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Happy B-day Matt (halor)

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#1 Vodka

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 08:10 AM

Omigosh, he's finally legal in all 50 states... well, for the most part... but, you know what I mean :)

HAPPY 18th Birthday Matt!
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#2 Consumed


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Posted 11 June 2004 - 08:53 AM

happy bday... im tired so thats all ima say lol... :)
-Alias ingame-

#3 deadman

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 11:08 AM

Happy Bday
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#4 sarah_rain

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 01:05 PM

best wishes for an awesome birthday! :)
The First The Only Nightmist Nude

#5 Thrice

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 02:21 PM

Happy Birthday you speed addict, you :).

See ya online later mate.

#6 Horny

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 02:24 PM

Happy b-day to yooouuu happy b-day tooo yoooouuuu and so on lol *huggies*
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#7 Matt

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 03:50 PM

oh ma goodness, someone made a post :) :) :)

I feel so loved ;)

Thanks all!!
"Faith; noun. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel." --- Ambrose Bierce

#8 PureMourning

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 04:55 PM

Happy Birthday.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#9 DemonSkys

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 05:09 PM

:) Being since I've already said Happy birthday and spanked you on game.. might as well add here :) Happy birthday noodle boy!
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a

#10 Shera

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 08:37 PM

Happy Birthday Matt!
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#11 SuperStar

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 09:10 PM

happy bday man
¦¦ i got the sickest vendetta when it come to the chedda... nucca you play with my paper, you gonna meet my barretta ¦¦

#12 newb

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Posted 12 June 2004 - 09:57 PM

I love you.


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