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Member Since 26 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2010 07:24 PM

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In Topic: Blood And War

26 September 2010 - 07:08 PM

Profile Skeletons

Humans (Rebels)

Occupation (Carpenter, Mechcanic etc) :
Personality (At least three sentences) :
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) :
Appearance: (Picture OR a detailed description) :
Weapons (Two max, and nothing overpowered, remember you are a scavanger) :

Humans (Government)

Rank/ Role (MP, Military Officer etc) :
Personality (At least three sentences) :
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) :
Appearance: (Picture, OR a detailed description) :
Weapons (Three max, remember you have more advanced tech, but still nothing overpowered) :

Humans (Vampire Hunter Squads)

Rank (Squad leader, Second in command. Recruit etc) :
Personality (At least three sentences) :
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) :
Appearance: (Picture, OR a detailed description) :
Weapons (Four max, all hunters carry a UV ray projection gun, with which to capture vampires) :


Actual Age: (This will be no older than 1,000 )
Age Appeared:
Standing (Fledgling, Experienced, Elder) :
Personality (At least three sentences) :
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) :
Appearance: (Pictures, OR a detailed description) :
Abilities: (Depends on your age, one for Fledglings, three for Experienced and five for Elders) :

If you have any questions about how to fill out your profile, or want to ask anything about what weapons and abilities you can and cannot have, feel free to PM and ask

In Topic: Blood And War

26 September 2010 - 07:07 PM

1-This roleplay was created by myself (Reava )
2- Be AT LEAST semi-lit All thoughts in Italics All speech in "Speech here", and also proper spelling and grammar is a must though we all have the odd spelling mistake. As long as your post is readable.
3-Try to post at least a paragraph of four decent sentences, although more is better we all like to have something to read and respond to. Though i understand we all have writers block every now and then.
4- No godmoding, auto-hitting etc. Anyone found doing this will be warned once and then put on the blacklist. Your character may be a vampire but this doesn't mean that you are indestructible. Be reasonable people.
5- Follow ALL ToS, violence is obviously going to happen but be reasonable about it. Swearing is allowed but that does not mean you have to swear every other word. Romance is encouraged but once the clothes start coming off, time skip.
6- PM all profiles to me. For vampires title your profile " Warning i bite" and for human rebels title your PM "Down with the government" and for government officials/employees "I am this country"
7-If you have any questions about these rules, or the roleplay in general feel free to PM me.
8-Have fun!

Information on the groups/races

Humans (Rebels)

Though many in number the rebels lack the funds and technological sophistication of the government, they fight using basic weaponry and scavenged equipment. Most are rookies when it comes to combat fighting purely out of necessity and as such they are often outmatched when fighting government agents though their numbers make up for this lack of skill.

Humans (Government)

Highly trained and well equipped each government agent is a trained killer, they have the lastest breakthroughs in weapon and armour technology. Their training makes them fearless even when faced with death.

Humans (Government-Vampire Hunter Squads)

The elite of the elite vampire hunter squads are specially equipped to capture and/or kill vampires. They have also been slightly genectically modified making them a little faster and stronger than your average human though they are nowhere near a match for a vampire in one on one combat. That is the reason why they work in squads of 3-5 members.


Vampires are incredibly agile and strong. They also have certain abilities each unique to the individual. Despite popular myth, vampires can walk in sunlight however prolonged exposure will severely weaken, and in the case of younger vampires, hurt them. Vampires cannot use any of their abilities during the day and their strength and speed is reduced to just a little more than that of a human. A vampire grows stronger with age with some of the Elders even being able to ressurect themselves should they be killed. All vampires have an accelerated healing factor being able to recover from all but the most serious of wounds almost instantly.

In Topic: The Bar

26 September 2010 - 06:46 PM

((Hey guys i am new, do i need to create a profile or anything?))