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Banned For "threats"


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#1 Banishment

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Posted 08 February 2022 - 02:37 PM

So last night before I left for work, I left my character Terra on with the afk "Try not to use staff locs" or something similar(I did this to make think Gareth think I was hunting for pks), only to log on at work to find I've been kicked off server and was left with a memo saying something along the lines of "Keep up this nuts and I'll ban you".  This lead to me messaging him on discord.


Predator — Today at 12:03 AM
Crane: Log to entrance immediately once it dies.
Crane: I just have a bad feeling.
[12:03 AM]
Just saying, a bit suspicious
The Curious Kit — Today at 12:03 AM
And you bring this up now why?
Predator — Today at 12:04 AM
For kicking me then threatening to ban me
The Curious Kit — Today at 12:04 AM
Are you seriously trying to threaten me back?
Predator — Today at 12:04 AM
When did I threaten you?
[12:05 AM]
Other than pointing out you knew
The Curious Kit — Today at 12:05 AM
Because your clannie was with us and you could read their location.
[12:06 AM]
So what are you planning to do?
[12:06 AM]
Because now you're harassing me.
Predator — Today at 12:06 AM
Why do anything, it's your game lol
[12:06 AM]
Just pointing out I see through your bs
The Curious Kit — Today at 12:06 AM
And I can see through yours too.
[12:07 AM]
It's so easy to believe the story of a corrupt authority figure.
Predator — Today at 12:07 AM
When you're the only one with power, it's easy to get away with
The Curious Kit — Today at 12:08 AM
And I'm this close to exercising it.
Predator — Today at 12:08 AM
Not surprising
The Curious Kit — Today at 12:08 AM
So let me use some simple words for your simple mind.
[12:08 AM]
Shut the moose up and leave me the moose alone.
Predator — Today at 12:08 AM
[12:08 AM]
The Curious Kit — Today at 12:09 AM
And remove that garbage and bait from your profile, including your clan tag. It's no longer funny.
[12:10 AM]
And if you think I'm corrupt, take it up with the big man.
Predator — Today at 12:10 AM
Ok jase
To clear up the beginning of the discord conversation, I was mentioning how it was suspicious he was making comments that their party need to kill Red Dragon faster and to log immediately when it dies. This also being the first time I've ever tried to pk at a boss.
After refusing to remove my clan tag "Ban me daddy" and clearing my profile of "Staff = Corrupt", Stig decided to ban me.  Now I was definitely being an asshat who was asking to be banned, but to make a forum post and to tell others I was "Threatening" you is an outright lie.  I have the screenshots of the conversation on discord and ingame and have emailed all to JLH, not that I expect anything to be done.
(Stig on 02-08-2022) Banned for 3 days for constant threats and harassment towards an individual, in-game and out. And not sanitising their profile without being able to resist being a smart alec.
I don't care about the ban, but don't lie and say I threatened you unless you've got the proof to back it up.
I'll be posting all of the screenshots in Nightmist discord since this post will most likely be deleted.
I'll be clearing up my profile and tags after the ban as to not give you another reason to ban me, and the only interaction I'll be having with you is when I'm sending your mortal characters to the pub.
I've also never singled you out, characters I've pked are
Church 1x, Fail x1, Xxxer 2x, Grief x1, Baggins x1, Justice x1, Isengard x1, Loose x1, Diabolic and Hell I've lost count.

Edited by Banishment, 08 February 2022 - 02:54 PM.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#2 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 08 February 2022 - 03:32 PM

I just want to point out that Mike knew that DA was doing Red Dragon because they withdrew a stone at north vault. Not because I was in the party. 



I will avoid any cross clan interaction to avoid any confusion in the future. 





Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#3 Stig

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Posted 08 February 2022 - 08:18 PM

You've been constantly trying to bait me with AFK messages, clan tags and profile entries, and yes, you are being an outright douchebag.  Even after I warned you, you decide to threaten and harass me on Discord and bring up that Red Dragon incident as what, leverage?  And then you couldn't just clear your profile or replace ii with more regular entries like boss kills or level gains, or nothing at all.  I would have let "Opressed" (nice spelling!) remain, but then you just had to go back and add "Harassed by staff for pking" because you just had to get the last word in.  This is Nightmist, not the USA.


And anyone who read the forum post wouldn't cotton on to the fact that it was referring to you unless they had already seen what you had been up to... congratulations on exposing yourself.  Now take your 3-day ban and have a little common decency in future.


Chaosphere... apologies for the accusations directed at you.  Most of the people in the party were suspecting it was you because of you being in the same clan and it being the simplest explanation, but it is true we weren't exactly subtle about withdrawing that Sunstone.

#4 Banishment

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Posted 08 February 2022 - 09:52 PM

Threats, again what kind of threats? As for leverage, what? What exactly would I use for leverage? Nothing in that discord chat shows me trying to use anything for leverage.

Again I don't care about the ban, but let's not pretend I threatened you in anyway.

Point being you kicked me so I decided to stir the pot, there were no threats.

And yes I made a spelling error, congrats.

Edited by Banishment, 08 February 2022 - 09:57 PM.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#5 Banishment

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Posted 08 February 2022 - 10:30 PM

I'll also add, I didn't bring up Red Dragon incident for "leverage".  I don't think you cheat, but I do believe you bend the rules for yourself.


"Then bring it up with the big man"


There is honestly no point, you could ban me for simply logging on and there's nothing that could be done. (Will probably happen anyways)


I am done with this however, I was being a cabbage to you and I won't hide it, but I did not threaten you.

Edited by Banishment, 08 February 2022 - 10:32 PM.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#6 Stig

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Posted 08 February 2022 - 10:47 PM

Then why did you bring it up at all?  With an AFK message like that, of course it was going to draw my attention, and then when I kick you offline and warn you, to be suddenly contacted on Discord rather than in-game with an opening like that, that is so easily construed as a threat, like "look what I know, I could use this against you if you act against me".  I apologise if I misunderstood your intentions - yes it does look suspicious.  I would like to just move on - I'm not going to ban you when you log back in on the 11th, but try to be sensible and not constantly provoke me.  The game is here to be enjoyed by everyone and we don't need petty, vindicative, personal hatreds to tar that.  Come back online and enjoy the game once the time is up - it's a clean slate after that.

#7 Banishment

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Posted 08 February 2022 - 10:57 PM

It is as I said, I left my character on before work and logged on from work (Which is why I was logging on and off) to find I my connection was kicked and you had left me with a memo which left me a bit peeved.  So I used discord as it's much faster to text than on remote pc.

Edited by Banishment, 08 February 2022 - 10:58 PM.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#8 Gaddy

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Posted 09 February 2022 - 02:59 AM

Harassing staff gets you banned. Why is that surprising?

Nightmist staff has always banned folks who taunt or harass them - much less contacting them outside of the games or forums to hassle them.



This seems like a strange post. I cannot understand what you expect to come across.

To me, your posts and conversation log basically say, "I harassed this volunteer game staff repeatedly - to the point of being banned. Then I found him outside of the game platforms to complain and claim he cheats. It's unbelievable that I didn't get my way here!"

I'm shocked you've only got a 3-day to cool off type of ban. 

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#9 Banishment

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Posted 09 February 2022 - 05:27 AM

Yes obviously and I'll say it again, my only problem was it being framed as I was threatening him offline. I don't give a flying moose that I was banned, but don't mooseing spin it as if I was threatening him.
"Rules for thee but not for me."

#10 Nerve

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Posted 09 February 2022 - 06:38 AM

This is Nightmist, not the USA.

Is that anti-american comment due to you not liking us personally? Or do you not like us personally because were American? Just curious since quite a few of the active people that still play Nightmist Are in fact American including a current staff member. So that comment wasnt really needed.

#11 Gaddy

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Posted 09 February 2022 - 03:14 PM

That comment really was not needed, but this thread is just continued harassment of Stig by Banishment - and frustration is clearly coming through. 

I read it as a statement about not having full freedom of speech, but it is still in poor context since there are consequences to exercising our freedom of speech in the USA as well.


To me, highlighting that quip seems like stretching to put Stig into more defensiveness. He has stated that he feels threatened. While in fight or flight, maybe it would be appropriate to support him instead of nitpicking his wording or and trying to keep him arguing about the "terms of harassment" being acceptable vs. unacceptable.



I see Banishment acknowledging he harassed Stig and deserved a ban, but there is no apology nor any implied plans of changing behavior going forward. Banishment does not like how his harassment was taken by his victim; so he is continuing to berate said victim to seek submission. I worry that you have put Stig into a fight-or-flight mental state.

I'm proposing to Stig in staff forums that this situation be handled by me going forward.

It does not seem healthy for the focal point of harassment to be the one dealing with how it is punished or managed. If he supports that, I will provide you with the appropriate contact routing.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

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