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#1 Pandilex



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 07:36 AM

Anyone here who meets these criteria please reply in this post. Sum up what makes you meet them in a brief passage.

- Enthusiastic about text based games
- Frustrated that Nightmist development has pretty much halted
- Eager to contribute hours of hard work
- Is mature and sensible
- Has a reasonable grasp of grammar and spelling
- Can name 10 D&D monsters off the top of their head
- Has creativity and cunning in coming up with fantastic ideas and designs
- Has read too many rpg related books to count.
- Know what burning hands does
- Can think outside the box

Also answer this question:

You're a dungeonmaster for a game of D&D. One of the players finds a ring of wish with one charge. What do you give them in response to the following wishes?

- They wish for a rare gem worth 500,000 gold pieces.

- They wish for a magic sword that when used in combat cuts through armor and flesh like butter.

- They wish they can fly at will.
If you build it, they will come.

#2 Lethal_Dose

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 11:46 AM

1. I am & always have been into text based games, started out with D&D & loved to play Wizardry on my old NES system.
2. The same ol same ol has drug everyone down at this point I believe, with a few new ideas & some people who work well together it could be made to be fun again.
3. I'd be willing to do lots to build the player base back up, or at least make it fun for those who are left.
4. Maturity, I do admit that I have my setbacks when people decide to be inconsiderate of others feelings including me. There are also moments when this happens that I may become somewhat childish in retaliation, whether it be in humor or not. But with little effort, it can be put aside for a greater cause.
5. For the most part my grammar is good & I was an A speller in school, a little rusty on some words but can always get a spell check.
6. Fairy Dragon, Bugbear, Beholder, Tiamat, Imp, Hill Giant, Wereboar, Homonculous, Shade, Stirge (might take a little time but I could dig up specs on most of these I have listed).
7. I've had a few ideas I've shared with friends in the past, & even made a suggestion on the cleric class (eventhough I suck at cleric) a few months back.
8. My favorite books are Dragon Lance, I've read quite a few series of them.
9. Burning Hands- when you type so fast you catch the keyboard on fire (haha just kidding), it's a spell casted by wizzards that shoots a cone of fire (much like a dragon's breath weapon cone) from the fingertips causing so many hitdice of dmg.
10. When I worked at a machine shop they had me doing some stuff that was scrapping alot of metal that was unecessary, I devised a new & better way & brought it to the foreman, they went with that idea til ultimately they got a better machine for the job.

If they wished for a rare gem worth 500,000 gold pieces I would grant their wish but since they did not specify which plane it was worth that much I'd make the gem worth that much on the ethereal plane or some nonsense like that.

If they wished for the sword that could cut through armor the wish would be granted but the sword would only cut through armor in poor condition crafted only by novice blacksmiths.

If they wish they could fly at will the wish would be granted but they would not be able to control thier flight or land at will.
Just 1 shot to say goodbye
1 last taste to mourn & cry
Scores & shoots, the lights go dim
Just 1 shot to do him in

#3 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 11:57 AM

1. I am & always have been into text based games, started out with D&D & loved to play Wizardry on my old NES system.
2. The same ol same ol has drug everyone down at this point I believe, with a few new ideas & some people who work well together it could be made to be fun again.
3. I'd be willing to do lots to build the player base back up, or at least make it fun for those who are left.
4. Maturity, I do admit that I have my setbacks when people decide to be inconsiderate of others feelings including me. There are also moments when this happens that I may become somewhat childish in retaliation, whether it be in humor or not. But with little effort, it can be put aside for a greater cause.
5. For the most part my grammar is good & I was an A speller in school, a little rusty on some words but can always get a spell check.
6. Fairy Dragon, Bugbear, Beholder, Tiamat, Imp, Hill Giant, Wereboar, Homonculous, Shade, Stirge (might take a little time but I could dig up specs on most of these I have listed).
7. I've had a few ideas I've shared with friends in the past, & even made a suggestion on the cleric class (eventhough I suck at cleric) a few months back.
8. My favorite books are Dragon Lance, I've read quite a few series of them.
9. Burning Hands- when you type so fast you catch the keyboard on fire (haha just kidding), it's a spell casted by wizzards that shoots a cone of fire (much like a dragon's breath weapon cone) from the fingertips causing so many hitdice of dmg.
10. When I worked at a machine shop they had me doing some stuff that was scrapping alot of metal that was unecessary, I devised a new & better way & brought it to the foreman, they went with that idea til ultimately they got a better machine for the job.

If they wished for a rare gem worth 500,000 gold pieces I would grant their wish but since they did not specify which plane it was worth that much I'd make the gem worth that much on the ethereal plane or some nonsense like that.

If they wished for the sword that could cut through armor the wish would be granted but the sword would only cut through armor in poor condition crafted only by novice blacksmiths.

If they wish they could fly at will the wish would be granted but they would not be able to control thier flight or land at will.

as many might know me and mike have "wars" that get a little out of hand sometime... but i respect what he wrote on #4, and also think from reading this he would be a good candidate for w/e possible opportunity that might come about.. i wish i could answer some of these questions better myself as i would love to help this game, but i just dont have any experience in most of the questions.. however i kind of am interested in D&D, just dont really have anyone that would play it... and the book part, heh,... i read classics that are required and nightmist lol(slightly joking ;))... anyways, id say that is a pretty good "application?"... g/l with whatever you got up your sleeve simon :ph34r:...

Edited by XxDarkAlliancexX, 17 October 2008 - 11:59 AM.

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#4 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 01:20 PM

1. I love text-based games, ever since I started playing D&D back when I was a kid.

2. Lack of new areas, changes to areas, new and exciting monsters has caused the game to stagnate. I find that...very sad.

3. I have plenty of time at the moment to put in on stuff.

4. I try and act with maturity in situations that call for it, such as conflicts and such. Though I am sure there are times when I could have been a little more mature and sensible and a little less with the /p <name> meanie! kinda thing but overall, I do TRY and behave with some maturity and sensibility.

5. I've always been good at writing and spelling. And so far as grammar goes if I don't know how a word is spelled, there's always spell check on notepad++ for that kinda thing, well either that or my electronic dictionary (the thing's a life saver).

6. Trolls, Blue, White, Gold, Green (or forest), Red, Black Dragon, Goblins, Gnomes, Imps, Fairies, Orcs, Dryad, Ents, Minotaurs, Sylphs...I could go on but well you get the idea... (Dragons are my favorite monster in case you hadn't figured that out lol)

7. I'm good with creativity and writing out ideas and crazy themes....its fun for me!

8. R.A. Salvatore is one of my favorite authors, and Forgotten Realms has always been one of my favorite RPG series.

9. Hmm Burning Hands...isnt that some sorta fire spell or something that mage types can cast at will?

10. There's a box? WHERE? I wanna play with it! But seriously, I really want that box....

11. a) Well for the wish of a gem worth 500,000 I'd allow it, but make the gem be invisible to anyone but the owner of said gem. Because it'd be funny to watch a character try and convince a merchant to purchase the 'gem' it'd probably go something like: seller, "buy my amazing invisible gem," and merchant, "get outta here you lousy liar! And take your 'invisible' gem with you," then the merchant would walk away and mutter, "puhleaze! I swear! What these bums wouldn't come up with now days!" while the player sobs out, "I'm never gonna sell this bloody thing!"

11. b ) For wish of a sword that, when used in combat, can cut through any armor and flesh like butter. Hmm that's a tough one. I'd sway towards NOT allowing it but because its wish fulfillment I would. However, it would be a weapon that would give its owner damage equal to the damage dealt. So say the player just got his nifty new sword and decided to take on a dragon. It'd probably go something like this: Player swings and misses! Dragon's breathe of fire sears your skin for 50 points of damage! Player swings and slices through the Dragon's scales and into it's flesh dealing 100 damage to the Dragon! Player is hit with a magical backlash unleashed by the sword's attack for 100 points of damage. Dragon swings his tail and Player dodges! Player swings drinks a cherry potion and is healed for 100 points! Dragon slashes player with his claws and connects for 75 points of damage! Player swings his sword and slices through the Dragon's scales and into flesh for 99 points of damage! Player is hit with a backlash of magical energy for 99 points of damage! : by this time Player is probably staring at his nifty new sword and thinking, "what the heck is GOING on here? This sword really is beginning to suck!"

11. c)A wish to fly at will is fun actually. Limit the altitude, or even the place where he can use the ability. It'd go something like this: Player climbs Mount Veschou and finds a very high cliff. Always before he'd been able to fly and so now wanted to test his new ability higher up. Player finds a tall cliff and leaps off the edge, "woo hoo! This is great," he shouts then fumbles around for a moment, "dang," he feigns regret, "forgot my Scroll of Flight! Oh well time to fly," and with that player attempts to activate 'FLY' only to find himself continuing to plummet towards the ground at an alarming rate. For several seconds he continues the attempt to activate 'FLY' to no avail. Pausing the game-play he queries the DM, "why isn't FLY working?" To which DM replies, "FLY is only capable of working at low altitudes." Now an argument ensues between DM and Player until DM says, "abide by the ruling or leave the RP, either way your character is plummeting downward towards his death." Player comments, "but that's not fair." DM replies, "had you asked, I would have told you this before you jumped. Roll a d4." Player sighs and rolls a d4 and says, "3." DM replies, "as you plunge just before hitting the ground 'FLY' kicks in and you're saved. Your body hits the ground and only a few of your bones are broken. You survive your plummet from the cliff above."

Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 17 October 2008 - 01:30 PM.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#5 Tietsu

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 02:05 PM

- I've played txt-based games for over a decade, role playing on txt-based IRC servers for ever longer.

- Development is at a crashed hault, I know Elf has been working on the guilds for higher levels, but I don't see the problem in development. I would like to actually mix your #2 and #3 up, because I have ideas that will help development and bring playerbase back to Night Mist.

- I would solve this problem by being more involved in-game as Staff. When the game was flourishing months ago, back around Christmas/Halloween time, players played relentlessly to complete the quests. My plan as game staff would be to develop, impliment and run these proccesses. This may not solve new players from entering the game, but it would for sure keep what we have. (This has been discussed by the playerbase in my clan). Dedication and advertisment would be key to new players, I see a lack of involvment, probably due to reasonable inactivity from Staff.

- This is a tough gesture to make, but I have obtained quite alot of hours on nightmist from exploration and finding out what is possible and what is not possible to be accomplished. Although my accomplishments may not be key for staff position, I better hoped to understand the game and offer my services to my character's clan. If I can show that kind of hard work for half of the playerbase, I can show the rest of the server with no bias.

- Having two kids of my own at the age of 19, I had to mature instantly off-line. I will admit that Night Mist and any other game is a way for me to be immature, but that is from a player's stand point. From my experience as a player, I respect fully what staff do for the game and am willing to show their maturity in return for what they have helped accomplish.

- I hate to toot my own horn, but I am probably one of the best in grammar and spelling, staff or player. I have role played for 5 years, written short stories and I am even in the proccess of working on my 10th chaper in my novel. I have no credentials from school, as I graduated from a community college when I was 16.

- I have no clue about Dungeons and Dragons. I was an Alternity Star*Drive role player, equivalent to that of Dungeons and Dragons, but in a future-based setting. I could name you several races, vehicles, star points and even newly implimented weapons from the past year or two. I keep up with that stuff every so often.

- I use to run a RPG Channel on ChatFIRST.net, I had to script what is known as a 'Bot', which applies settings/story lines/room operations by giving a series of commands. I ran a successful text-based RPG room with many players in many settings; futurisitc and medi-evil. I am completely confident in my imagination and creativity and hope to contribute to Night Mist with a Staff position or not.

- I have been more involved with RPGs in the sense of role playing them in words. I have only owned 4 RPG Books from the Alernity Star*Drive setting. This, I don't imagine would limit my ability to conjure ideas that would develope Night Mist for the better.

- No idea what burning hands are. Not ashamed to admit it either.

- Thinking outside the box? I am an electrician who's primary job is to pass things through 'code'. There are 10's of thousands of ways to make things work in my field of work, which requires innovative ideas to get the job done. I have ran a crew for Basic Electric, building a high-end luxury hotel for business men in the Lowes Motor Speedway area and successfully completed many many many jobs in the past that required alternative ideas. I also do home and business renovations that require accomodation to clients wants and needs.

I am unfamiliar with Dungeons and Dragons. I can not answer this question respectively.

EDIT: I realized this wasn't for a staff position, but I'll keep this here anyway? (lol)

Edited by Tietsu, 17 October 2008 - 03:30 PM.

#6 «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤»

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 02:57 PM

1. Unfortunatly i never had the chance to play D&D. How ever back in grade school me and about 6 of my friends made up our own little version of it. Same concept just everything was made up by use. Was pretty smooth. As for text based games, i do and always have loved them.

2. I'm not frustrated i love playing main. Do i wish you're guiding hand was back over the game, and jlh started coding again... of course. It suits me for now though.

3. I have and would be willing to spend a significant amount of time doing any tasks that where delt to me.

4. I think immaturity and judgement gets the best of me some times, i would like to lie but whats the point. If i believe in some thing strongly i'll stick up for it, that can get me in trouble from time to time.

5. I would say that i do average in the every day spelling department. If it is some thing of importance i always take the time to spell check and proof it.

6. Again I havn't had the priviledge to play D&D. I did take the time to reaserch your monsters though. *Cerebral parasite, Succubus, Yeenoghu, Djinni, Chromatic Dragon, Rakshasa, chain devil (kyton), mithral golem, dust mephit, Digester* I picked monsters that i found interesting. I also realized a lot of nightmist content can be seen in D&D. On a final note some of my choices seem to be fairly old, some are fairly new, and some tend to be inbetween.

7. I posses the ability to come up with great ideas.

8. About the only thing i read is nightmist text. Sorry, it is what it is.

9. A wizard spell. A cone of fire that shoots forward from the user damaging a target or targets in its path. It can be used by verbal means or somatic means. Again some thing i looked up. It's just as good to be resourceful as to have the information on hand.

10. Number ten and number seven are some what the same requirement... To think outside the box, would be to think from a new perspective. Meaning to be creative. The answer is yes by the way.

As for the wishes, I have a question before i answer your three scenarios.

Is the wish a spell such as "burning hands" that when casted yeilds the desired result? Is the rare means to be granted some thing out of the norm? Is it some thing that is asked to a some one or some thing that can be granted and or twisted upon the use of the wish?

If some one wished for the gem I would deny them. If they wished the same wish i would then take the wish and still deny them.

If some one wished for the sword i would give it to them. At the cost of exp. Further more i would configure the sword to only last a certain amount of time. A short time. In turn they would get the sword at the cost of exp which the sword would only help get back the lost exp before it expires.

If some one wished they could fly I would grant the wish. I would put a short distance on the flight, and make it so it could only be used once in a blue moon.

Edited by «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤», 17 October 2008 - 05:55 PM.

I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus, or occasionally pee on yourself. Hang in there you're friggin special!

#7 Gnarkill



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 05:15 PM

Well... as it sits its a pretty boring at work I figure this will kill some time :ph34r:

- Although Nightmist was my first text based game I had ever played, I enjoy it quite a bit and have been here roughly around 6 years(not the most by far and not the least by far). I have a very active imagination and often thought it would be nice to be able to help come up with area ideas for any game.

-Its not that part that frustrates me, its the part that people keep getting chased off from game. I mean sure it would be great for some new quests and areas to pop up but something also needs to be done about new players being harassed and not getting the help they need.

- I have nothing but time at the current moment.. I am mostly online while at work from 11am-6pm tues-thurs, 11-5 fri and 10-3 most saturdays(central usa time). My job doesnt require much so I sit on nm to help me make it through the day and I could log alot more at home if I had a reason to.

- I can be... however as of late I haven't been.. but like Mike said sometimes for people to get it on 1a you need to stoop down to that level once and a while.. I am currently on that level. However, I don't align myself with alot of people on either server gameplay wise. I have my friends but they are few and far between and would understand fairness if they did something wrong and it needed to be handled.

-This I cannot say I am the best at but I can give it a try. My spelling and grammar can be decent some days but my typing can be horrid at times but hey thats what spell check and re-reading what you typed comes in.

- I can't, but I could give you 10 mobs I have thought of or made up in different area suggestions I have posted for this or that i've ran into on nm or rev(when i briefly played) or any other console rpgs or other online non text based games. To google and post a list of D&D monsters would be a lie.. so I'll leave it at that.

- Ive already came up with a few ideas for nm as it sits.. a small low lvl area under the desecrated church named "morbid mosoleum" and a area under the vampire tunnels with enslaved lycans and ranks of a vampire coven called "bloodrun caverns".. and a few other small areas. I use my imagination alot and would like project to use it on instead of just letting it wander ;) I like original things so I would try to be somewhat unique instead of ripping off other games.

- I haven't read any rpg books that I can think of but then again I'm more of a game person that a book person :)

- A wizard spell as Cody stated but I think something named that should infact burn by touch instead of shooting fire..it seems more fitting that a "burning hands" spell would mean u got burnt by the hands and not fire projectiles.. but thats just me.

- I don't believe I ever think inside the box..

"You're a dungeonmaster for a game of D&D. One of the players finds a ring of wish with one charge. What do you give them in response to the following wishes?"

-Give them a Gem worth 500k in its description but make its resell value that of a lesser gem due to still deserving a reward for finding the wish ring but not a wish to get that far ahead in game.

- Give them said sword but if it ignores armor I'd have to give it some stat reductions when equipped -dex and -str so it evens it out with the rest of the weapons or -wis so it makes u mage bait using it.. or make it for low lvl chars only.

- Mike pretty much covered this one.. gg mike.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#8 «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤»

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 05:45 PM

I believe the burning hands is a bit of what you and i said. It's not a projectile that leaves the hands but rather a streaming flame that comes from your hands and gets wider as cones do. So it comes from the hands and stays on the hands, yet leaves the hands in a cone shaped manor.
I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus, or occasionally pee on yourself. Hang in there you're friggin special!

#9 Gnarkill



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 05:49 PM

well that is pretty rad then I had just the feeling by the name that maybe the users hand would glow red hot and touching someone or something to set it ablaze seemed fitting.

oh I thought maybe as a after thought that the sword wish instead of making it equippable why not make it a trophy sword thats a beast and non equipable kind of a collectible rofl. thats just being a jerk though. but meh kinda funny.

Edited by Gnarkill, 17 October 2008 - 05:51 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#10 Crane


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Posted 18 October 2008 - 03:24 AM

I can guess as to why you have asked this question, but let me see if I an answer it.

1) I've always been a loyalist when it comes to Nightmist, 4 years and counting! I love the way that the text-only nature of things plays on one's imagination.

2) I am frustrated that so many faults get ignored or rectified erroneously, and a number of areas under development have been abandoned. A static world quickly becomes stagnant.

3) Tirantek took me 9 months to fully design and implement, so I am willing to contribute quite a bit of hard work. Quick and half-hearted jobs lead to design mistakes and otherwise sub-standard quality.

4) I make a conscious effort to be impartial, professional, honourable and honest. Real-life commitments have taught me to be responsible, sensible, careful and to be someone to look up to.

5) Considering I annoy people on MSN for capitalising the beginning of sentences and ending them with full stops, along with my previous experience with area design and story-writing, I feel that I have a strong knowledge of the structure of the English language. As an extra, I attempt to avoid overusing the same verbs, finding synonyms if possible.

6) Nightmist was my first real introduction to Dungeons & Dragons (well, a derivative work), so unfortunately I cannot name monsters that have come from the original... except perhaps... dragons!

7) I certainly had to be creative in working around the limitations of the Nightmist engine in order to design Tirantek and Castle Darksparrow. As for artistic creativity, I have used a raytracer to make the Crystal Shard pictures (except the Cracked and Bright varieties), and have made complex labyrinths of maps but which have a strong storyline behind them, including plenty of thinly-veiled BDSM references in the subterranean Drow city in Tirantek!

8) I have the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons handbook which I use for a lot of references, although reading it cover-to-cover is no easy feat. I have been reading Lord of the Rings, although have yet to finish it; other actual published works I have not read, but I have read plenty of role-play logs between two or more people, and participated in a share of them myself.

9) Burning hands causes large blisters and plenty of bloodthirsty screaming!

10) As with the limitations of the Nightmist engine again, I have had to think outside of the box and use a few pieces of technical trickery in order to get certain jobs done. Admittedly also, I have had to think outside of the box in order to obtain information about monsters and the like on Nightmist... for example, using /library and testing out names to determine the highest-grade crystal dropped by the Crystal Giant.

The question of the ring...

1) It depends if the value of a gold piece is on par with the Pound Sterling or the Zimbabwean Dollar. However, considering the Ring of Wish itself is most likely rarer (and hence more valuable) than any jewel, I will most likely grant the wish without any catches that bend the truth a little.

2) Mythical swords with such powers certainly exist, but are anything but common; if a player character wished for one, I would most likely grant one that only works under, say, a Full Moon. It has to get its energy from somewhere. And of course, it can go through armour and flesh like butter, but it may have trouble against other enchanted weapons.

3) I'll give them wings to fly and then let them work out how best to build up their chest muscles in order to use them!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#11 Tietsu

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 03:58 AM

Pfft, I'd step down for Crane.

#12 Ill never tell

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 04:25 AM

Pfft, I'd step down for Crane.

I think we all would.

#13 Walt

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 01:55 PM

The only interactive game I have played has been NM. I have tried a few others, but NM has always been the one I come back to.

The only thing I am frustrated about is the leveling system. I only play the 1A realm, and there are so many things yet to be defeated over here without me wanting any new areas to be implemented. What I am frustrated about is the lack of teamwork within the realm, and imo, that has been its downfall.

Total Game Time: 111 days, 7h14 Enough said?

Here is where my human shows. I try to live peacefully with other players, yet at the same time, I tend to stick my foot in my mouth at other times. Most times I can be like a duck and that water comparison, but there are a few select button people can push that will make me be a "cyber thug." Dr. Phil is trying to work with me on this, but I threaten to put his head on my pike more often then I should.

Eye be da one whos gonna be do bestest grammer nAtzI on game in like foureva.

I have never played D&D and will not even go and perpatrate like I can name 10, or even all of the monsters. Sure I could have googled it, but then why lie?

I have dabbled with ideas on the forum to try to better the game, but nothing close to what other players have come up with.

I have never read any RPG books.

Burning hands are what I get when my wife doesn't put out for a few weeks.

This said box has been in my pocket ever since I have gotten out of it. From fun to work, to parenting, I have always gone against traditional ways and tried things I thought would work best. Moose that gd p.o.s. box.

The gem would be granted, but I would place them and said gem in peril. They would be taken to the worst area imaginable, with no help from any friends, and forced to fight thier way back to the town that the gem can be sold. If they can survive, then the gem, and any rewards from the sale of the gem is thiers.

If you have ever watched Pokémon, you know that when James chooses Wobbuffet it always first stikes James. This sword would do the same thing to the holder of the sword.

I would grant this wish and the only time it would be used is when someone named Will is playing the game. Then and only then would they be able to fly, and they could only fly at, or towards Will. When they get to Will, I hope Will kicks thier ass too, for being gay and always invading his personal space.

On a personal note, Simon, Devotchka said your last 4 child support checks bounced, and we need your updated address so you can be served for a new support date. Deadbeat dad?
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#14 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 02:21 PM

Burning hands are what I get when my wife doesn't put out for a few weeks.

I would grant this wish and the only time it would be used is when someone named Will is playing the game. Then and only then would they be able to fly, and they could only fly at, or towards Will. When they get to Will, I hope Will kicks thier ass too, for being gay and always invading his personal space.

On a personal note, Simon, Devotchka said your last 4 child support checks bounced, and we need your updated address so you can be served for a new support date. Deadbeat dad?

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#15 Lethal_Dose

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 03:51 PM

Walt, I think you been dropped on your head one too many times as a baby LoL.
Just 1 shot to say goodbye
1 last taste to mourn & cry
Scores & shoots, the lights go dim
Just 1 shot to do him in

#16 Ascer

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 03:59 PM

- Know what burning hands does

As you said "does" and not "do" I am guessing "Burning Hands" must be a spell of some sort. Unless the aim is to hurt yourself by literally burning your own hands then it is probably an offensive fire-type spell. That's the part that I figured out by myself and here's the part that I didn't: it may cause a "cone of searing flames" to "shoot from your fingertips".

Borrowed ideas for "Shock" on Nightmist much?

- They wish for a rare gem worth 500,000 gold pieces.
I give them "Hendrix's First Burnt Guitar".
Think in dollars and read this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7597220.stm

- They wish for a magic sword that when used in combat cuts through armor and flesh like butter.
I haven't played D&D much so I'll answer in Nightmist terms..

I give them a "Rubber Knife" with the "magical" stat set to "yes". When they complain I point out that they wanted a weapon that is capable of cutting through armour and flesh that is similar to butter and recommend that they are more careful with their choice of words in the future.

- They wish they can fly at will.
I take it by "fly" they mean "move quickly" so I grant them permission to do so and, if it's not too much effort, give them a certificate.

Edited by Ascer, 18 October 2008 - 04:00 PM.

#17 Isolated

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 10:58 PM

only person who seems decent on here for a staff thingy is crane...
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#18 Pandilex



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Posted 19 October 2008 - 12:02 AM

On a personal note, Simon, Devotchka said your last 4 child support checks bounced, and we need your updated address so you can be served for a new support date. Deadbeat dad?

Be careful what you wish for...;D

Borrowed ideas for "Shock" on Nightmist much?

In the original Nightmist, all of the spells were D&D spells. We renamed them.

Some good answers so far.
If you build it, they will come.

#19 Lethal_Dose

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 02:28 AM

Be careful what you wish for...;D

Exactly why I did my wishes the way I did, I have dealt with alot of DM's in my younger days & that is exactly how they think :ph34r:

For those of you who don't know what a DM is: Dungeon Master

Edited by Lethal_Dose, 19 October 2008 - 02:30 AM.

Just 1 shot to say goodbye
1 last taste to mourn & cry
Scores & shoots, the lights go dim
Just 1 shot to do him in

#20 Hustle

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:24 AM

honestly i dont think i have ever even seen anyone play D&D but i just wanted to answer the questions about the wish

Well if you wished for a gem worth that much money, i would make it so that it was just a rock that you was convenced was worth that much lol haha try selling a rock be slinging that

and if you wanted to fly i'd sell you a dime

and if you wanted a sword to cut threw flesh and armor like butter, than i would give you a huge butter knife that was extremely heavy

#21 JadedSoul

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 01:42 AM


I got excited thinking Nightmist was going to get some help only to find out today that the postion being filled is for Opal Spheres :ph34r:

moose Opal Spheres. Folks have invested years of their lives in Nightmist. We have stated time and time again our willingness to pay for this game. Fix this one peez.
I am whoever you think I am.

#22 jurian


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Posted 20 October 2008 - 05:33 AM

edit: ignore missed the post before me :ph34r:

Edited by jurian, 20 October 2008 - 05:35 AM.

Even in death my hate will go on

#23 Isolated

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 09:00 PM


I got excited thinking Nightmist was going to get some help only to find out today that the postion being filled is for Opal Spheres :ph34r:

moose Opal Spheres. Folks have invested years of their lives in Nightmist. We have stated time and time again our willingness to pay for this game. Fix this one peez.

f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#24 jurian


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Posted 21 October 2008 - 06:10 AM


I got excited thinking Nightmist was going to get some help only to find out today that the postion being filled is for Opal Spheres ;)

moose Opal Spheres. Folks have invested years of their lives in Nightmist. We have stated time and time again our willingness to pay for this game. Fix this one peez.

this one can't be fixed. let it die and everybody restart properly with opal spheres :ph34r:
Even in death my hate will go on

#25 Piggy

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 12:27 PM

Well Pandilex been asking me to post here for a while, so here it goes:

"Enthusiastic about text based game"
Well all I play is text based games, I've seen loads been made, inputted lots of comments and seen a few die due to many reasons. I'm enthusiastic about text based games because their so simple yet can be indepth. Just by using words you can use your imagination to paint a picture, everyones picture is different and makes it all unique.

"Frustrated that Nightmist development has pretty much halted"
From my experience, this is the start of a fall of a game. No updates are put in, people get bored of the current features and stop playing. Nightmist is a good game, if the time and effort is put in, Nightmist can get better and more popular. This makes me frustrated.

"Eager to contribute hours of hard work"
I'm always online in my free time, talking or being bored. If I had a project I would put time into it, I would. It would keep me interested and would expand my knowledge of games and IT problems.

"Is mature and sensible"
Well I believe I am, but surely everyone is when they need to be?

"Has a reasonable grasp of grammar and spelling"
Well if anyone talks to me, they know I dont like all the slang text. I admit I'm not the best speller in the world, but if it matters I find out the correct spelling and get it right.

"Can name 10 D&D monsters off the top of their head"
Dragon, Wraith, Hydra, Chimera, Troll, Minotaur, Orc, Dwarves, Efreet, Cockatrice

"Has creativity and cunning in coming up with fantastic ideas and designs"
Well I have, but I dont know how to show this. I do have suggestions that I've posted.

"Has read too many rpg related books to count"
I havn't really read books, but I've read texts online which I suppose counts.

"Know what burning hands does"
Fire magic that emits cones of fire towards the enemy.

"Can think outside the box"
Ofcourse I can, always thinking of new ways to do stuff thats not normal.

"They wish for a rare gem worth 500,000 gold pieces"
Totally dependent on the games economy. If 500k is like 10x more than the current gold, then no as this is WAY overpowered. If this is the case, come to a mutal compromise that wont greatly impact the game.
Otherwise, if it isn't a problem, allow it, the ring is there for a reason and this reason must be honoured.

"They wish for a magic sword that when used in combat cuts through armor and flesh like butter"
Again, dependent on the situation. Altho if this is allowed, the sword should have a negative ability to it to even it out. For example, it lowers the users health by 70%.

"They wish they can fly at will"
Maybe put this in as a magic spell? That uses mana/magic when used, and again put some kind of drawback onto it so it isn't that overpowered.

Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#26 Redheart

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 08:53 PM

I love Walt's post so much I read it like three times and laughed so hard :ph34r:
" For lunch we can have cupcakes until our little fairy tummies are content. We can all stay up to watch the sunset, then go to sleep in our little fairy beds.”

#27 JadedSoul

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Posted 28 October 2008 - 09:49 PM

For those of you who don't know what a DM is: Dungeon Master

Why is it then that Manda keeps saying DM is your nickname? Dirty Mexican :ph34r:
I am whoever you think I am.

#28 Lethal_Dose

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Posted 29 October 2008 - 05:18 AM

Just 1 shot to say goodbye
1 last taste to mourn & cry
Scores & shoots, the lights go dim
Just 1 shot to do him in

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