i have a lvl 27 mage for sale memo Milenko for details's
- Nightmist Online Forum
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Kakarott
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- Age 34 years old
- Birthday February 10, 1991
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In Topic: Level 30 Druid And Arch Clerics
20 June 2017 - 11:45 PM
In Topic: What's New?
17 September 2016 - 08:50 PM
Im very happy with the Updates on main server .... and to answer your question why main is gettint hese updates instead of 1a is simple... Nightmist is and always will be a better experience in multi then 1a period this game was designed for Multi-use not single the fact the 1a was even released was a fluck because Opal was on the back burner basicly 1a was emplented way to early basicly a CLONE of the original Code if 1a was the demise of the nm community with everything that was going wrong with 1A dont get me wrong 1a is a good experience but it should of been redesigned and not Cloned day of release.. 1a should of been a diffrent client all in its self
Im happy for what NM staff and designer's have done.. and for JLH keeping it FREE2PLAY for sooo many years
Always have fond memories of this game and the simple fact i keep playing is because its a great game overall on the Multi side...
Granted we need server and client updates but whos going to fork over the cash to do so.
maybe if there was donations to Initiate JLH to do some improvements mybe there will be Progress even if it takes a mass RESET like in 04 ....
- Nightmist Online Forum
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