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Member Since 29 May 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 08 2006 04:32 PM

Topics I've Started

Selling Some Low Levels,

06 June 2006 - 05:16 AM

----- Clerics ------

Lampshade's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Adept Cleric. Str: 14, Int: 21, Dex: 18, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 21, Lev: 21, Exp: 12,953,114, HP: 197, MP: 241, Stm: 3.
Spells: Heal, Enhance, Create Spring, Cleanse, Vision, Call upon Deity, Aid, Holy Might, Divine Light, Blessed Force, Consecrated Embrace.

Ready's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Human Journeyman Cleric. Str: 17, Int: 8, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 18, Lev: 12, Exp: 483,724, HP: 129, MP: 130, Stm: 2.
Spells: Heal.

----- Berserkers -----

Jolly's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Dwarf Adept Berserker. Str: 21, Int: 7, Dex: 17, Con: 21, Wis: 18, Chr: 6, Lev: 20, Exp: 10,047,052, HP: 327, MP: 0, Stm: 4.

Merry's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Dwarf Adept Berserker. Str: 21, Int: 7, Dex: 16, Con: 21, Wis: 18, Chr: 6, Lev: 20, Exp: 10,098,768, HP: 330, MP: 0, Stm: 4.

Gold/LvL 1 Druid/Mages only please

Druids and mages accepted.

19 x 19 19 19 x
18 x 19 19 19 x
18 x 21 18 18 x
18 x 19 18 20 x
x 21 20 18 19 x
x 21 19 18 20 x

Leave bids here or Page/memo Reverb/Daytime ingame.

Happy Bidding. ;)

New Race Idea

05 June 2006 - 07:27 PM

New Race: Skeleton
Race Gender options: Male or Female
Race Class Options: Berserker, Fighter, Mage, Ranger, Thief
Race Stats: 19 21 19 19 20 19,
HP gains: Same as human
MP gains: Same as Elf
Race Bonus: +3% faster Regenerate hp/mp rate per level
Race Weakness: Being Undead they cannot use pots or heal themselves, Can be killed by Healing and melee and magic attacks
Where Did Skeletons Come from: Skeleton's have been terrorizing Nightmist's southern Gatehouse for countless years if not Decades: They Live in the Forest of Souls.
Can Skeleton's join parties? Yes
Can you logg on more than 1 alt of them? Not shure
Can they join moshes, triplex's, pt's or any other event held on nightmist? Yes
Can they join Clans? Yes
May the use all weapons, armors that there normal class uses? As long as it doesnt use any item that causes you to heal, like spider staff or Cobalt staff of the winds ect, cause the cobalt would slowly killthe skeleton seeing as the cobalt heals you and skeleton's are undead.

ANy Comments? Support or Added Suggestions?

Please Post here,

Please Respect each others opinions and dont flame the thread.

Paci's Joining Moshes

05 June 2006 - 07:16 PM

Ok PAcis cant join moshes because they cant attack and they cant be attacked, but is there a way to turn off the pacis abilities only in moshes? and possibly turn all other player to pcai's undead soo that paci's can use depurate undead on them?

A Couple New Spells I Been Pondering About

05 June 2006 - 06:53 PM

I have been thinking these Two spells over and was kinda at a debate.. ill let yall decide if they are goo dspells or not or too powerful ect.

lvl 30 to use
Frostbite, Mages, bd a litte more than beam, Spell Cost:50-100k from mage guild
Daytime raises his hands, creates a massive ice bolder, hitting a brown bear for 92 points of Damage!!
Daytime raises his hands, creates a massive ice bolder, hitting a brown bear for 93 points of Damage!!
Daytime raises his hands, creates a massive ice bolder, hitting a brown bear for 86 points of Damage!!
Daytime raises his hands, creates a massive ice bolder, hitting a brown bear for 102 points of Damage!!
Daytime raises his hands, creates a massive ice bolder, hitting a brown bear for 79 points of Damage killing it!!

Meditation, Enhances intel and Wisd by 2 or 3 points, Only Mages, Druids can use this ability, when you get to lvl 30 the spell becomes Availible,
Spell cost: 30-45k from Mage Guild

Daytime Casted a spell on himself
You cast Meditation on your self enhancing your magical abilities.

17 20 19 18 20 21 before after 17 22 19 18 22 21 for aproximantly 30 - 45secs or however long Enhance for meleers lasts.

This is what i have been thinking about...

Soo any comments? Support? or added suggestions?

Please I will respect your opinions but dont flame the thread.

New Ability

03 June 2006 - 03:35 PM

New ability for lvl 30 Mages, Called Rapid Cast. its the same thing as a Berserkers Berserk and a Rangers Rapid Fire only with Mages.
When you Reach lvl 30, the ability becomes active.
/rapidcast Beam

it cost the same ammount of mana as if you where casting 5 shots of beam normally only this way its a little faster.

Any Comments?