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Xien Pk

Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2004 04:58 AM

Topics I've Started

Browser Support

02 October 2004 - 05:02 AM

I've noticed that http://Nightmist.co.uk is not working when I try to use my Firefox browser (the best browser in the world, an alternate to IE (internet explorer, given by Windows)

If you want it, you can goto Mozilla(.org) Its by far the best browser ever, and your website does not work with it! >.< grr.. fix this!

-Xien Pk, 'the IT guy'..

New Class: Undead! (skeleton)

09 August 2004 - 05:56 AM

It'd be a fun class! You'd get to run around and rot your way to lvl 30!

My idea with this class is that it would be sombody to fight against the Pacifists.. Healing would hurt them.

*Damage would be reduced to like 3/4th the norm, because the undead wouln't feel much pain if they lost an arm... because their past death...
*They'd have 'curse spells' (like the cleric buffs, but oposite..)
*They would not get hungry, because... have you ever seen a skeleton eat, or drink food (without it spilling out of them)?..
*Weapons would be of a figher
*Armor like a Berzerker. (Gain/lvl, no armor pices though..)
*Joining clans would be posible, but odd, because they arn't loners (like pacifists) their just outcasts, but if an outcast is invited into a home (a clan) they outcast would probobly go inside..
*Poisen would do nothing to them, because their lack of blood might stop any poisen from spreding..
*Other Skeletons (Monsters) would not attack them, and the skelletons would show up green to that charicter, so they wouldn't fight..)

(I've gotta sleep, college enrollment early tomarow.. other people can revise this list of atributes for this class if they want, I like it.)

I like this idea the best.. Night all!

New Class: Gaurd

09 August 2004 - 05:44 AM

Yea, make it a city Gaurd!

*They can get the same armor as a fighter..
*Their a bit stronger. (because they have some pervious training..)
*Can't use a hally, or Rose Blade. (Blade of Time is okay though..)
*A few new weapons created for them, due to the fact that they lose out on the Hally, and RB. (The new weapons would sound & look cool, but realy be just a bit weaker than 25 attack.. like 23 & 24.. then another one for lvl 26 that does 27 damage (to counter
*Can't attack, unless attacked first (unless attacking monsters), for they are ordered not to by their king (they hail from a new town.. whatever one has a king is reliced after the class comes out.)
*A big weekeness is that a Pk'er can just look at them, not attack them, then take out their healer first, as they 'do crap' about it. :P
*(can't remember whatelse I was gonna say, if sombody wants to pick this class-shell up, feel free..)

(This is just an idea that I came up with on the spot (like that big vault idea.. I'm on a roll tonigth! a bad roll prolly, but I can't tell this late if I'm babbleing or not..))

Bigger Vaults

09 August 2004 - 05:31 AM

Okay! Avalible only to your clan house ofcose, a vault (optional leaders/founders/chairman versions) Biger Vaults! Yea, we just push the sides out a bit, and bam! we've got a bigger vault! (it would cost more, I'm sure of that.. not sure how much it should cost, I'll leave that up to the General public, or JLH, or any other sysop.. whoever, just get a figure down, and I won't buy one, but many other ppl will.)

Thank you,
~Xien Pk.Unknown.Omega4 (Omega 4 comes from fish oil, it's good for your brain!)

Easier-to-read Vault!

06 August 2004 - 05:09 AM

I don't want to have to read through my items to see if I've got a torch for the swamps or not.. (just an example because I'm tired, and it took me a few minuets... I know, I shoul've just typed in /withdraw torch.. but I didn't think of that, because I'm sleepy!)

Anyways, put each item on it's own line I say! (Alphabatized too!.. or by date they were last added.. somthing like that! :P :P )