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Please Read--mages Can Be A Lot Better.

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#1 An Eskimo

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Posted 27 February 2004 - 02:52 AM

I just got done having a discussion with JLH about mages, I told him that I believed they can be better and we had a long discussion until he told me to stop talking to him about it and post on the forums :)

1. Mages fizzle to much

2. Mage's spells get resisted to much

3. Mages don't do enough damage

4. Mages use to much mana

5. Mages have crap hp

6. Mages get stamina way late

7. Mages are to hard to train

8. Mages armor sucks

9. Invis doesn't last to long, but it is the one thing that you can kinda have a reason to train a mage, besides the fact that the thought of having a mage is cool :blink:

10. In every other game I play almost, mages are superior and usually are used by everyone. This is most definatly not true in this game.

11. Not enough spells

What do you guys think? Can mages be much better? Are the 11 things I posted true? What suggestions do all of you have for mages?
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#2 iggy

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Posted 27 February 2004 - 03:08 AM

lemme see...
agree with #1,2(practically the same --spells fail too often) and #3

don't agree with #5,7,8
#5 because it's a mage, hp must suck no dud.
#7 everything good take time (unless it stay sucky then sure, trainning should be make easier --so either make mage more powerful or make them easier to train ..that might sound reasonable)
#8 well not exactly, also, mages can't wear heavy armor --simple reason, not physically strong enough.

don't really care about #6,9,10
who care about other game, this is nightmist. If you like mage that much, go play the other game :)

#11? not really sure....maybe
more could be good ...who know

#3 Deval

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Posted 27 February 2004 - 03:32 AM

Yes Mages can be better, but allow me to address a few of your points.

1: For masters of magic, yes they do. A high fizzle rate can only be expected for the lower levels, but one must imagine a level 30 mage would have a reasonable understanding of his art, and only fizzle very rarely.

2: I believe this is decided through some form of formula using intelligence and wisdom, so ultimately, the frequency of this lies in the hands of the statistics the user settles for.

3: Your right, they don't do enough damage.

4: I see no problem with their mana usage, perhaps, if nothing else, it may be a little too high.

5: Mages have crap HP for a reason, this reason is just invalidated at the moment.

6: Mages get stamina way late because of the rewards they are supposed to yield at higher levels.

7: Mages are hard to train because of the rewards they are supposed to yield at higher levels.

8: Mages, as users of magic, are not meant to wear lots of armour due to the effect it has on their abilities to channel magic. Meanwhile, massive armour combined with Aura of Protection would be ridiculously too much.

9: Invisibility works for a more than reasonable amount of time, camouflage however, is excessive, whichi is what I imagine you are comparing it against.

10: No one cares, staff at least anyway, that you play other games, this isn't those games.

11: Mages have plenty of spells, I imagine what you meant to suggest, was that they have no good 'middle ground' training spell, for their adolescent levels.
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#4 Vagabond

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Posted 28 February 2004 - 11:41 AM

If mages are so lame and hard to train DONT TRAIN THEM!!

Been the proud owner of a currently master mage i'd like to see them use less mana and do more damage, but mages still remain the elite class...allmost a challenge to lvl them unlike the others.

So whatever you do don't make them easier to train...infact make them harder :)

#5 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 08:12 AM

one thing you missed when posting this topic is the amount they miss with conventional weapons which makes them discouraging at best to train at beginning levels and i agree that they need more power mages need to be supercharged
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#6 Malavon

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 11:14 AM

If mages are so lame and hard to train DONT TRAIN THEM!!

Been the proud owner of a currently master mage i'd like to see them use less mana and do more damage, but mages still remain the elite class...allmost a challenge to lvl them unlike the others.

So whatever you do don't make them easier to train...infact make them harder :)

God your an idiot. Mages are easily the worst class. No doubt about it. Saying 'if you don't like them DON'T TRAIN THEM!' is just a pathetic response.

#7 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 01:52 PM

9: Invisibility works for a more than reasonable amount of time, camouflage however, is excessive, whichi is what I imagine you are comparing it against.

Invisiblity is almost useless for travel, which is mainly what I'd use it for.

#8 alone

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 03:28 PM

Malavon, Vaga does have a point. I only train classes I enjoy training, there's no point training something if you're going to moan about doing it.

I've always seen invisibility as an attacking aid.. You attack four times (if you have five stamina), then invis. It'll save your life when you need it most. Plus it doesn't last so long as you end up dropping something to come out of it :)

Edited by alone, 29 February 2004 - 03:29 PM.

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#9 DeadMonk

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 05:33 PM

1. Just because I think mages are hard to train, I still love them and train them, just because the thought of it is cool. I am still wasting my time and should be training a worth while class.

2. Alone, your stradegy of attacking 4 times then using invis would be great if mages didn't fizzle so d*mn much.

#10 Mec

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 07:01 PM

If mages are so lame and hard to train DONT TRAIN THEM!!

Been the proud owner of a currently master mage i'd like to see them use less mana and do more damage, but mages still remain the elite class...allmost a challenge to lvl them unlike the others.

So whatever you do don't make them easier to train...infact make them harder :)

Hmm, a summary of this post

I leveled a mage ALL THE WAY UP TO MASTER.

Please, make it harder for others to do so.

#11 Vagabond

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 11:55 AM

If mages are so lame and hard to train DONT TRAIN THEM!!

Been the proud owner of a currently master mage i'd like to see them use less mana and do more damage, but mages still remain the elite class...allmost a challenge to lvl them unlike the others.

So whatever you do don't make them easier to train...infact make them harder :)

God your an idiot. Mages are easily the worst class. No doubt about it. Saying 'if you don't like them DON'T TRAIN THEM!' is just a pathetic response.

Not quite as pathetic as that responce my idiotic friend....

#12 Monte

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 06:46 AM

Arguing back and forth is fun isn't it, however it is not necessary. I don't believe mages should be easier to train, nor do I believe they should be harder. In my opinion they are far from elite. They are drastically underpowered. As of yet I haven't seen the slightest step toward they're bieng fixed, with the exception of a new spell which didn't help in the slightest (Dispell), and an upgrade in the mana they recieve which was nice. I am not ungratefull for the addition of this new spell, however it is hardly what mages deserve. They are a great challenge to level, and upon completing this challenge there should be some sort of reward. I say all of this owning a mage myself, and basing it on my experiences. JLH and Pandilex, I do hope you are reading these.

Respectfully yours,


Edited by Monte, 03 March 2004 - 06:49 AM.

#13 rebel_blaidd

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 03:21 AM

i have posted a while back about mages nightmist classes are suppose to be about fairness to each other so no one class is greater then any other as it stands every other class is superior to mages im not talking master mages cause i dont have the patience for that or the inclination it just dossnt even seem worth it i think mages could have the frequency of spells changed like instead of having 2 spells from 2-12 some of the spells higher up could come down if that would make mages better then there could be like cantrips which is what a mage usually learns first like things like swarm that confuse the enemy for a round or so that would make mages a little bit more even

--flame as you will i find it amusing lol--

#14 Squee



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Posted 05 March 2004 - 03:29 AM

i have posted a while back about mages nightmist classes are suppose to be about fairness to each other so no one class is greater then any other as it stands every other class is superior to mages im not talking master mages cause i dont have the patience for that or the inclination it just dossnt even seem worth it i think mages could have the frequency of spells changed like instead of having 2 spells from 2-12 some of the spells higher up could come down if that would make mages better then there could be like cantrips which is what a mage usually learns first like things like swarm that confuse the enemy for a round or so that would make mages a little bit more even

--flame as you will i find it amusing lol--

I have absolutely know clue what you just said.
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#15 rebel_blaidd

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 08:38 AM

sorry for the confusion i somtimes talk about several different subjects at once and it was quite late when i posted that

ok mages are unbalenced in this game as it is they are underpowerd

i think if you were to get a spell every 2 levels or so that it would make the rewards of leveling more worthwild

they could be simple confusing spells or maybe even something like a time altering spell like slow or stop

#16 Eternyte

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 11:04 AM

For the love of god use comma's and full stops.
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