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#1 ice_cold

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Posted 20 January 2015 - 02:28 PM

Normally staff don't do this, however since there's been multiple topic hijackings, 1-alt topics, and in-game speak about certain issues we've decided to make a post here.


1st Agenda - staff: let's start off by saying Oracle and Stig both have current stuff going on in their lives which are keeping them from doing a whole lot for Nightmist right now, as such any changes/updates will be a bit slow. Let's not say staff aren't doing this or doing that for either server as there's been additions to both when time permits. Currently 1-alt has a greater need and there's not a whole lot that can be done for multi at this point, but staff will do stuff for both servers when time permits and dogging on staff due to perceived notions isn't going to be tolerated anymore (feel free to bag on me all you want though, I'm not staff).


2nd agenda - leveling system: Oracle, Stig, and myself have been working as much as we can to complete the leveling system and we're very close to finishing the remaining missing levels for all the classes that are missing them. However this does take time and with the staff members who can add stuff do the game being mostly gone and the fact I personally can not do anything to further the process outside of what I have already done, we're just waiting for the staff members to have the free time to do some more work in game. 


Once all the classes are done we may look in to changing some of the current requirements, however that's above me and I can only make suggestions. As such Oracle and Stig would need to be the ones who are convinced and arguing with me will get you no where. However I think I've pointed out in the past how to address an issue like that and saying, "zOMG staff dur dumb we n33d wolvez changed for Berserkerz, GOLDAN NEEPADS whuT" isn't going to work.


The token-based leveling system could eventually be tweaked very slightly (i.e. how we tweaked Grisle's heal slightly) however it will remain the same and there's very little use in arguing about it as it's an archaic system and works fine when multiple people get together to do it. It isn't staff's fault if players can't get together to help each other complete the token system and this is why we have the crate system.


3rd agenda - server comparisons: All server comparisons are null and void as the servers are not intended to be the same game. Multi-alt is 'wanna play alone' server and 1-alt is the 'play with other people' server. Any comparisons between the two will be ignored.


4th agenda - classes: Staff understand that certain classes have it rough on nightmist. Paladins had it easy on 1-alt as one of the easier fixes was to help them with equipment to make them a bit better. Clerics were helped by increasing undead monsters xp to try to essentially fix the fact they don't have a heal bonus. We understand Critical Strike hits way too often, that isn't something staff can fix however it's on a list of possible changes for JLH (and it's a change he should actually be able to do). I believe at this point, even though there's a lot of complaining about thieves, staff don't feel like they're overpowered/underpowered however that may be a better question for them as we haven't talked about it for a while. We understand Zerks can click everyone no matter their dex, there's nothing that can be done about that unless players want it on a list to go to JLH, however it if did get fixed I'm pretty sure players will just complain for the next 5 years and as such probably nothing will come of it.


5th agenda - equipment: All classes have recently gotten multiple new equipment. It isn't staffs fault if you can't find it, and any post about this class or that class not getting something will be ignored. Due to some classes and their power level though (name cleric/ranger/zerk) it's increasingly hard to make new equipment for them. As such some of the new equipment might be lower then top end or might have interesting uses for them outside of top end gear. I.e. the Bow of Artemis is 1 step below Cobalt Bow. I would guess the majority of the equipment that will be seen in the future will be training gear or below top end gear as characters are mostly topped out on what they can get (i.e. clerics can already get over 200 armor).


6th agenda - time management: It's a staff members choice what they want to add, not a players. The posts about "staff did that but we need this" or "this update is stupid" are ignored by pretty much everyone but me, as stated above I'm not a staff member I can only make suggestions and those posts have zero bearing on anything. The updates are already in, certain people like them, staff got either tired of doing this or that or it was a quick update for them or they were trying something out for a reason or it was something that needed fixed for a reason beyond players comprehension with the information they have. There's just absolutely no reason to bring up a past update unless for some reason it's now detrimental to the game.


7th agenda - topic moderation: So, you don't like a staff members moderation or my moderation (mainly mine)? Get over it. Oddly enough I'm a forum moderator and you aren't. I'm very blunt about this as apparently not all of you understand that. I don't care what's been allowed on the forum before I was a moderator, I don't care if you have some type of life defining post that must be read by everyone, and I don't care if you try to spam the forum. In case you haven't noticed, not a whole lot of people visit the forum, and staff do even less on the forum now then even a couple years ago. I have full authority from Oracle, Stig, and JLH to moderate the forum as I see fit and I will be doing that. If I feel you're going overboard, I will just recommend an in game ban and then it will be up to staff. This obviously isn't up for debate as you're regular players and I'm a moderator.


More directly, this is what we're currently doing; Final touches on leveling system, creating items that are required for different reasons, doing descriptions for different reasons, making in-game pictures for different items in free time when in-game stuff can't be done, tweaking stuff that's a bit broken on either server for different reasons, lightly coming up with future expansions for the game which would require JLH so that when he decides to do another update we can hand it to him and say here it is, creating monsters for various reasons, analyzing past updates to see if stuff needs changed, watching multi-pcers/boters/bug exploiters (yes, we know who you are on 1-alt, we're just gathering evidence for now).


If I missed something, I will add it to this post. If you feel there is actually something that should be looked at, added, removed, etc feel free to comment. Keep in mind though, and I'm telling you upfront, I will be heavily changing posts/deleting posts as I see fit on this topic. This is here to show you guys what's being done and to give you a voice, however negativity or posts which add nothing will be gone quickly.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#2 ice_cold

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Posted 20 January 2015 - 05:38 PM

In relation to some current complaints:


Magician Bandit: This wasn't changed due to a thief getting in, in fact I never heard a thief had gotten in and don't think staff did either. It was changed due to a trap mistake (there's something like 300 squares in elmshire, it's hard to check them all) and the Magician bandit was changed multiple times to keep berserkers from killing it as it was meant to be a mage boss. Yes there's too many boots and at this point it's hard to fix as the boss wasn't supposed to be an hourly boss. It could have been fixed to be daily however that was decided against. As such the boss might get further tweaking in the future to try and balance it out.


In relation to Small Diamonds: Yes we realize they pump out massive amounts of gold. They've already been tweaked and thy might receive some more minor tweaks. the formula for them would denote on the average of killing 100 of them each would give approximately 400 gold per kill. However the formula might be off some as it's hard to say strictly how quickly/easily something can be killed or if the formulas work out correctly and we aren't going to sit and kill hundreds of them as someone would say we're cheating by training on mobs not in game already. You also can't properly kill them with staff characters. So testing is extremely hard.


My moderating: I've been a moderator for 3 years. If I decide something doesn't belong somewhere that's just kinda how it goes. I tend to leave most stuff on the forum, even some stuff which doesn't belong. However on this topic topic moderation will be very stringent.


In relation to pvp damage: Classes are good at different things. It's impossible to change as a decent amount of classes can outright round another class with straight damage. Some classes have no hope at all of doing that, namely paladins and clerics. The pvp system is pretty broken and realistically only making it more broken will bring classes in line with each other, which it seems a bit crazy for every class to round every class, and classes that can already round other classes can't be fixed by staff. The cobalt change was actually a change geared more at zerks then other classes.


Any other direct complaint replies will be put here.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#3 Cadabra


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 06:46 PM

Remove the level cap to leave NM.

Open spider tunnels to all levels and tweak some things.

Remove clans.

Increase cleric xp on players.

Re open Diggy.

Make Crazy Pete killable.

Allow pacifists on 1-alt but decrease the Deity reward.

Lower Fighter stamina.

Re instate the cobalt vamp rating to .3

Create more areas with bosses.

Add teleports to different towns.

More gold/xp.

More helmets for clerics/druids.

After this, delete the game permanently.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#4 ice_cold

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Posted 21 January 2015 - 01:16 AM

What I mean by the cross server comparisons is staff pretty much ignore the comparisons, as such there's no point in bringing up comparisons. Yes a lot of stuff is the same, I'm just letting you guys know that the posts are ignored.


I didn't set the trap staff did, though I designed it to be there, all I said was that it should kill everything except mages. I wasn't at bandit the first night and I was on a thief. That's how I saw you guys constantly running around as I was covert. I wanted the damage trap changed once I found out it didn't work as intended but I was overuled.


How much clerics heal players can't actually be changed by anyone other then JLH. Spells can be added to any class by regular staff (yes, fighters can get beam) which is why clerics got Depurate Undead and not just a straight heal boost. I think JLH has outright said he doesnt want clerics to heal for more though.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#5 Kakarott

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 12:01 AM

I like how u can say there isn't much for multi and 1a is ur priority  I think that's jus bullnuts cuz main is jus as a priority as 1a

Both Server's





#6 Sausage


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Posted 18 March 2015 - 05:09 PM

This obviously isn't up for debate as you're regular players and I'm a moderator.


Way to stick it to 'em! 


Don't forget your place, regular players!

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

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