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#1 The Joker

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 07:50 PM

Don't close my topic, moderate it. If I say I have Item A, and am willing to sell it for Price B, then it's over, it isn't a negotiation after that. Unless the bid starts at where I'd even be willing to sell it. Do not make me out to be the fool, and have to recreate threads because your too lazy to do your 'advisor' job. Your a forum editor, so,... edit the forum. When dumb asses go completely off topic on my post, that is not my fault, edit them, not mine.



The Joker

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

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#2 ice_cold

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 08:35 PM

I am an advisor, I am not a forum editor. It is not my job to clean up the forums, but to moderate them, however I'm more then willing to clean up topics from time to time. That being said, I have cleaned up multiple topics of yours when you have asked. I can moderate it, however spending 30 minutes deleting posts makes little sense when your topic will retain only 1 or 2 posts. It will take you in comparison 30 seconds to make a new topic. I will consider this issue closed.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#3 Gaddy

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 10:09 AM

If the man wants his topic edited, I can be the jerk.  However, I implore you to understand that I have not taken any English courses since high school, and I have never been professionally trained as an editor or writer.  I am an engineer, and we are known for writing mistakes.

That said, I can see errors in almost every sentence, run-on, and attempted sentence that you wrote.  So here we go...



Don't close my topic, moderate it.  

I think this is a run-on sentence, but I'm not 100% sure.  That is surprising since it is so short.  I suggest, "Don't close my topic.  Moderate it."  The missing noun is okay because this is an example of the "understood 'you'." 


If I say I have Item A, and am willing to sell it for Price B, then it's over, it isn't a negotiation after that.

I am 100% sure this time.  You have a run-on sentence problem here.  You also need quotations for your quote, or you could write, "If I say that I have..." to make it an indirect quote.  A period after over would close off your first sentence.  The second sentence should probably end at negotiation or add the word statement at the end.  "After that" is basically ending a sentence in a preposition, but again, I'm not 100% sure here.


Unless the bid starts a where I'd even be willing to sell it.

There are a few problems here.  I suggest just a full re-write instead of altering the original.  The word "unless" suggests that you will have a first statement and a second option.  Here we just have an incomplete thought.  The tense is also changing from present to future.  I don't know the exact rules on that, but typically, tense does not change mid-sentence.


I want to stop, but you called us lazy.  I am going to see this through.


Do not make me out to be the fool, and have to recreate threads because your too lazy to do your 'advisor' job.

I applaud your attempt to use a conjunction.  However, you must have a noun in the second sentence.  You also make the horribly common mistake with using "your" instead of "you're" prior to "too lazy."  I cannot paste a link, but Google "your you're" for memes and other tutorials.

Your = possession, ownership, or a intrinsic facet

You're = you are


Your a forum editor, so,...edit the forum.

I really wish I could provide the link on the utilization of "your" and "you're" right now.  Also, you have run-on sentence issues again.  I love to use ellipsis, too!  I'm glad you almost executed it well.  However, when you provide the suspense with ellipsis, eliminate the comma.


When dumb asses go completely off topic on my post, that is not my fault, edit them, not mine.

Damn!  It was so good until the end.  We have another run-on.  Your first sentence ends at the word "fault."  The second sentence is messed up.  If you say "them" then use "me" for you.  Otherwise, you could say, "Edit their post instead of mine."





This is acceptable.





Do you really want me to be a forum editor? 

I don't have time to help you like this all the time, and I think people would find it frustrating.

We moderate in a lax fashion to avoid frustrations that come with frequent deletion or suppression of thought.


When I was strict, many people really disliked it.  I'm not here to hassle people, and I grew to understand that moderation needed to be done in moderation.  Otherwise I am frustrating people instead of helping keep things amiable and within the terms of service.



Don't hate,


Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#4 The Joker

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 02:32 PM


You've must truly have love for me if you went through all that trouble.

There has been countless off topic useless posts that could simply be deleted.

You knew what I meant.

Now you think you're all dapper and nuts because you had a bad day and just wanted to let off a little steam, eh?

FIne by me, doesn't take an editor to delete a post that says "Your a moosetard" when the title of the thread is "Selling Crits"

People have thousands of "posts" on their Post count, probably 75% of them are bullnuts one liners.


But thanks for opening the topic again, just for little old me.

(This is where I'll insert ignorant little one liners like "lmfao" just to be noticed and get my post count up)



"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

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