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Member Since 29 Apr 2004
Offline Last Active May 02 2005 12:51 PM

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In Topic: A Real Vampire Roleplay

20 December 2004 - 03:38 PM

Erato had remanied crouhed low for some time watching the others, she was still causious around the female vampire and hoped to stay out of her way for a while. As she crouched there she became aware of two people she had not noticed before and did not know how long they had sat there.
One of them was definatly a mortal they sat at one of the old wooden talbles with a bored vacant expression on their face. erato new they hadn't been there long as any mortal without a death wish would have bolted out that door around the time tryston had been attacked.
The other she couldn't quite make out they were hidden in the shadows making no movement or sound she wondered why they were both here, maybe waiting for the right moment to escape, but what ever there reason she decided not to make there presence known until they were ready.

They had all been in here for some time now, and nothing had happened with the piece of parchment maybe it was a trick, but she realised there would be no motive for something like this. she started to wonder if she should just get out of here before styx's reconises her or worst she is killed. She stood up and turned towards the inn door. Trystons mutilated body lay in a puddle of blood she hope he died she didn't want another vampire to worry about, she turned away heartlessly. To leave a dying man was agaisn't everythig she worked for since she was bitten but she knew there was no other way.
she moved carefully towards the door, glancing back her eyes flickerd over the parchment that had drawn her intrest earlier, how could she leave her one chance to find out about her self and maybe find a way to help her. She had to stay, but wait!!! what if it is a trick what if someone is after her maybe her mother had sent styx's to get her. Erato's heart began to race as paranoia set in, her head began to spin. A burst of energy sent her racing out the door she turned west down a small dark alley and didn't stop until she came to a drain leading down to the sewer, she saw many people crowded around it so headed in the opposite direction she was so afraid of being caught she forgot that the vary vampire she feared the most Tahmores was out there somewhere maybe even close by..

In Topic: A Real Vampire Roleplay

12 July 2004 - 05:16 PM

Erato stood in shock over the resent events. The creature Thamores, she had feared with every inch of her now seem almost weak and vaunarable although she still wouldn't want to get in the way of his dark side. she nodded to styx as she hurried out the door. Erra longed to follow but knew it was best for her to stay put until styx returned.

Erato noticed Tryston lying lifeless, "whats going to happen to him?" she muttered quietly to the femle vampire, hoping she wouldn't remember her earlier outburst of reckless courage. she walked causiously over to her, remembering to put her staff away as not to threaten her in any way. "well, is he going to be like you?" Erato knelt down as close to them as she dared and waited for the creature to reply

In Topic: A Real Vampire Roleplay

05 July 2004 - 03:09 PM

Erra stared in horror as thamores surged towards the newest stranger in the inn. she knew a blood bath was likley to ensue. she decided, to withdraw her 'bronze staff', incase she needed to defend herself. she looked down on her armour, and smiled fondly at her 'shroud of awe' given to her, by her mothers clan when she left. As she smiled though she realised these weapons will not help her against these powerful foes, she knew her best option was to stay behind styx, and hope it all blows over before anyone notices her with her weapon drawn. "styx, what do we do im frightened" erato whispered in the womans ear, as she hung behind her...

In Topic: A Real Vampire Roleplay

27 June 2004 - 09:41 AM

Erato felt a wave of relief wash over as tahmores threw her aside, she could still feel the imprints of his violent grip. she was greatful to styx as she caught her where she fell. when she heard the woman ask if Erra was ok she wondered at first who she was talking to, when a slight feeling invaded her chest. Erato reconised that name, it was her. memories began to flood back of her mother she remebered this was her nickname when she had been a small child how did this woman know.

in that instant Erato decided to stick with this woman as much as she could to learn more, she also knew she was a no risk to the vampires present in this room as the did not view her as much more than a pest, she did not think she would make a very good meal anyway as most of her veins ran cold.

"im fine thank you, but what are going to do about them they are going to kill him" she watch as the graceful woman stood up, styx looked powerful but strangly serene. Erra listened as styx made her plee, praying her words would have more of an effect than her own.

As she sat on the cold floor, she noticed a muffled crying sound echoing slowly round the room. someone else in here was horrified by these monsters. she tried to see where it was coming from, when the parchment she longed to read came in to her line of sight. she thought this was her best chance to read it un noticed. "be right back" she muttered quietly to styx, as stood up and walked over to the parchment.
as her eyes traced the words she realised this was the awnswer to her prayers she took a quill out of her pocket and began to write

To find the light i have been searching for - ERRA

In Topic: A Real Vampire Roleplay

23 June 2004 - 05:51 PM

In a flash Erato regretted her words, she felt Tahmores brute strength tearing down on her shoulders his agressive touch only to familar. but a strange new feeling occured she was able to withstand his might, her own strength grew she knew in her heart she was no match for this vampire, but i new thought filled her head she was no match for him now but she was just beggining to enjoy this strenth a little to much, she felt powerfull for the first time. "well not magic but i have killed a vampire or two in my time" Erato did not know where that had come from almost as soon as the lie left her mouth she regretted it, she knew her age would give her away and the fact that dispite her confidence something about this vampire had her shaking uncontrollably.
she also realised she had just threatened a room full of vampire's and all she could do some stupid tricks to heal people. she closed her eyes and hung her head she couldn't releve herself of his grasp, she knew she was in big trouble now..