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1 Alt Suggestion


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#1 Migraine

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:12 PM


a person who believes in pacifism or is opposed to war or to violence of any kind.
Now a pacifist is a person who can be killed but doesn't believe in violence, take Ghandi for instance..
So here is my suggestion for the 1 Alt server possibly bring the class to the server but make it so that they can be pked.. but can't attack making it so they rely on their spells aka Justice Zone and such but id make Justice Zone a spell that is acquired maybe level 35?
Anyone like this idea give your suggestions/if you like it or not? 



1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

#2 Adultery

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:17 PM

the only thing i dont like about paci's on main is the double xp thing after 30...  seeing that paci's would be pkable on 1alt i would recommend not making them like that. its already a 1alt server and not many of us have lvl 40 crits... the lvling costs are simply too high.


i like your idea scott...


now my counter idea ontop of all this would be to bring back the old necromancer class. or something ANYTHING NEW! the game might and probably wont ever see a new playerbase but why not make the game fun for the current exsisting ones. add a few new classes, and a few new races.


just a thought. cheers.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#3 Stig

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:31 PM

Personally I don't think the Pacifist class will work on 1-alt due to the differences between it and multi-alt along with the fact that the Pacifist is a 1-alt class designed for the multi-alt world.  The other problem is how a Pacifist can hope to defend themselves if they are attacked relentlessly.  Justice Zone immobilises the Pacifist and drains their mana, so all players have to do is wait in the Justice Zone until it wears off, then attack.


I do like the idea of a 1-alt-exclusive class though, like how Pacifists are exclusive to multi-alt.  Shaman or Necromancer or something else entirely.


There are new things in store for the game, but it just depends on how long JLH takes to polish them enough for release.

#4 Migraine

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:52 PM

Word good game Stig! lol Only reason i had posted was because of the main having a class that is entirely specific to the main server and 1 Alt as rick had recently stated in CC.. "we play the same classes/races over and over".. just had thought about how pacifist's weren't in use.


1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

#5 Migraine

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:55 PM

Hey btw Stig when you get a chance to i sent you a memo on main regarding another idea.. check it out and get back with me plz and thank you!


Nvm just seen you run past me ingame! haha

Edited by Migraine, 20 April 2013 - 10:55 PM.


1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

#6 Same

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:55 PM

I don't know how much exp/gold lost through pking affects 1a but you could make the 'pacifist' not lose exp/gold or inventory when pkd.


I only got to level 21 but found all 3 of these to be a huge annoyance.

Klepto (main).

#7 Sarah

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Posted 21 April 2013 - 01:55 AM

the ktps would make a pacifist worthless.  be funny as hell but people prolly be a little pissed the 413th time they had to kill a bandit for you.


as a whole a 1a specific class would be nice


but...NO to pacifist and a huge NO to necromancer. way too many problems would be added from necro. theyd never fail a pk and practically be effortless to kill any character of any level, and if they removed the old spells that oped the class, it would be nothing the same so they might aswell make an actual NEW class. or 7 race specific ones../shrug 



Corinne in-game.

#8 Migraine

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Posted 21 April 2013 - 04:41 AM

Well like i said this was just something that i had thought about the other day how 1 Alt wasn't even using Pacifist and main was, but i wouldn't mind seeing a 1 Alt class only..



The more i look at it now though pacifist really wouldn't be a viable class for the 1 Alt server.


1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

#9 Migraine

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Posted 21 April 2013 - 05:03 AM

Lol Awesome! One of my all time favorite classes is a Shaman! Looks good tbh, but idk how staff would like it.. i do like the concept though.. id support it!


1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

#10 Adultery

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Posted 21 April 2013 - 09:28 PM

i love the shawmen class... but sadly you made a druid... lol


think this one needs to go back to the drawing board.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#11 Adultery

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 01:33 AM

me aj and piddy have been talking about a monk class alot in clan chat! hopefully one of those two dudes post it up soon

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#12 Adultery

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 11:22 PM

now that is truely epic

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#13 Sarah

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 11:37 PM

I love that! It opens the door for awesome monk unique equips like 0 bd stat mod weapons and stuff :D


My only concern is how is a monk trained to level 15 when it gets its first abilities? Just hands damage? Would it get the basic heal spell? Also you think it should be all races?

Corinne in-game.

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