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#1 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 11:03 AM

Getting an operation in about 3 days that puts me out of action for about two months (in a wheelchair). Hopefully i'll be able to come on the computer to talk to you guys, laptop it atleast - but not play proper Nightmist. To some of you you're losing a friend on NM, to others it means more boss kills for j00 :ph34r:

Then, after this, I go to college, etc etc. So who knows if i'll be playing properly for how long haha, so for my farewells..

Alan/Lew/Jared - delta force ftw, we rawk
Mark - yeah ill get you when you're sleeping
Jess - <3 to you for playing again
Gaddy - only really got to know you well since you've been in the best clan ingame, but you are definately a sound dude, keep dhw active with you and all the above people for me ;) cheers mate, see you around.
Wolfie - glad to see you back mate, you've got a couple decent crits and an even better account partner, so keep it going haha.
Elfy - your vault in clan house will always be yours haha <3
Jason - keep owning bro
Serg - keep owning (tirantek)
Gary/Matty - you two are cool, cocky mooseers haha love you though
Kelsta - you will be levelled eventually :)
Rappy - u r teh bigezt n00b
Kev - ^ + 3x mcdonalds watch
Aeryn - shame you aren't playing no more, recently found out how many times you've killed cred lol, shows how good a player you actually are. hope you come back to the game properly soon :)
Joe - dvvverrrgarrrr issss youuuurrr plaaayyygrrrouuunnndddd
COLE - ily
Rob - sucks you came as im leaving, but im sure nm is going to get raped by you haha
Speedy/JP - shame about 1a really, but it seems your owning that up too lol, good effort
Walt/Manda - *bows*
DJ - i like you, your ok

Doug/Gaz/Chainy - dont see either of you three lovely people anymore, but when i do my life is complete haha.

probably so many more other faces, but those are the ones that came to mind

so to all these people:
Abuse, Acolyte, Adone, AfterShock, Alloy, Althia, Ambition, Andy, Angry_Anarch, Atomic, Avis, Beatrix, Biolizard, Blink, Cadabra, Carma, Chemical, Cole, Contaminate, Corinne, Corrupt, Cronus, Deimos, Devotchka, Dizzy, DownFall, Drago, DragonHeart, Drizzle, Duality, Dysfunctional, Ebay, Elf, Elora, Equinox, Europa, Explosion, Fallen, Felony, Flawless, Flood, Foolish, Fusion, Gaddy, Gnarkill, God, Grave, Gremlin, Halor, Hansol, Heaven, Heritage, Holocaust, Hug, Hydrogen, Hypnotize, Incantir, Isis, Jaguar, Joanna, Kalypso, Kannabis, Katja, Kirby, Knuckles, Lappa, Merix, Metallica, Migraine, Milagros, Minooka, Mistry, Mono, Moon, Moops, Mudvayne, Muffin, Muse, Neo, Onlyme, Oracle, Owens, Peacemaker, Piggy, Pimp, Prowess, Punisher, Quark, Raikou, Reality, Rei, Rumpelstiltskin, Sabotage, Samus, Sarna, Scripto, Sexy_Angel, Shapeshifter, Sin, Sleeping, Snuggles, Sociopathic, Solace, Spawn, Speedy, Stella, Stolen, Swordflower, Tear, Templar, Tension, Trendkill, Twizted, Venom, Vex, Wartime, Wind, Woodstock

have a nice life :wub:

and yeah, just because it is polite - i'd like to thank JLH for putting up with my constant moans about clan houses, display pictures, and all that jazz, and to thank him for keeping such a good game running with such equality its crazy.. nm is epic, cheers for keeping it that way haha.

to all of you, keep safe, make sure you get out in the sun alot and have an awesome summer.
for those of you who want to contact me, universal_disaster@hotmail.co.uk is my email, and those who i know well enough to have my mobile have it already haha.

its been fun. peace x
Disaster ingame.

#2 Scripto


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Posted 19 June 2008 - 03:21 PM

KIER OMG! This post wants to make me cry. :ph34r:

Good thing I already have to on MSN, just means more work to bug you.. but I can handle it. Good game on going to college tho, smart move.. and hope to see ya around to atleast talk after your operation..

<3 you man!!!!

For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Scripto (Staff)
Kannabis (Mortal)

#3 speedy

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 05:37 PM

LIKE OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO any how man hope it all goes well for you and i have a feeling we will see you again nm is a like a diease u just CANT get rid of <3 ya kier :ph34r:

I think all classes appart from pacifists should be removed, then we can all be hippies and play nice together

Inappropriate Avatar - Crane

#4 Elf

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 05:50 PM

This is very sad indeed..

You are always a goof to talk to and fun. ;)

Hope you pop back now and again. would miss your goofiness to much

Elf :ph34r:

p/s will you still be a guy when this is all over ? *runs and hides*

Meeting you was fate,
Becoming your friend was a choice,
But falling in love with you was beyond my control..

#5 Wind


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Posted 19 June 2008 - 08:26 PM

This is very sad indeed..

You are always a goof to talk to and fun. ;)

Hope you pop back now and again. would miss your goofiness to much

Elf :ph34r:

p/s will you still be a guy when this is all over ? *runs and hides*

He told me he wouldnt be lol, he been wearing girl's clothes ever since he was born and now he feels the time is right to get the extreme done. :)

Anyways hope the sex operation goes well kier and I know we will see you in a couple of days/weeks :)

I will keep nightmist running for you.

Edited by Wind, 19 June 2008 - 08:27 PM.

Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#6 Gnarkill



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Posted 19 June 2008 - 08:41 PM

Kier You're alright too, a bit of a fancy pants but a good guy all in all. :ph34r:

You will be missed brotha. ;)

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#7 Raylen


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Posted 20 June 2008 - 08:12 AM

Getting an operation in about 3 days that puts me out of action for about two months (in a wheelchair).


Secret identity revealed at last :ph34r:
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#8 Piggy

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Posted 20 June 2008 - 10:40 AM

Dont let rappy know your in a wheelchair or you'll never heard of the end of it

Love ya Kier

Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#9 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 20 June 2008 - 08:11 PM

Getting an operation in about 3 days that puts me out of action for about two months (in a wheelchair).


Secret identity revealed at last :ph34r:

awesome? lol

and i am honored that my leg is being mistaken for my male genitalia, thank you elfy <3 hahaha
Disaster ingame.

#10 Isolated

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Posted 21 June 2008 - 03:45 AM

forgot me :ph34r:
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#11 Alchemy

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Posted 21 June 2008 - 07:47 AM

Hope all goes well =]
*huggles* hehe
Take care of yourself !

Solace [[Main]] Ninja [[1a]]
-=[[ Kitty says "RAWR" ]]=-

#12 Defeat

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Posted 22 June 2008 - 07:36 AM

Awww, forgot me too..... WTF Kier?! I see how it is!

Anyways, I hope everything goes ok. I bug you on MSN sometime. Hopefully I'll talk to you soon.


Jµ§t å fîgméñt øf yøµ® îmågîñåtîøñ
1a - Rise/Mythical

#13 Raylen


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Posted 23 June 2008 - 07:31 AM

No and in all seriousness I hope it goes smoothly and we all see you soon fella :ph34r:
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#14 Throwback

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Posted 23 June 2008 - 07:56 AM

hey, hope your doing well, break a leg man.

and rappy has probably already found out about him being in a wheelchair and is photoshopping an Owned pic just for this occasion

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

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