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Change The Current 1a Server To 3a

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#1 Dublin

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 04:41 PM

We'll I closed mine because we changed topics and then shortly after Alec locked his so there was no more room for discussion. So I figured we can start a clean slate here.

Please post if you are for or against making 1a into 3a.

If you are going to flame please post your post in RED.

If you don't play the 1a server and it really doesn't concern you but you have the urge to put in two cents please post in PINK.

More info can be found: Here and Here.

Edited by Dublin, 25 May 2009 - 04:47 PM.

#2 Walt

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 04:54 PM

Posted Image

I like to use blue flame, it is hotter.

3alt server would make things more doable with the current player base we have. Even if it only happens with the current 1a server as it is now. It will make the last few days we have on this server more fun and maybe even more active.

It could bring back a few lost players who left because things could not get done. It may even open up mor epeople to the new game that may or may not happen.

Edited by Walt, 25 May 2009 - 04:54 PM.

I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#3 Dublin

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 04:55 PM

Yay for a non flame flame :P. Pretty much what he said..

#4 Prophet

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 04:59 PM

If your going to act like a spoilt child when I try give you useful advice having played nightmist when everyone was forced to play on 3 alts, as well as vast experience at 3v3 duels then go ahead and change it, however, if you could just think logically for one second rather than being so closed-minded you would realise that I'm just trying to help.

What difference does it make to me if it goes tits up? None. All I was trying to do in the previous topics is just tell you why its wouldn't work. Yes, you get greater freedom to solo train whilst also still needing the the cooperation element which appealed to 1a players, but to polarize this you get a ton of other bad things, much of which are currently being complained about and are problems on 1a but WORSE. Anyway ignore me if you wish and go ruin your server...

Walt: Last few days? Optimistic ;p

Edited by Prophet, 25 May 2009 - 05:00 PM.

Si Senior!

#5 Walt

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:03 PM

Anyway ignore me if you wish and go ruin your server...

Walt: Last few days? Optimistic ;p

I believe Pandilex has already made mention that our server is doomed and beyond ruin. This will just make it more fun for us is all.

And if you think this idea is bad, wait until furthor down the road comes. Wait until I msn JLH about some rather tastey idea I have come up with inside my disfunctional brain. Oh,. you just wait and see! :P
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#6 Dublin

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:03 PM

I didn't find anything you said in any of the topics to be convincing enough to prove that 3a would be more unbalanced then 1a. The only thing you pointed out over and over again is getting jumped and 3v3 duels. Let me tell you that already happens, it wont matter if its 1 or 3 alt. Your going to get jumped. You wanna know a plus to the 3 alt that has to deal with getting jumped... You can go far away from town by YOURSELF and move from place to place instead of being stuck in high traffic areas where you are easily spotted.

#7 Walt

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:05 PM

I didn't find anything you said in any of the topics to be convincing enough to prove that 3a would be more unbalanced then 1a. The only thing you pointed out over and over again is getting jumped and 3v3 duels. Let me tell you that already happens, it wont matter if its 1 or 3 alt. Your going to get jumped. You wanna know a plus to the 3 alt that has to deal with getting jumped... You can go far away from town by YOURSELF and move from place to place instead of being stuck in high traffic areas where you are easily spotted.

you fail to realise that the furthor away you can go, the furthor away I can come to pk! :P :) Just imagine the look of "wtf" on the faces of the druids who train beyond the maneater ktps in the corpse as they do now when a party of 3 comes along.
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#8 Dublin

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:07 PM

I didn't find anything you said in any of the topics to be convincing enough to prove that 3a would be more unbalanced then 1a. The only thing you pointed out over and over again is getting jumped and 3v3 duels. Let me tell you that already happens, it wont matter if its 1 or 3 alt. Your going to get jumped. You wanna know a plus to the 3 alt that has to deal with getting jumped... You can go far away from town by YOURSELF and move from place to place instead of being stuck in high traffic areas where you are easily spotted.

you fail to realise that the furthor away you can go, the furthor away I can come to pk! :P :) Just imagine the look of "wtf" on the faces of the druids who train beyond the maneater ktps in the corpse as they do now when a party of 3 comes along.

Haha of course walt. And thats why this is a great idea right? :wub:

#9 Walt

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:10 PM

I say if we are all doomed, then anarchy should rule. How fun would that be?
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#10 Dublin

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:11 PM

I think we would all enjoy it for our "last few days" :P

#11 Prophet

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:27 PM

I believe Pandilex has already made mention that our server is doomed and beyond ruin. This will just make it more fun for us is all.

And if you think this idea is bad, wait until furthor down the road comes. Wait until I msn JLH about some rather tastey idea I have come up with inside my disfunctional brain. Oh,. you just wait and see! :P

Nothing like our motivational leader!

Posted Image

Too far? Probably. So I'd like to say the above image is a joke and that I feel 64 years is not 'too soon' for jokes.

Presuming however, that by a small miracle 1a2 actually is made. Why are people going to stay around for a year playing on Nightmist 1a seriously when they know that there stuff is going to be deleted then?

Edited by Prophet, 25 May 2009 - 05:27 PM.

Si Senior!

#12 Momba

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:31 PM

All for 3 alt.

Dublin if the question is a simple one. Are you for or against 3alt do you find the need to post so much?

Will somone please forum ban this fool before he gets all our threads locked.
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#13 Prophet

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:34 PM

To be fair Momba its just a bit of debate something which normally leads to better results as everyone is agreed on the outcome as a compromise is found, compared to a vote where people may not have fully thought about the repercussions :\
Si Senior!

#14 Angelus

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:38 PM

Presuming however, that by a small miracle 1a2 actually is made. Why are people going to stay around for a year playing on Nightmist 1a seriously when they know that there stuff is going to be deleted then?

I always feel slightly like this thing you mention, but quickly realize that nothing is certain. Why should I go to school and make something out of myself when I know I will end up dead anyways? That's why the ride is far more important then the destination. I think it should be the same on NM, lvling should be just as fun (if not more) then actually being big.

Also it isn't something that can't easily be reversed when the nuts does hit the fan because of something that wasn't thought about. But if everyone is in favor of it, I see no reason as to why not to change it for a few and see what happens (if the majority is in favor of it of course).
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#15 Walt

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:41 PM

I believe Pandilex has already made mention that our server is doomed and beyond ruin. This will just make it more fun for us is all.

And if you think this idea is bad, wait until furthor down the road comes. Wait until I msn JLH about some rather tastey idea I have come up with inside my disfunctional brain. Oh,. you just wait and see! :P

Nothing like our motivational leader!

Posted Image

Too far? Probably. So I'd like to say the above image is a joke and that I feel 64 years is not 'too soon' for jokes.

Presuming however, that by a small miracle 1a2 actually is made. Why are people going to stay around for a year playing on Nightmist 1a seriously when they know that there stuff is going to be deleted then?

You sir, underestimate my humor and my ability to understand parody. And I humbily say this with all sincerity., I am in no way near Hitler in my killing capabilities. you give me too much credit.

I would go for a comparison with Che Guevara. He only killed thousands, not millions.

Posted Image
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#16 Prophet

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:45 PM

Yea as long as people realised if something went wrong all the valuable stuff they accumulated would be gone.

My point with people still playing is that currently training isn't really that fun, its the pking and area exploring that make this game fun currently, so to use your metaphor if you knew you were going to die in a year would you still go to school/work? These both seem like chores and I'd skip to go do the fun things, which I guess is what should probably happen to 1a now that I think about it 3a might make it more fun, for a bit anyway.
Si Senior!

#17 Prophet

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 05:48 PM

Lack of effort to impose Pandilex's face onto Ché but nevertheless I think we are forgetting all about Stalin he killed millions and gets no where near the press attention of Hitler, under the radar, if our voices are silenced, kind of thinking.
Si Senior!

#18 Tietsu

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 07:23 PM

All be damned, this thread got flammed too. I do believe Prophet is trying to get this topic locked. Looks like a banning is in order.

Edit: We're trying to make the server 1A to 3A, because if it remains 1A when 1A2 comes out, it will be deleted. This was made in better hopes to recreate our server into a 3A, that would stick around. At the moment, everyone who actually plays the server has agreed that this change would be a good and productive change. I admit, I have spoken with a few people who would rather have it a 2A, but they still agree a change is in order.

Edited by Tietsu, 25 May 2009 - 07:28 PM.

#19 Prophet

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 07:31 PM

I do believe that in my second to last post(excusing this one), I've come round to the idea after some well reasoned debate through the previous 2 topics and the above posts, yes we joked a little along the way but what is the problem with a little bit of humour as we discuss something?

Edited by Prophet, 25 May 2009 - 07:31 PM.

Si Senior!

#20 Dublin

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 10:11 PM

To be fair Momba its just a bit of debate something which normally leads to better results as everyone is agreed on the outcome as a compromise is found, compared to a vote where people may not have fully thought about the repercussions :\

He said it. And fyi, the other post weren't locked by staff. Me and Alec locked our other post for different reasons and which lead to this one.

To awsner your question. I support it.

#21 Walt

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 12:33 AM

.....but what is the problem with a little bit of humour as we discuss something?

You did not get the memo? Although we are playing a game, we are in no way allowed to have any fun along the way. This humor and joking that you speak of is so not going to be put up with. The mere thought of any sense of humor on this game is grounds for being called antisocial and unprofessional. You must whine and cry about everything in order for anything productive to be acomplished.

Geej, did I just try for a lame attempt at a funny with alot of sarcasim? I guess I must be slatted for the banning block too.

Posted Image
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#22 AnEskimo

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 01:08 AM

leave it as 1 alt.
GUѧ Ñ' ®Õ§€§ -- ÅÞÞËTÎTÈ FØ® DɧT®u©TÎøÑ
Metal/Tanis in game.

#23 Dublin

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 01:18 AM

leave it as 1 alt.


#24 ice_cold

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 02:17 AM

leave 1alt 1a. this is red on the basis i would like to repeatedly flame dublin for posting over and over and over again about how this should be 3a, not letting other people discuss it, just trying to pound it into our heads
/cast flame/dublin
/cast flame/dublin
/cast flame/dublin
/cast flame/dublin
/cast flame/dublin
/cast flame/dublin
/cast flame/dublin
/cast flame/dublin

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#25 Dublin

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 02:23 AM

I guess you've never heard of a debate. What generally happens is someone picks a side and trys to persuade others into believing that that is the best option. That person usually list pros of there ideas and cons of others. Then the other side bounces back and trys to you do the same and in the end, the best option either happens or there is a compromise.

#26 Gaddy

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 04:37 AM

What is all of this about all of the sudden?
Though, 3-alts would make things easier...so do say, 20?

I thought the whole argument to limiting the number of characters came down to realism and role-playing, even though no one cares for either. If you go to 3-alts, doesn't that just bring about the same problems as 20? Or couldn't players just go to playing main, load fewer characters, and team up---as I've suggested so many times over the past 4 years (yes, since before 1-Alt because people asked for alt limitations, etc).
But really, the game is more fun with interaction. Twenty characters allows for next to zero interaction, which can be good when there aren't many players or when you don't want to have to ask others to play with you. But really, why mess about with an alt limit all that much instead of just playing fewer characters on Main and teaming up?
All the arguments made about being "competative" with those who use 20+ characters have never really met with my thoughts---which are:
It is a game, play however makes it most enjoyable...


PS- I replaced pink with purple. It is easier for me to see. Plus, I get to imitate Elfie!

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#27 Apocalypto

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 04:49 AM

Changing the alt limit to 3 would just cause new problems in my opinion. Wouldnt be all bad though as it would probably make a surge in the playerbase, but i myself dont agree with it. It would make the game alot more interesting, but i dont think it would be the best idea at this point. I just dont really see it a good idea to change the entire basis of the server after it has been around for this long. Had this been a poll prior to the creation of 1alt i would be less skeptical to support, but i honestly dont know if it would be a good change or not.

#28 Dublin

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 05:24 AM

Ty for the post Gaddy.

I believe that people could simply go play main and load fewer crits and team up, but there will always be a few people who will stick to the 20 alts which will make the other players have to load 20 to compete. 1a to 3a changes it to where you can use alts and solo train, but you still would need co-op to progress through the levels and so on. Also, another reason there was an idea to change the 1a to 3a was because the server at the moment is almost at a stand still. There just isnt enough active users to get anything done. If you would let people load 1 or 2 more crits, there could actually be progression to the game. Also, it would lead to the training of not just the self suffiecent classes but also those who need a group to make exp.

I will agree with you Ryan that it could lead to more problems. But if the server is already so messed up that it is "unfixable" without a total reset, I don't see the harm in trying. Especially with the current playerbase being so slim.

Nice post. Like to see some with actual ideas behind there reasoning. :P

#29 Walt

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 07:11 AM

[color="#800080"]What is all of this about all of the sudden?
Though, 3-alts would make things easier...so do say, 20?

This idea has come to pass because we as a server know the fate of the 1A server as we know it is doomed. It has been said by the co creator himself just yesterday afternoon.

We're making a new nightmist 1a that is more balanced and will offer a fresh challenge. It will take months to finish, maybe even a year. When it is eventually ready, it will probably replace the current 1-alt. That's life. It's time to move on.

It's a bit like getting out of a swimming pool. You hate the coldness and having to get dry, but you can't stay in it forever.

So a few of us came up with this "off the wall" idea just to have a bit more fun until 1A is taken off Life Support.

I myself always did and still do preffer playing 1 character at a time. But sitting around waiting for the plug to be pulled is not fun. This idea may even make the 1A server even more active for a while,. and may even lead to a bigger playerbase to try out this new game Pandilex is going to open up(/snicker).
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#30 Apocalypto

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 08:57 AM

More than likely an initial surge in the playerbase will occur.
Bosses that are "unconquerable" to this point could be taken down.
More competition would develop between players and clans.
Could train farther away from town, and solo.
All token bosses could be completed reasonably for any player.

Flood of new "overpowered class". Everyone and their dog would have 2 zerkers and a cleric, and with the server set up how it is now, i dont think that would be smart. They would be far to easy to train with cleric's literally available at any given time and are crazy with rf/hance at all times.

The fact that the game has been released for so long makes changes like this somewhat unrealistic. It has been long enough to easily see that people have different styles of playing. Who's to say that a random change in a MAJOR factor of the server should reward some, while causing problems for others. By this i mean, if you knew it was going to be a 3alt server im sure you wouldnt "waste" gold on 4ac rings when you can get 12 crs for less. That is the problem. Some people choose to have 4 ring of thunder and others choose 12 crs (just an example) and this change would obviously benefit some people alot more than others (in more ways than silly rings :P ). Anyways, i think its pretty easy to grasp. It was created a 1alt server. You played it because of that reason. Changing to 3-alt at this point, unless wanted by a substantial majority, shouldnt occur in my opinion.

Pretty sure people would make to much gold too. I cant be certain, but i have a feeling alot of cobalts and +2 str gloves would surface pretty quickly if it were changed from 1a to 3a. At the very least i would make 2 times the gold with a 3alt system. Pretty easy to see what this eventually leads too.

With stamina increasing after lvl 30 and classes already having balancing issues i dont think adding more characters to the equation would make it better. Seems to me, just from logic, that it would make it worse. It could help, dont get me wrong, but to me it will just change the problems. Only way it could solve the problem here is if the battles between parties of 3-6 would have to be fought more strategically, making it more possible to effect the outcome of the fight. Would probably just be something else that is overpowered(zerkers more than likely), but the theory that it would help balancing is somewhat acceptable. Other than that, adding a new alt limit would do nothing but allow the game to be easier, and allow undefeated bosses to be fought.


In response to pandilex's comment about a swimming pool.... Instead of keeping my response in the line's of your analogy, im going to use one we are all to familiar with. Death. We will all die. It is inevitable. Just as it is inevitable that nightmist one day to will "pass". I myself, looking at the similarities between the totally different things here, would rather show initiative and try to change my life, or the game in this case, than to just set back and “die“. What you are basically saying to me is, "Why live if youre just living to die"(translation, Why play if one day the server is replaced with a new one or is just deleted for whatever reason), and i think that is the wrong attitude to have. I think we should all embrace what we have and try to make it as prosperous as possible, for as long as possible. Whether this idea is a step in that direction or not, I don’t really know for sure. But to not level with the thought of it being implemented period baffles me. It isn’t that crazy of a suggestion whether I agree with it or not. Anyways, as long as JLH keeps the old ticker going, we will continue to play. Not only will we play, we will play with the belief that we still have life ahead of us. By that I mean we will continue making suggestions in hopes that they will be implemented to the game with successful results. But anyways, until the pool is drained, I will stay in it and try to persuade you sexy lil life guards to let us have another 30 minutes. /wink

Edited by Apocalypto, 26 May 2009 - 10:29 AM.


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