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Special Pots.

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#1 Thunderja


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Posted 02 February 2006 - 10:32 PM

On a similar thread people were divided in whether special pots should be allowed into events. This is my complicated and elaborate solution which I very well know wont be put in, I just would like to discuss it's flaws and the way it would manipulate events.

On the other thread I suggested there should be a limit on how many special pots can be taken into an event. Once again I was totally ignored but I personally think it's the best and fairest solution. Sure everyone can get special pots so why put restrictions in place? My theory is in PT, Triplex and 1 alt PT the best dueler or best equip crit SHOULD win, and pots in my opinion nullify this.

NOW for my idea......

Posted Image

As you can see in inventory I have added two new boxes (two being a totally random number, could be more could be less) Instead of special pots being used from inventory, I suggest they be equiped like weapons and armour and used only by macro's, much like a spyglass I guess.

Now it gets stupidly complicated. When both (or all) special pots have been used in a duel there has to be a way to restrict people from equiping more from an inventory.... Didn't really think of this as I started typing but i'll come back to it.

Anyway to sum up. It would no longer be a case of "most special pots win", more a case of timing and skill. Fairly brief outline for something as complicated.... but it seems I've bored myself and want to log on crits and kill things. Thoughts anyway.
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#2 Perfection

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 10:40 PM

cool idea , as long as those *equiptable* potions can only be placed there in such events, or it's giving you more inventory space (more pots/mana) besides that, hell yeah
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#3 Lappa

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 11:42 PM

good idea... :(
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#4 MysticStorm

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 01:20 AM

Don't really care about the pots situation, However I find that inventory box idea awesome for general play as well. It sucks having to look yourself over tp see what equipment that you do and don't have. Outiside of the main armor, helmet, shield, and weapon, I can't remember what crits have what rings, boots, or amulets and what have they have on. As far as the pots goes however, leave the events alone as they are. If people want to buy pots, let em. It's sucking gold out of the game, don't like it, don't play it or buy the pots yourselves.

#5 Thunderja


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Posted 03 February 2006 - 01:31 AM

If people want to buy pots, let em. It's sucking gold out of the game, don't like it, don't play it or buy the pots yourselves.

See I don't get that, it was said by numerous people on another post too.

For one, it doesn't suck gold out of the game, it sucks SKILL and FUN out of events. In saying that however, timing your special pots takes skill. There just comes a point where there honestly is too many used by one person.

For two, the items aren't exactly hard to come across. Honestly more gold would be sucked out of the game when they buy normal pots or mana.

For three, telling people to just not play is silly.

Edited by Thunderja, 03 February 2006 - 01:32 AM.

I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#6 MysticStorm

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 02:51 AM

The events have pots galore for how long now? Telling people they can't use pots when they have been able to for so long or what have you is what is just plain silly. Everyone seems to like the events as they are as stated in the other thread.

Btw, with how expensive nightshades and vampire pots are.. it's sucking gold out of the game and not many can afford to buy them either. That's how it's sucking gold out of the game. The more they use those, the more they have to buy, less gold in game.

#7 Thunderja


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Posted 03 February 2006 - 02:58 AM

Where exactly in my suggestion did I say people can't use pots? Please point it out for me. The whole suggestion is based on the use of special pots.

By the way, if I read your first post correctly you are unaware that you can go to character options and open up the currently equiped items window. hope that helps with your look over complications :(.

Edited by Thunderja, 03 February 2006 - 03:26 AM.

I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#8 combusta

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 04:40 AM

nice, ill put a nightshade on all my alts just incase the nuts goes down

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#9 Gaddy

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 04:46 AM

It causes problems for me with using them in normal game-play.
Not to pregnant dog and moan too much, but I simply don't always have time per crit to type out /use nightshade elixir on a cleric when I need to use one, and I travel with them just incase I am in trouble.

If it were setup like this simply to make events more even---just have staff check inventories if they feel it should be changed.

The idea is a superb one; I just don't want it to work like that. (and before anyone cares to say anything---I don't enter many events with my potions anymore---got tired of using them like that, more important stuff usually)

Edited by Gaddy, 03 February 2006 - 04:47 AM.

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#10 MysticStorm

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 02:40 PM

Ok, never checked that feature out, thanks on that one!

And, my response wasn't limited to the getting rid of pots all together or your idea of limiting the amount of special pots. (i did notice the difference and Either way, the events should be left alone as they are period!) People should be able to use how many pots their current inventory can hold. Hense why you were "ignored" in your words, in the other thread.

#11 Dark


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Posted 03 February 2006 - 03:29 PM

Ok, never checked that feature out, thanks on that one!

And, my response wasn't limited to the getting rid of pots all together or your idea of limiting the amount of special pots. (i did notice the difference and Either way, the events should be left alone as they are period!) People should be able to use how many pots their current inventory can hold. Hense why you were "ignored" in your words, in the other thread.

blah blah blah

#12 deadman

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 03:36 AM

nice, ill put a nightshade on all my alts just incase the nuts goes down

And here is why i do not support it... don't need people running around on 20 crits with nightshades equipped so they still have 14 open spaces.. just keep things way they are and bar special pots from events..
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#13 Issy

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 06:30 PM

Yea. You'll have 14 Advanced Healing Potions, and (insert random number) Special Pots. Thats creating a little more of an unfairness. Even more so than having 7 vamp pots and 7 advanced healing/mana.

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#14 Raylen


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Posted 06 February 2006 - 10:23 AM

nice, ill put a nightshade on all my alts just incase the nuts goes down

And here is why i do not support it... don't need people running around on 20 crits with nightshades equipped so they still have 14 open spaces.. just keep things way they are and bar special pots from events..

Yeah but wouldnt it make those fights in zeum FUN? Because you may as well have nightshades equipped due to not dropping them when you die...could possibly add a bit more tactics to things :(
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#15 Yellowcard

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 04:35 AM

Ive always wanted to post something like this but I've been to lazy to do so but i think it would be neat to have a place for an extra pot or w/e. I'd think that to make it fit in more with the game there would be some sort of a "pouch" which its carried in and if you wanted to expand this idea even more by allowing different kinds of pouches; ones that hold 2 extra pots or onees that hold only 1 but of course there would be a great price on both especially the one with 2 extra pots since this can be a major thing when it comes to who has more/better kinds of pots in a dual or mosh or whatnot. There would also need to be a rule about whether there is a chance that its dropped if your pked. I could also think of some other ideas which could go with this pouch idea but i dont wish to stray to far from the topic. But anyways, with some work on the idea i support it!

#16 Dracon

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Posted 12 February 2006 - 08:47 AM

hmm...i support this idea...

i suggest that instead of making a separate inventory for pots, n risking the chance of accidentally equipping the items near the pots,
the last 2 spots for items, which is above the equip button, should be bordered from the whole 14-slot invent.
It doesn't have to be bordered, but just to have a mark on both slots so that when an event goes on, the 2 slots would be for 2 special pots, and the other 12 slots would be empty or whatever the case may be.
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