, I say delete 1A and make us all come over to Main. Whoops, none of you want that, because then the quiet days of Main will be over and done with. I don't blame you.
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#15 Tietsu

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 01:51 PM

Without Staff for the 1-ALT Server, there will be no events, quests, areas in development. I can't see why Trevayne would say, "There will be no more staff for 1 ALT," when it's neccissary for it's survival. I don't know if that was a quote from JLH or his own opinion, but it certainly shouldn't be true.

I have had many area development and sub-quest ideas that I have conjured up, well written and seemingly balanced, but without having a position as staff, they will be over-looked/ignored. I am not sure what staff for the 1-ALT server do at the moment, but it certainly doesn't look like it's nearly enough. (Sorry if you are working for the server and have gone un noticed.)

Paradox: This was someone who I enjoyed seeing on-line. He was friendly, helpful and I also enjoyed winning his events (:ph34r:). I'm not sure why this person has left, but I certainly plea someone to replace him if he doesn't want to come back. Even the smallest addition to the game, i.e. events would gradually increase the playing time of a small portion of the playerbase who logs on seldomly.

Elf: I can't believe you walked away like you did. I didn't agree with alot of things you did, I'm sorry if I wasn't polite to you on some occasions. You have done alot for 1-ALT and even though people didn't agree with you, I think you've done more than any actual person. You should be praised for your work, not condemned. I would just have like to have seen more out of you, but I know why we couldn't. Thank you.

#16 Autek

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 04:00 PM

I don't understand how when there are people willing to put in the work they would just get shot down without given a chance.

The 1a server is the main server now. There is no denying that. That's great main has even more staff now I guess . . . At least the few people who still play it (after you subtract all the players trying to sell their main garbage for 1a stuff) will get new stuff to do. Also, most of the staff on main make up a good portion of the main servers mortal characters as well! Coincidence? /shrug

We need a single staff to take the reigns on 1a like Trevayne has on main. Sorry, Scripto doesn't seem to be cutting it, as great of a guy he is. Give some people a shot is all we're asking, rather than having all these main server staff denying us left and right. You guys should worry about your server, and let us get someone to lead ours.

Edited by Autek, 27 February 2009 - 04:01 PM.

Autek in game.

#17 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 04:23 PM

Wow.. So much hate :|

Emma may have cheated, but she was still a damn good staff member. No, I am not saying that what she did was right, not by any means, but her quests were awesome, and when she had power most of the 1a playerbase had no problem with that. They were happy and the server itself ran as smooth as possible.

Now, Mark has a lot of stuff to do with life at the moment, meaning he hasn't got as much time as he used to have to staff the game. This is fine, as when he does log on it just makes us love him more - but someone who has the knowledge, commitment and basically the love for the game really needs to step up to help him out when he isn't here. The same type of position that Gaz has on multi, someone with the same kind of sysop abilities - just on 1a.

When Jim was made staff on it was good while it lasted, and I do think that the way he was treated wasn't right as he is a good guy - but one of the things that i've learnt from seeing staff members promoted and demoted over the years is that you need to be able to deal with critiscism, jealousy and all the other emotions that people will channel towards you when you have a place which seperates you out from the rest. I remember when Aeryn was disliked, to say the least, by a few members of the multi-server, back when a few changes were made which they weren't to happy with. A lot of harsh things were said, but he dealed with it, and in my opinion is a damn good sysop.

Quitting your mortal characters isn't a step that needs to be made, but there is a certain level of trust needed. If someone who is made events manager for 1a actually cares for the future of the game, wants to keep the activity of the playerbase at the level it is now (OR EVEN HIGHER?!) then they won't do anything to mess it up. It's very easy to cheat when you have a staff character, but tif you care enough about the game/are smart enough you won't do it. Cheating will take away your staff position, and how are you going to help the game if that happens? Staff still need to enjoy the game too.

I see why admin may not want to train up another staff member for 1a, but it is a great shame to see the game with its current activity go to waste. Keeping the game interesting will keep the players interested, meaning they won't leave, and hell, they might even tell their friends :ph34r:

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 27 February 2009 - 04:27 PM.

Disaster ingame.

#18 Stadicx

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 04:36 PM

Emma may have cheated, but she was still a damn good staff member. No, I am not saying that what she did was right, not by any means, but her quests were awesome, and when she had power most of the 1a playerbase had no problem with that. They were happy and the server itself ran as smooth as possible.

That's what I was referring to. And again walter 80% of your facts are scrambled as usual.

#19 Walt

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 04:47 PM

Emma may have cheated, but she was still a damn good staff member. No, I am not saying that what she did was right, not by any means, but her quests were awesome, and when she had power most of the 1a playerbase had no problem with that. They were happy and the server itself ran as smooth as possible.

That's what I was referring to. And again walter 80% of your facts are scrambled as usual.

who are you btw? You seem to have a good bit of info on the 1A server.

And I would beg to differ, as 100% of what I said was true.
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#20 Devotchka

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 04:50 PM

And again walter 80% of your facts are scrambled as usual.

Please tell us which ones are scrambled. Even enemies we have know of this, as well as other stuff not mentioned.
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#21 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 05:26 PM

Everything that i've seen Walt say on this topic is true, so far :ph34r:

Don't get this topic locked please.. This is a matter that needs to be sorted out; getting it locked isn't going to help anything.

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 27 February 2009 - 05:26 PM.

Disaster ingame.

#22 Isolated

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 06:46 PM

As for cheating. Let us go there shall we? You are crying because of a threat of pking, yet the majority of you doing the crying are the ones who embrace one of the biggest thieves this game has known. Freek(Jordan) has been asked to come back to this game how many times by you people now? You people hold him in such high standards that one would think he is your god or something. Players have lost chars/gold/items/accounts/the ability to play nm to hide his return. Why don't we speak on this?

dont get blake and jordan confused

i seem to remember a certain guy selling petra's clan a few years back also. :ph34r:
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#23 Devotchka

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 06:59 PM

As for cheating. Let us go there shall we? You are crying because of a threat of pking, yet the majority of you doing the crying are the ones who embrace one of the biggest thieves this game has known. Freek(Jordan) has been asked to come back to this game how many times by you people now? You people hold him in such high standards that one would think he is your god or something. Players have lost chars/gold/items/accounts/the ability to play nm to hide his return. Why don't we speak on this?

dont get blake and jordan confused

i seem to remember a certain guy selling petra's clan a few years back also. :ph34r:

Both are perm banned, are they not? No confusion there.

And as for the clan thing, I'll let Walt say his part.
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#24 Walt

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 07:01 PM

As for cheating. Let us go there shall we? You are crying because of a threat of pking, yet the majority of you doing the crying are the ones who embrace one of the biggest thieves this game has known. Freek(Jordan) has been asked to come back to this game how many times by you people now? You people hold him in such high standards that one would think he is your god or something. Players have lost chars/gold/items/accounts/the ability to play nm to hide his return. Why don't we speak on this?

dont get blake and jordan confused

WoW is all I can say to this. I did not get them mixed up, nor did staff. And I said one of, as I knew there were others out there that are/were bigger thieves then Jordan, one of them being Blake. And if Jordan is so innocent, then why is he perm banned, and why does he continue to get perm banned every time he gets back on the game?

As for cheating. Let us go there shall we? You are crying because of a threat of pking, yet the majority of you doing the crying are the ones who embrace one of the biggest thieves this game has known. Freek(Jordan) has been asked to come back to this game how many times by you people now? You people hold him in such high standards that one would think he is your god or something. Players have lost chars/gold/items/accounts/the ability to play nm to hide his return. Why don't we speak on this?

i seem to remember a certain guy selling petra's clan a few years back also. :ph34r:

you mean Beyond Betral? A clan I was founder in for such a long time along side with Petra and Snoopy, and a few other cool people? That clan? The one Petra gave to me when she pretty much quit? The one JLH allowed me to sell after sorting everything out with her? Is this the one you speak of?

Yes, I sold a clan that died and was not needed anymore. It was mine to sell wasn't it? Jealous about it much?

So me selling a clan I was given the reigns of, and then allowed to sell is something you can compare to this topic?
You are more of a delusional person then anyone ever thoughtor gave you credit for.
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#25 Stadicx

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 07:53 PM

As for cheating. Let us go there shall we? You are crying because of a threat of pking, yet the majority of you doing the crying are the ones who embrace one of the biggest thieves this game has known. Freek(Jordan) has been asked to come back to this game how many times by you people now? You people hold him in such high standards that one would think he is your god or something. Players have lost chars/gold/items/accounts/the ability to play nm to hide his return. Why don't we speak on this?

dont get blake and jordan confused

i seem to remember a certain guy selling petra's clan a few years back also. :ph34r:

Theres one of the facts you have scrambled. As for them Emma thing, A square next to banshee that really leads back to MD ch? How the hell did you come up with that one, MD couldn't even get to banshee lol. And as for the hints on the christmas quest. She said what one of the drops were, thats a huge hint lol.

Edited by Stadicx, 27 February 2009 - 07:55 PM.

#26 Isolated

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 09:22 PM

not worth pwning walt with words.
id rather see this post unlocked.

Edited by Isolated, 27 February 2009 - 09:33 PM.

f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#27 Wanted

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 09:22 PM

k..well..u guys can continue arguin...but i think the last staff was a pretty good one for he put on a lot of events to entertain player...i was at the brink of quitin when the swarm of events occured and got on usually to check if any events were runnin...with the loss of staff, teh game has gone back to borin.....i find it unacceptable for someone to be staff for a while then being allowed to quit and go back to his oversized crits and pk ppl.

edit: I just wanted to add.. It is literally impossible to have a perfect new staff who has played to game for a while....reason being: they have played to game and have created friends and enemies. The staff would always be accused of helping those they like or former clan members.

Edited by Wanted, 27 February 2009 - 09:48 PM.

#28 Walt

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 09:36 PM

not worth pwning walt with words.
id rather see this post unlocked.

It is hard to pk me with words when I use logic against you while you spat out randomess isn't it?

You are just inferior, plain and simple.

Edited by Walt, 27 February 2009 - 09:36 PM.

I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#29 Isolated

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 09:49 PM

its very easy, your logic is flawed.

Edited by Isolated, 27 February 2009 - 09:50 PM.

f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#30 Gaddy

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 10:09 PM

Congratulations to the Special Education Class of Feb. 27th, 2009!!!
You have passed this topic into being locked. ::suprised::

Nothing productive is coming from this, and claims of staff cheating, etc, are not helping anything.
The plain and simple fact is that to get staff who will run events, quests, or develop areas, you have to be able to keep them around. That has not been very well accomplished by the 1-Alt sever.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

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