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Member Since 22 Nov 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2004 10:31 PM

Topics I've Started

Need Lvl 1 Haflings

27 November 2004 - 12:44 PM

I need 18 x 21 18 17+ 15+ lvl 1 Haflings.


Potion Of Defence

27 November 2004 - 11:05 AM

the Potion gives 50 ac for 30secs-1min to whom ever drinks it. you can only drink 1 ac pot at a time.

Cost 500k-750k in alchemist shops

What ya think?

New Race I Have Been Thinking Of

23 November 2004 - 07:25 PM


Maxstats 18 22 18 18 22 18

Classes, Druid and mages only

Bonus: 5% exp bonus in dessert/forest areas

Im thinking of the storyline to them.

The elemental's have been around for years now. They first appeared coming out of a strange looking Aura in the enchanted Forest. They say they have come to help balance the ways of life and of magic. A name Bosnikovi the home City of the elementals, appears on there uniforms. The city of Blackthorn Eagerly accepted there proposal and now they serve blackthorn to the ends of time.