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Member Since 22 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2021 11:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Golden Flax Cord

16 February 2021 - 03:20 AM

Flax sold.

In Topic: Banned

22 November 2020 - 12:54 AM

I'm bummed for you and the dwindling community but glad to see fair play being enforced. Take care.

In Topic: [Staff] Giant Sand Wurm Proposal

01 October 2020 - 07:05 PM

On 1-alt, a druid with the right equipment and inventory can also solo. Any perceived benefit of running off GSWs square risks dragging mobs from the north square and/or risk of the scorpion spawning on GSWs square. The ruby ring and high xp are the catch but the champion usually walks off with a sellable dagger that's barely more than the cost of the inventory required or armor that can't be sold in shop. It's a neat idea but seems to me as a "nice to have", not a "need to have" and would have greater consequences on one server than another. I'd rather see more solo opportunities, not less, given the inactivity of a very small community. 

In Topic: [Staff] Giant Sand Wurm Proposal

30 September 2020 - 01:11 PM

Would rather not see this added to 1-alt.