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Member Since 07 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2005 06:35 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: A New Item...cosmetic Only

30 October 2005 - 06:48 AM

Thanks for all the support, and I have unfortunately have piled my plate too high, I have started a RP oriented clan and have been focused upon that ....but to all that supported my cause I thank you, and I will resume this topic as soon as Squee gets his but in gear and joins the clan , he will take over recruiting I am hoping as well as helping the RP Nubs..... and I will focus back on this.. Because I do have some great ideas for the zerkers clothing items.

As for the aqquiring of them I was thinking make it lvl based.....As they grow in levels perhaps the quality of their clothing does as well.....loin cloth at lvl 1 perhaps an Armani suit at arch, Just Kidding btw.... But as all other classes get better and snazzier armor as they level up why leave the zerks at the homeless state of dress.....

But as I said thank you all for your support and I saw some very good ideas from people that were interested.....Perhaps we could all contribute an item or two toward this cause...I will post my ideas soon, as I have them in my mind and a few on a word document I just have to find it upon my desk quite cluttered it has become since taking on this clan thing..

Keep the idea's coming please .

Edit: I just realized that I repeated myself with the Clothing gets better with lvl, sorry about that

In Topic: Rename On Mages.

30 October 2005 - 06:30 AM

I definately vote NO. For obvious reasons. KTHNX BAI

In Topic: My Little Way In Saying Thanx

26 October 2005 - 09:55 PM

Hmmm... not sure what to think about my one! I'm not an air cadet anymore so you will never catch me wearing an RAF uniform and a beret these days... still, nice work!

Aww Cmon Crane...... Adorn the Cadet suit and give us a salute for nastalgia reasons if not to give Jai a goodbye present.

In Topic: My Little Way In Saying Thanx

26 October 2005 - 09:41 PM

Interesting aspects of the Staff.........Any particular reason Crane and Stotic are holding hands?......

And Paint Artwork PwNs.......Good luck in Life Jai.....though you quit a couple days ago and still keep peeking into the World of Nightmist.....Addicting ain't it?

In Topic: A New Item...cosmetic Only

26 October 2005 - 12:31 AM

Good Movie, but not really what I picture as in rage and such, that was a virus this rage is a choice and a ability that one has to train and master to be able to do , so perhaps for the initiates and lower levels a more barbaric nature in clothing but as they level and gain mastery over their ability they are able to avoid the blood splatter and not rip their own clothes as they pummel their enemies.....with experience comes knowledge besides Take it from Bruce Banner(Incredible Hulk) Buying new clothes after one fight would get expensive!!