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Elemental Hits.

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#1 Ryuku


    Ryuku Ingame, Best 3v3er ever

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 06:36 PM

Okay, Elemental Hits is for mages and there spells. LIke certain spells would do more against certain enemys. Like every 10 levels they get 6 new spells, each with different elements. Each one doing the same against normal enemys but does good or bad against certain other enemys. The elemental bases would be Fire, Water, Dark, Forest, and Holy, and Earth. Fire and Water are opposed. Forest and Earth are opposed. Dark and Holy are opposed. If this idea gets accepted i will make spells for mages k. All mages now can get there spells replaced with the ones i make up. Any sugggestions are appreciated (especially spells). Thanks In Advance.

#2 alone

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 06:47 PM

Just curious.. How are 'Forest' and 'Dark' elements..?

You're proposing we change every single spell for mages? :)

Dude, your post is kind of.. Mangled?

Layout your plan for the idea in a clear concise way, you'll get more and better replies.
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#3 Squee



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Posted 14 March 2004 - 09:25 PM

I don't understand this at all. You want to re-make every single spell for mages? ...On your own?

It doesn't seem like you've put a whole lot of thought into this idea.

Lastly, I believe the 4 original elements (that were laid out by a greek philospher...Aristotle...Maybe? Err...that maybe too recent...) were Earth, Wind, Fire and Water.

Forest is basically Earth. They can't really be opposites. That's like saying wind and air are opposites.
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#4 Deval

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 02:56 AM

Some people don't like it when I foul the air with my wind, does that count?
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#5 Ryuku


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Posted 15 March 2004 - 04:56 PM

I dont know how to quote but (Some people don't like it when I foul the air with my wind, does that count?) ill just copy paste it. Thats really sick. Yeah it is complicated, but its just an example. Yeah i can do it on my own ( create everything) but i cant put it in the game ( i wish). Of couse im an RPG lover and i would love to see this in the game. Im very creative.

#6 alone

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 05:05 PM

Ok, first off.. To quote, you can do either of these:
Click the 'quote' button in the top right of a persons post..
Or type
[quote](put quote here)[/quote]

But to the topic:
You didn't answer half the questions asked about your idea, would be a nice start.

And for the other forum noobs. To do the funky thing I did above, do the following:
[code](insert any code the forum uses, and it'll show as writing)then close it.
I could't do it here, cus it messes up :)

Edited by alone, 15 March 2004 - 05:08 PM.

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#7 Wolfgang

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 07:32 PM

This, while a nifty idea, would mean reworking every single spell, and then almost every single monster.

Plus... elemental classes: Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water.

other ways of doing it have been by color (this, i have pretty much only seen in Chrono Cross, and slightly implimented in Chrono Trigger)...

Red: Fire, Heat, abilities that affect attack stat.
Blue: Ice, Water, and a few healing spells.
Green: Wind, and plants. Such as Grasping Vines would be Green, and other things of that sort. HOWEVER, it is mostly wind type spells. Also includes a few healing spells.
Yellow: Earth and Lighting.
White: Holy, Light, and the majority of healing, defence, and support spells.
Black: Gravity, Dark, and spells that involve things located from space. IE, Harle, from Chrono Cross, who's Tech skills are Moon Beams, Moon Shield (or something like that), and Luminare (an attack where she uses the moon to deal powerful damage).

Red and Blue deal more damage to eachother
Green and Yellow deal more damage to eachother (i think this is because the base element of Green is Wind/Air, and the base element of Yellow is Earth)
Black and White deal more damage to eachother.

But... while the idea is kinda nifty, the effort required for this spell is quite excessive on the part of the staff...

What the what?

#8 Ryuku


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Posted 16 March 2004 - 01:46 PM

First of all, Luminare is Serges attack. And this could make elemental hits work.

Earth (decompose trees) <-> Forest (rids the earth of its nutrition)
Holy (kills darkness) <-> Dark* (covers the light)
Fire (evaporates) <-> Water (extinguishes)

I think that could work right?

*Dark monsters are undead I would think.

#9 Ryuku


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Posted 16 March 2004 - 01:52 PM

Oh yeah. This could provide no exp for user, but it would be used to kill monsters only. You could use scrolls as items for non-magic users (mages can buy scrolls but why when the spell can be bought). Most of this would affect all crits Int. which should affect scroll usage. They take 2 stam and do the same of a normal mage spell.

#10 Squee



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Posted 16 March 2004 - 05:25 PM

Joe_Berserker buys a Scroll of Apocolypse. He dishes out 120 damage...then uses the remaining 4 stamina to berserk for some odd 350 damage...is that right?
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#11 Ryuku


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Posted 17 March 2004 - 01:52 PM

Well it could be like 2000 gold a scroll and CAN'T be used in Moshes or Triplex. I wouldn't waste 2k just to pk someone.

Edited by Ryuku, 17 March 2004 - 01:54 PM.

#12 Squee



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Posted 17 March 2004 - 06:21 PM

You'd be surprised at what people will do to "get back" at someone...
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#13 Ryuku


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Posted 18 March 2004 - 01:49 PM

Hmm. Yeah i died over 50 times (how sad) trying to kill this one person. Is Raindow_Fish still in the game (I helped feed people of hungry, I feel so good now).

Edited by Ryuku, 18 March 2004 - 01:52 PM.

#14 Wolfgang

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Posted 19 March 2004 - 06:22 AM

First of all, Luminare is Serges attack. And this could make elemental hits work.

give me a break. i havent played in like... forever.

>_> then what is harles Tech?

What the what?

#15 Ryuku


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Posted 19 March 2004 - 01:50 PM

Maybe i should've seperated those sentences.

Also this could make Int. used by all classes right. Why does everyone debate over Int.? I think there should be 5 different scrolls.
Scroll Of Skock, x1 your Int for dammage. Cost 1k
Scroll Of Flame, x2 your Int for dammage. Cost 2k
You get it.all the attacking mages spells. There is 5 i think (shock, flame, blast, beam, devestate) So a zerker with 20 int (very doutful) can do 100 dammage with 5k? Regular attacks do more for free

Edited by Ryuku, 19 March 2004 - 01:51 PM.

#16 Squee



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Posted 19 March 2004 - 03:56 PM

From an RP perspective, it's doubtful a fighter or berserker or even a ranger, for that matter, could read a scroll.

Mages spend almost their entire lives reading ancient texts (scrolls and books). It's their specialty, whereas, a fighter or berserker spends a lot of their life sharpening their bodies into weapons.

Now...I suppose a fighter-class could always drink a potion and receive some kind of bonus since it doesn't really require anything major on their part except maybe "don't choke."
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#17 Wolfgang

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Posted 20 March 2004 - 12:16 AM

Or you could attatch elemental attributes to the weapons... or make it a mage/cleric/pally spell (not saying all... but of one or two...)

Fire Edge, or something.
>_> still not sure if i like this idea, though.

What the what?

#18 Ryuku


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Posted 21 March 2004 - 03:47 AM

Yeah, once i think of it for a long time. Its very complex and unable to be put in game. Making it a spell for clerics, paladin and mage would be good

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