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Other Games You Play

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#1 Guest_Prominus_*

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 01:38 AM

besides nightmist what other games does everyone play??

I used to play world of warcraft but not anymore
another free game i play though is empiriana
very good game

http://www.irealms.com/empmain.htm if anyone wants to check it out

#2 Amy

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 01:50 AM

From checking out the link, it definately looks interesting. <especially the roleplaying part!> ;) Nightmist is enough of an addiction for me though :wub: If I ever check it out though, will let you know more of what I think.

Good Day,
Amy of Draco
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#3 Dark


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 04:05 AM

Revelation http://www.kaldana.com/

Vampire the Masquerade

Red Alert II

CounterStrike : Source

Starport GE http://www.starportgame.com/

Diablo II

#4 combusta

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 06:45 AM

At home, just NM, some online PS2

but i also like Battlefield 2 and CS: Source

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#5 Spectra

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 07:23 AM

I play the Godfather the game ;)
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#6 acehardware

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 08:06 AM

halo 2
chuck norris > all

#7 Raylen


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 10:03 AM

Minesweeper ;)
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#8 Thunderja


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 10:07 AM

I play rugby, cricket, netball, football, golf, tennis and touch rugby.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#9 Redheart

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 02:34 PM

I play Poker, blackjack, backgammon
and so far this summer I have been playing tennis whenever possible ;)
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#10 Lappa

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 04:29 PM

pocket tanks
-Lappa or Woodstock-

Property of Jessica

#11 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 04:35 PM

call of duty 2 for xbox360 (XBL)

#12 Trance

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 05:57 PM

paying bills....(this game is not recomended for those who do not have a sense of humor)

Rated D : for DAMN they never end.

But seriously, straight up rpg's, action rpg's for me (the more classic the better)
All cars should come equipped with cleanse. Screw drunk driving!
ingame Irl

#13 DragonHeart



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Posted 30 June 2006 - 04:30 AM

I'm more into the Strategy RPGs like Final Fantasy Tactics nowadays,haven't been too many RPGS that have came out recently that caught my eye.
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#14 Wisdom

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Posted 30 June 2006 - 05:25 AM

Hello, old schooler. You old people should know who I am, I havn't played or posted here in probally a year.

I saw this topic and decided to post. I still play rpg and I play RuneScape: Items, full dragon, whip, dragon 2 hand, dragon axe. Full dhrak. level 117 combat highest uncombat skill 99 runecrafting, 97 smithing, 92 slayer and 90 farming. Total cash 102mil

And I play Knightonline 58 rogue, 62 priest, 69 mage. 9+ mp jewery for mage, full complete and 8+ exlie staff.
The presit and rogue have nothing cause I had to sell everything to afford the items for the mage, which it around 3bil for everything.
I play knightonline more then anything cause I can't afford to pay for both rune and knight. I'm a gold member in knighonline so , if you knew how much it cost you would agree with me. I'm still very active in the rgp world, but I do miss some old friends in nightmist, however I dont ever plan on coming back.

peace, wolfie
Online characters: Wisdom

#15 fallen

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Posted 30 June 2006 - 11:55 AM

World of Warcraft
Battlefield 2
we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#16 Teh_Fluff

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Posted 06 July 2006 - 04:06 PM

I only play World of Warcraft, and Oblivion now a days. I'd probably come back to check out some of the newish content on NM, but I got rid of all of the equipment, money, and let all of my characters go in-active so it'd be to much of a hassle to try and come back to check it out.

Edited by Teh_Fluff, 06 July 2006 - 04:07 PM.

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#17 joanna

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Posted 06 July 2006 - 09:47 PM

pocket tanks <3
cs-source < REAL cs..
rev players = self-centred toffs

thats games ive played out of them mentioned (not including RL sports...)

my fave games at the mo...

cricket manager 1.8
cricket manager special captains ed'n.
island command
cricketer of the year


#18 Muse

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Posted 07 July 2006 - 08:53 AM

The Rev players are nice, it has a much better pb than NM.
To Live Is To Die.

#19 xvision

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Posted 08 July 2006 - 04:22 PM

on pc
prinston tale



#20 joanna

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Posted 09 July 2006 - 02:08 AM

thought we decided no RL sports........
btw... if you were wonderin where that list of mine came from... its ones i wrote myself ;)

#21 xvision

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Posted 09 July 2006 - 06:52 PM


create and customized your own card. enjoy.

peace ;)

#22 Squee



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Posted 15 July 2006 - 08:04 PM

I'm ashamed to say I've been playing World of Warcraft. It's... not that great of a game, but Blizzard has a way to just get you coming back. I think they put something in the water.

I also picked up Pokemon Emerald for my Gameboy. And by "picked up," I may "downloaded." Pokemon are too ridiculous for me now, though. When you see the nose pokemon, you know they're really scrambling for ideas. (I kid you not.)

Warcraft III is also up there for me. I hate the people on Battle.Net, though, so I mostly lan with my friends.

...And of course, I like to play the waiting game in regards to Dark Strata.
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#23 Angelus

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 09:35 PM

Girls and World of Warcraft
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#24 VampressMisty

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 04:59 PM

I'm more into the Strategy RPGs like Final Fantasy Tactics nowadays,haven't been too many RPGS that have came out recently that caught my eye.

Final Fantasy Tatics is my fav! I am playing MapleStory. Which seems ridiculous. But whats ridiculous is the time I am putting into it.

I am stuck on the boss of DOOM 3.. ;)

#25 Crane


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Posted 17 July 2006 - 05:16 PM

I am stuck on the boss of DOOM 3.. ;)

You have to use the Soul Cube (even though I've never played it!)

My games, apart from Nightmist, are...

Shogun: Total War
Unreal Tournament (The original 1999 version)

Have also just recently completed "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" on my sister's Playstation 2... I completed the original 1989 version ages ago, but boy was it hard!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#26 VampressMisty

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 11:04 PM

Am using the soul cube.. just.. blah its hard

#27 Exor

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Posted 18 July 2006 - 02:59 PM

World of Warcraft and cs source still have me hooked. will someday come back to NM! ;)
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#28 Vodka

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Posted 18 July 2006 - 08:18 PM

World of Warcraft and cs source still have me hooked. will someday come back to NM! :wub:

Don't get our hopes up. ;)
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Hump in game.

#29 Silver_Dragoness

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Posted 18 July 2006 - 09:47 PM

World of warcraft and Medievia. I'd like to start playing EQ 2 again. Was playing DDO but hubby decided he didnt like it, i didnt either lol and real life, i play a game called, trying to get a job while being pregnant. its fun.... really

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#30 Trance

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Posted 19 July 2006 - 01:15 PM

I am stuck on the boss of DOOM 3.. ;)

You have to use the Soul Cube (even though I've never played it!)

My games, apart from Nightmist, are...

Shogun: Total War
Unreal Tournament (The original 1999 version)

Have also just recently completed "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" on my sister's Playstation 2... I completed the original 1989 version ages ago, but boy was it hard!

U still play 99??!! I play here and there also. But mainly stopped once they got rid of 135. What name do u use?
All cars should come equipped with cleanse. Screw drunk driving!
ingame Irl

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