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Member Since 04 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2011 10:39 PM

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In Topic: Rules Of The Quest

12 September 2011 - 09:31 PM

Stig (Game Staff) Pages You from (Hidden): From this point on, you are disqualified from the quest and your quest character locked until it terminates, and your shield of faith remains in pieces.

Yeh gg. wat kinda staff are you?

In Topic: Rules Of The Quest

12 September 2011 - 09:22 PM

Arilin Graveyard: Beneath a canopy of decaying leaves, the Arilin graveyard stretches out before you. The ornately carved graves of wealthy merchants from Arilin are intermixed with the humble wooden stakes marking the graves of hunters. The graveyard continues to the North, East, and West.
Qst_Exile, Qst_Corinne are here with you.
Arilin Graveyard: Beneath a canopy of decaying leaves, the Arilin graveyard stretches out before you. The ornately carved graves of wealthy merchants from Arilin are intermixed with the humble wooden stakes marking the graves of hunters. The graveyard continues to the North, East, and West.
Qst_Exile, Qst_Corinne are here with you.
[Clan] Sovereign: ?
[Clan] Feral: i dropped me sof
[Clan] Feral: she picked it up
Qst_Exile yells from (Hidden): he threw in on floor and i'm tidying up so no one gets stuff illegally, check log
[Clan] Feral: and deleted
[Clan] Devour: really?
Feral yells from (Hidden): this is her pet doggg tlkin for her
[Clan] Devour: what crit u drop it from
Qst_Exile, Qst_Corinne just went East.
Feral yells from (Hidden): hownice
[Clan] Feral: this
[Clan] Devour: lol memo stig bout it

So wat if i dropped my shield on purpose i knew they cudnt pick it up........+ they say they picked it up becoz i was bein antisocial well gg it says in that they was cleanin the forest:

'Qst_Exile yells from (Hidden): he threw in on floor and i'm tidying up so no one gets stuff illegally, check log'

In Topic: Rules Of The Quest

12 September 2011 - 09:10 PM

Get the logs..... simple.

In Topic: Rules Of The Quest

12 September 2011 - 08:31 PM

A memo from Stig on 09-12-2011 20:32:52 saying Good job.

Explain? i guess this isnt as important as ppl multipcin or vice versa YEY NIGHTMIST

GJ :lol:

In Topic: Arcane Wrappings

11 September 2011 - 06:07 PM
